Do working girls care about looks of their clients?

The Queen Sophie's Avatar a nut shell

Do we care? Some do. Some dont.
Would we like them to be on the attractive, hot bod end of the spectrum? I mean, who the fuck wouldn't �� but are they? NO. Not one person in this world is ugly. There is an attractiveness in the eyes of each individual person on this planet. What I find attractive, you may see an Olive Oil instead. No biggie.
Do some girls require someone fit, hot and and good in bed? Some do. Some dont. End of debate.

Now...if a client comes out and literally asks me " do you think I'm attractive?" Or asks me to tell him that during our session, I'll just tell him if that's what you want from me... go watch a fake ass porn or hit a strip club. I'm here to fuck you, not tell you tell you what you already know...

I can't stand someone who fishes for a compliment...

OK. Off my soapbox. Carry on...
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Save your advise on what paying clients expect when spending generous $, these type of hookers don't care and are unable to comprehend. Originally Posted by BLM69
Copy that.

You would think that these ladies have been around long enough to know how to play the game. But, what sites like these (especially OH2) have taught the ladies is that whenever their service is not up to par and the client decides to write about his experience, she can deny. Then, not only will providers and white knights defend her, but also the site staff, especially if she is a provider who has been around for a bit, will also come to her aid.

Even BustyGina said it herself, "I let him tell me what he likes and take it from there" then she says that she's not going to do anything that she's not comfortable with. It is not written anywhere that I've said nor have I asked that I would like a provider to shove a bowling pin up her ass while I watched, and from what I do have as my wants and desires from a session that I pay for, I do not believe that anything I like is uncomfortable for any lady. Hence, the number of Provider okays I have on p411 as well as the number of regular ladies that I see currently.

And speaking as a client, if I get the impression that a provider is treating me as if all I am to her is a wallet or next on the assembly line, then that will be the last time I see her for a session. And that includes the ones who are there physically, but mentally checked out, closing her eyes just to open them to see how much time is left on the clock, so that I can get off and hurry up and leave so she can get back to watching her movie she was watching or the ones that say to please hurry up and cum because her boyfriend is coming to take her out to dinner. Which I am ashamed to say I have had many of those types of experiences.

I do not fish for compliments because I don't feel I need to. I am paying for an experience, which believe it or not, does include ego stroking and personal affirmations. It is called customer service, some have it, some do not. The ladies who do, get the repeat clients, the ones that do not, depend upon one time visits and if a guy has any type of structured methodology and the proper intel on a provider to not see her before he has to gives up his money, all the better. End of debate.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 04-23-2023, 11:16 AM
When I pay a person to provide a service such as; an upscale salon doing body waxing, skin care, full body massages etc....never expected them to blatantly fib to my face with compliments.
Doing their job is good enough for me in a safe, clean, place.

I would feel awkward if someone was deliberately lying & it would come across as cringe worthy. Overkill is obviously fake.
They don't have to talk to me, I rather they didn't & let me relax while they do their job.
Yes, men work at upscale salons & I don't judge by their looks.
But, you do have customers that act like drill sergeants that have control issues & use every little excuse to complain when it comes to paying (any) amount of money.
The Queen Sophie's Avatar
Copy that.

You would think that these ladies have been around long enough to know how to play the game. But, what sites like these (especially OH2) have taught the ladies is that whenever their service is not up to par and the client decides to write about his experience, she can deny. Then, not only will providers and white knights defend her, but also the site staff, especially if she is a provider who has been around for a bit, will also come to her aid.

Even BustyGina said it herself, "I let him tell me what he likes and take it from there" then she says that she's not going to do anything that she's not comfortable with. It is not written anywhere that I've said nor have I asked that I would like a provider to shove a bowling pin up her ass while I watched, and from what I do have as my wants and desires from a session that I pay for, I do not believe that anything I like is uncomfortable for any lady. Hence, the number of Provider okays I have on p411 as well as the number of regular ladies that I see currently.

And speaking as a client, if I get the impression that a provider is treating me as if all I am to her is a wallet or next on the assembly line, then that will be the last time I see her for a session. And that includes the ones who are there physically, but mentally checked out, closing her eyes just to open them to see how much time is left on the clock, so that I can get off and hurry up and leave so she can get back to watching her movie she was watching or the ones that say to please hurry up and cum because her boyfriend is coming to take her out to dinner. Which I am ashamed to say I have had many of those types of experiences.
I do not fish for compliments because I don't feel I need to. I am paying for an experience, which believe it or not, does include ego stroking and personal affirmations. It is called customer service, some have it, some do not. The ladies who do, get the repeat clients, the ones that do not, depend upon one time visits and if a guy has any type of structured methodology and the proper intel on a provider to not see her before he has to gives up his money, all the better. End of debate. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote

Huh??? You totally lost me on this Who said anything about a provider dnying a review, white knights or OH2??? 🤔 That has totally nothing to do with the original question, so, yeah,..??

