Trump announces he has COVID 19

I hope Biden didn't catch it during the limited time the two were together on stage. We don't know that yet, though. Originally Posted by SecretE
Covid is the least of Biden's worries.
lustylad's Avatar
Just add 1 plus 1. Remember CV19 is a lot more contagious than seasonal flu. There aren't that many people in Trump's traveling party. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Is that why you're paying child support to the hooker who said you had to be the daddy because "there aren't that many people who fucked me"?

As far as pregency tests goes, I don't know what Springer uses. If the HCG in a woman's blood is elevated, then she is pregnant. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Wow, you're even dumber than I thought possible! We're talking about a DNA match, not a $5 kit you buy at CVS.
And you don’t believe anything.

HANASHAHAHAHAHAHDHEEJSHEHA! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's not that I don't believe in anything. I just question everything that comes from Politics and the Media. They've lied to us before and they'll lie to us again. Besides you Liberals keep saying Trump is a liar. Could he be lying about having covid for political reason?
Biden will need proof of the positive test. Trump could be faking for the sympathy vote AND to keep HIM out of the debates. ALSO- should he die or fake his death Mike Pence will become President.
>. not to mention all his other acts of racism, fascism, white >supremacism and all the other isms...

I have to laugh at all of these self proclaimed righteous assholes like this who condemn DJT over lies which they believe while give a pass to Creepy Joe who fondles little girls, Praises people like KKK Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd, whom he called a "mentor" just 10 years ago. So FUCK OFF with your claims of DJT's racism or any other 'ism' you clowns spout out about because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.

— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944
  • oeb11
  • 10-02-2020, 04:09 PM
Lustylady boy, Trump went for another test when it was announced that Hope Hicks tested positive a couple of days ago. Just add 1 plus 1. Remember CV19 is a lot more contagious than seasonal flu. There aren't that many people in Trump's traveling party. There aren't that many people in Trump's traveling party that have been diagnosed recently. The incubation period is not that long, he did not get it at the rally in Okla, where Herm (9,9,9) Cain caught it.

As far as pregency tests goes, I don't know what Springer uses. If the HCG in a woman's blood is elevated, then she is pregnant. Just ask any of your doctor friends, if you have any. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Here We go Again - 'a' thinks it is a physician - and a little knowledge can be dangerous - particularly for 'a'!
Poster could not learn the lesson that a 'temperature' is "NOT DIAGNOSTIC" of wuhan virus!

Proximity to an infected individual does NOT mean Trump caught the wuhan virus from that individual. Wuhan virus is easily transmissible - like Influenza A - and it is currently impossible to verify the source of infection in any One CASE. The statement that Trump caught the Wuhan virus from Hope hicks is a possible, but unproven and unprovable hypothesis ONLY!

BTW - it is 'pregnancy" - and that is not the only cause for elevated HCG hormone in a woman. Typical of deluded DPST's to put forth 'Jerry Springer" as a medical authority.
Springer has had an interesting career - and was mayor of Cincinnati and earned a law degree. No medical degree!!!

Differential diagnosis (aka "medical practice 101") Case Reports in OB-GYN

Although gynaecological malignancies are a common reason for elevated serum hCG in nonpregnant women, it has also been described as paraneoplastic syndrome in other nongynaecological malignancies including cancers of the bladder, kidney, prostate, GI-tract, breast, and lung [10].
Another potential origin of hCG production which is sometimes overlooked due to the common focus on ectopic pregnancy or an underlying malignancy is the pituitary gland in peri- or postmenopausal women [15]. The exact mechanism of hCG production in the gonadotropic cells of peri- or postmenopausal women or after bilateral oophorectomy is unknown. The most likely explanation is the reduction of ovarian steroid hormone synthesis that releases the negative feedback control of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Under this overstimulation, the pituitary may secrete hCG [5].

I realize the 'a' reaction is likely to be 'splody head" and continual, unrelenting insistence on the 'Rightness" of the cause . Not sorry about using the forbidden word 'right' to the lefties.

It really is amazing how the Leftiest racist, DPST's push their totally unsupported BS as factual information to others - when it is obvious from a cursory verification search how wrong they are - always!
'a' is not competent nor trained to comprehend the reference from medical literature on differential diagnosis above. Maybe 'a will choose to attend Mexican medical school in an effort to bolster its' credibility!
Physician 'friends' - 'a' - good luck with that in your case.

lustylad's Avatar
Far be it from me to spread wild conspiracy theories.... BUT....

Given how relentlessly the DEEP STATE:

1) spied on the Trump campaign in 2016, and 2) tried to force him out of office via the phony Russian collusion probe followed by the bogus impeachment, both unsuccessful...

...does it really sound all that far-fetched to suggest they could have enlisted a secret service agent or a white house maid to smear covid all over Donald and Melania's pillows?

The timing is perfect - knock him out of the campaign in its last month!
Lapdog's Avatar
Far be it from me to spread wild conspiracy theories.... BUT....

Given how relentlessly the DEEP STATE:

1) spied on the Trump campaign in 2016, and 2) tried to force him out of office via the phony Russian collusion probe followed by the bogus impeachment, both unsuccessful...

...does it really sound all that far-fetched to suggest they could have enlisted a secret service agent or a white house maid to smear covid all over Donald and Melania's pillows?

The timing is perfect - knock him out of the campaign in its last month! Originally Posted by lustylad

In your dreams, Goober. Geez, you whackos will believe ANYTHING!
  • oeb11
  • 10-02-2020, 04:27 PM
White house staff serves regardless of the party of 'teh' POTUS - and often long careers.

IMHO - unlikely.

far more likely some DPST nutcase arranged for Trump's exposure on 'teh' campaign trail.

Pelosi - see if her makeup cracks under interrogation!
lustylad's Avatar
In your dreams, Goober. Geez, you whackos will believe ANYTHING! Originally Posted by Lapdog
Read it again, Gomer. It's the behavior of the unhinged, hysterical left over the past 4 years that makes it believable! You fuckers will stop at nothing to regain power!
Lapdog's Avatar
Trump got the virus because.....SCIENCE! He exposed himself over and over needlessly and got the virus. No fucking idiotic conspiracy, just SCIENCE!
  • oeb11
  • 10-02-2020, 04:32 PM
LL -'Read it again, Gomer. It's the behavior of the unhinged, hysterical left over the past 4 years that makes it believable! "

i cannot improve on 'teh' post.
Lapdog's Avatar
Teh sky is falling!
  • oeb11
  • 10-02-2020, 04:38 PM
from 'teh' 'puppy brigade ' -" Looks like the son of a bitch got what he deserves. How many people's lives did He put at risk with his Rallies??? "

Truly depraved DPST's consumed with hatred and TDS.
such a waste of lives!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who are you to slander and attack others in every nonsensical, hysterical post you author?

Why are you not banned, Proud Boy of ECCIE?

Your leader is being hospitalized because of a hoax of his own making. And you support the idiot. What does they say about you?

Cogent and constructive. Not ad hominem attacks every post.

Back off, bub.