MIT climatologist says global warming believers are a cult

rioseco's Avatar
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon released a report Monday asserting decisively that climate change poses an immediate threat to national security, with increased risks from terrorism, infectious disease, global poverty and food shortages. It also predicted rising demand for military disaster responses as extreme weather creates more global humanitarian crises. Originally Posted by WTF
Bought and paid for "Pentagon Puppets"
It is winter idiot. The Totten glacier is melting at a alarming rate it is summer there.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-26-2015, 07:02 AM
"What about the Defense Department saying GW is a threat? Is that good enough for you?"

Nothing like "yes men" defending this Nation.

BTW was the statement a unanimous chorus by the DOD or

.... some poor souls hoping to keep their jobs in the face of Executive Orders? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Are you saying the Defense Department is made up of nothing but Yes Men that will do anything to save their job?

That sounds kinda like what some have said about the Intelligence community when Bush was looking for reasons to go to War with Iraq. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Bought and paid for "Pentagon Puppets" Originally Posted by rioseco
Were these same puppets in the Intelligence community before the run up to the Iraq War?
LexusLover's Avatar
It is winter ..... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That pesky Earth axis. If it would only remain ..... static.

When solid sphere is heated, doesn't it expand?

"Expansionists also fail to appreciate that the pattern of mid-ocean ridges and magnetic striping on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean is incompatible with planetary expansion."
Alarmists shriek that 2014 was the warmest year ever! But that claim is absurd if put in the context of the Earth’s recent history. It actually was one of the coldest.
LexusLover's Avatar
Are you saying the Defense Department is made up of nothing but Yes Men that will do anything to save their job? Originally Posted by WTF

Psssst. I made it big so you would understand it better.
That pesky Earth axis. If it would only remain ..... static.

When solid sphere is heated, doesn't it expand?

"Expansionists also fail to appreciate that the pattern of mid-ocean ridges and magnetic striping on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean is incompatible with planetary expansion." Originally Posted by LexusLover
Whoosh duck LL.
LexusLover's Avatar
The Totten glacier is melting at a alarming rate it is summer there. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Not all NASA scientists are "global warming whores"!

"Blowing in the wind

The researchers found that changes in icy Antarctic wind patterns might be partially responsible for Totten's rapid thinning.

Khazendar says normally, during the winter months, cold winds blow openings in the sea ice around Totten glacier. Khazendar says these openings expose the ocean water to the freezing air.

"Which means that the ocean will continue losing heat to the atmosphere."

This allows those icy winds to cool off the normally warmer ocean water. That frigid water then sinks to the base of the glacier, creating pockets of near freezing water that keep things from melting too fast."

Sounds like YOUR BOSS has been making too many trips to the Antarctic.

All this hot air is damaging the Totten Glacier.

(Note: Those other glaciers in the vicinity are not melting like the Totten!!!)

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-26-2015, 07:42 AM

Psssst. I made it big so you would understand it better. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Can you tell me the % of yes men in the Pentagon. You did say there were yes men in the Pentagon. How many are there? Why haven't the non yes men resigned over this....are they to closet yes men because they will not take a stand?
Not all NASA scientists are "global warming whores"!

"Blowing in the wind

The researchers found that changes in icy Antarctic wind patterns might be partially responsible for Totten's rapid thinning.

Khazendar says normally, during the winter months, cold winds blow openings in the sea ice around Totten glacier. Khazendar says these openings expose the ocean water to the freezing air.

"Which means that the ocean will continue losing heat to the atmosphere."

This allows those icy winds to cool off the normally warmer ocean water. That frigid water then sinks to the base of the glacier, creating pockets of near freezing water that keep things from melting too fast."

Sounds like YOUR BOSS has been making too many trips to the Antarctic.

All this hot air is damaging the Totten Glacier.

(Note: Those other glaciers in the vicinity are not melting like the Totten!!!)

Next topic is "UPLIFT" OF THE CRUST FROM LIQUID CORE. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LMAO sounds like your boss is blowing smoke up your ass. The first sentence is correct it has been established for some time now. Stick with the warm wind.
LexusLover's Avatar
LMAO sounds like your boss is blowing smoke up your ass. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Talking to yourself is a sign of problems.

You're one buying into "GLOBAL WARMING"! Does Gruber believe in it also?

Just saw a chart of the worst snow storms in the N.E. .... ABOVE 20 INCHES.

2006 and 2010, now 2015. 1996. THEN 1947

First thing you know it, then place is going to be a hot house!!!!!

At least until this time in January 2017!
LexusLover's Avatar
Can you tell me the % of yes men in the Pentagon. Originally Posted by WTF
Tell me how many "men" in the Pentagon said ....

"climate change poses an immediate threat to national security..."

Then I will.
Talking to yourself is a sign of problems.

You're one buying into "GLOBAL WARMING"! Does Gruber believe in it also?

Just saw a chart of the worst snow storms in the N.E. .... ABOVE 20 INCHES.

2006 and 2010, now 2015. 1996. THEN 1947

First thing you know it, then place is going to be a hot house!!!!!

At least until this time in January 2017! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Looks like denial is a river in Texas LL. Anyone who has their head buried in the snow is not aware of climate change. It has been going on since long before humans were here and will continue long after they are gone. As far as Gruber is concerned you are a pupil of his. So don't ask me.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
And the Pentagon decided to reduce the size and scope of our military without any help from the White House. Face it, we have some pretty stupid libs posting on this site sometimes.
rioseco's Avatar
It is winter idiot. The Totten glacier is melting at a alarming rate it is summer there. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
And the Anartic ice sheet is growing. STUPID !