And I never said YOU fished for compliments..I was just saying that in general. Wasn't directed toward anyone.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
When I pay a person to provide a service such as; an upscale salon doing body waxing, skin care, full body massages etc....never expected them to blatantly fib to my face with compliments.
Doing their job is good enough for me in a safe, clean, place.

I would feel awkward if someone was deliberately lying & it would come across as cringe worthy. Overkill is obviously fake.
They don't have to talk to me, I rather they didn't & let me relax while they do their job.
Yes, men work at upscale salons & I don't judge by their looks.
But, you do have customers that act like drill sergeants that have control issues & use every little excuse to complain when it comes to paying (any) amount of money. Originally Posted by Busty
Curious, what is your idea of service whenever it comes to being a provider?

Are you saying that all you have to do is go to the motions and lay there catatonic and if the client gets his nut then you did your full job you are getting paid for?
Bald Bryan's Avatar

I was just saying that in general. Wasn't directed toward anyone. Originally Posted by The Queen Sophie
Some people just have to make everything about themselves. I can never tell if this is because they actually think that they're that important or if they're just too dense to know how the internet works
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Huh??? You totally lost me on this Who said anything about a provider dnying a review, white knights or OH2??? �� That has totally nothing to do with the original question, so, yeah,..??

And I never said YOU fished for compliments..I was just saying that in general. Wasn't directed toward anyone. Originally Posted by The Queen Sophie
I guess you have been living under a rock. Providers deny negative reviews all the time. I do not make threads about me, I have haters who incidentally have posted in this thread, who do that for me.

As I said, I do not think providers care about looks, they do care about how much money you have and if you can pass their screening, then of course, after you meet in person, your personal hygiene and respecting her time and person.

Also as I have said, a hobbyist will see just about any provider, but will be a repeat client to the ladies who provide excellent customer service and that service is what they deem it to be. And I can guarantee you that no guy wants a provider who treats him like he's a wallet, she is doing him a favor by taking his money, go through the motions physically but checked out mentally or lay catatonic while he gets his nut. And for those providers who have been around forever, if your service was that good, then you would have regular clientele that would have you booked up everyday for three plus months out to where you do not have time to troll others on a SHMB.
corona's Avatar
Ok-- I'll be on the opposing side. I do not care about physical appearance. Age, race, etc-- is pretty much immaterial to me.

However, attitude and how one presents themselves via email/text/chat is a huge factor. If how you present yourself tells me that we might not get along well-- I'll decline rather than waste your time. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
This is why you and I bang like rabbits!! Usually stopping to laugh half or make jokes half way through.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-24-2023, 07:21 PM
This is why you and I bang like rabbits!! Usually stopping to laugh half or make jokes half way through. Originally Posted by corona
GP gets it
Grace Preston's Avatar
Sex is supposed to be fun. Some people try way too hard to make it more like a checklist and less like a good time. If I cannot laugh with you at least at some point during our session-- odds are we just aren't compatible-- and that's ok. I still make it a point to make sure you feel like you got your money's worth-- even if I know you aren't going to become a regular.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 04-25-2023, 09:28 PM
^what she say
TinMan's Avatar
Sex is supposed to be fun. Some people try way too hard to make it more like a checklist and less like a good time. If I cannot laugh with you at least at some point during our session-- odds are we just aren't compatible-- and that's ok. I still make it a point to make sure you feel like you got your money's worth-- even if I know you aren't going to become a regular. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
This is why I have a hard time when a new lady asks me, “what do you like?”

Well, I like for things to develop organically. I like to not know exactly what is happening next. I like pleasant surprises (no, that’s not code for any specific sex act).

I’ve started gravitating back to FBSM providers. Conversation, teasing, no expectations beyond the “happy ending”. It’s taking me back to my early hobby days, when all of this was so exciting and new.

I’m also becoming less interested in physical perfection, and more interested in a lady that exudes sexuality/sensuality. These ladies also seem to care less that they are servicing a guy who is past his physical peak, and are able to find what can make anyone attractive to the opposite sex.

Like Grace says, this is supposed to be fun. If you’re more than occasionally disappointed (I think true for the women, too) you either need to change your approach or quit the game entirely.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Sex is supposed to be fun. Some people try way too hard to make it more like a checklist and less like a good time. If I cannot laugh with you at least at some point during our session-- odds are we just aren't compatible-- and that's ok. I still make it a point to make sure you feel like you got your money's worth-- even if I know you aren't going to become a regular. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
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