Why do we Play the way we do? Independent Providers vs Agency Girls vs Dancers that P4P vs Civiliains that P4P vs Sugarbabies

KosherCowboy's Avatar

Just konsider it a glory-ious day
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 03-09-2010, 08:01 AM
... I hope their tits fall off! (or droop to their waist). Originally Posted by ezman

Say what you will, but that last part would probably make for some AWESOME titty-fucking.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 03-09-2010, 08:03 AM

Just konsider it a glory-ious day Originally Posted by KosherCowboy
Well, I guess that says a hole lot.
What would be the point, down41? Let's say I call out "SuzySexKitten" (a fictitious provider!) for not providing references, or giving inaccurate references to a lady. Within minutes of me posting that, there would be a slew of guys (and girls) coming to Suzy's defense and it immediately becomes he says/she says. Even if I posted that in the "Men's Lounge", the same thing would happen, because "SuzySexKitten" has a set of guys who adore her, and would be all over it.
work! Originally Posted by ztonk
Exactly! I went ahead and took the day off and just got back from Randall's with snacks, drinks, and a pee jar to keep with me by the computer so I don't have to walk away when the fun starts.

Actually, it's just that I always feel a little clueless and want to know exactly what's going on. I have a pretty good idea but then it occurred to me that it could be something else. Here comes a PM.
Whispers's Avatar
I agree guys.... It is a glory-ious day....
Eventually a hole lot more will make it out.
Providers have their day perhaps we need a new category for "Thread of the Day"!
KosherCowboy's Avatar
Just to have someone like Kosher and I in agreement on things is a huge change...... I think, like Kosher does, that many of those that are at the root of the problem, as well as the PWWKs and LapDawgs they control, will out themselves in an environment like this....... Originally Posted by Whispers
Yeah, we rarely see eye to eye but I think when it comes to honesty and a fair playing field whether it be a girl from Austin, a girl from Dallas or Houston, a stripper, in some cases SW's for some hobbyists; it is all important that those ladies play fair. They are sisters, not enemies. When they share the clients and work together it makes for more fun, better business for all and the ladies do better and the gents have more fun.

Whispers, now speaking of ladies outing themselves in an environment like this: It will be interesting to see which providers now that the names are out and being spread around by multiple ladies/gents behind the scenes post in this thread saying ' oh that is terrible' in an attempt to stuff the sh** back in the horse.

It was not my intention to start a shit-storm by any means. I was just offering up my personal take on why there aren't more traveling ladies coming from Dallas and Houston. One of the people who told me about the problems was a traveling lady who had issues gathering intel in Austin.

While I can't say that anyone has refused to give me a reference, I can say that I have not received back any reference requests. Fortunately, I just turned to P411 and said to hell with it.

To be entirely fair, I've had the same issues with references in Dallas. As the economy gets worse, girls are playing less fair.

At any rate, if any of you ladies travel up to Dallas way, just know that I have NO problems providing you with references, even if you chose to ignore my request during my visit down here (no, I will not call people out because there are many reasons why a lady might not answer a request). Its not a matter of business or economy. Its a matter of safety and security.
KosherCowboy's Avatar
It was not my intention to start a shit-storm by any means. Originally Posted by DecemberLove
December, this was an issue going on for months, but bravo for commenting, it only reinforced these issues that hopefully will end.

By the way, Welcome to Austin where it is overcast and 59 degrees, Air Honesty hopes you enjoy your visit to Austin
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
The NCNS for traveling providers being linked to Austin Providers was discussed on more than one occasion on ASPD.... A couple of the Houston girls brought it up...... I'm sure a little research and you can dig it back up...... Some of it came to a head after a ladies last trip to a Social here a little over a year ago....

There are always rumors... always back channel talk..... The latest talk is of exactly that.... A group of ladies that have banded together to only provide references to each other while undermining anyone's business that does not join their little group...... That's just the surface of the rumors surrounding them... add manipulation, control coercion and threats of reprisals should someone want out......

Seems to me like some of the ladies found themselves a new PIMP that just seems to be a female this time.....

There are always cliques.....

But it does seem to occur here a bit more........ I spoke to a San Antonio lady that is fed up with having her time wasted here in Austin...... She has no problems making ends meet on trips to Houston and Dallas but coming here is just not worth the effort lately.....

Deny it all you want... There is no way your not away of it if you are a regular female poster in the Austin area.....

I discount anything I here once, twice sometimes even a third time..... but when it comes from multiple people, both male and female......

I start to give it a little weight......

The names are known and shared and many of the guys will have nothing to do with any in the group as well as make sure they share the information with any guys inquiring to make sure others are aware..... Originally Posted by Whispers
Fine. I'm still denying it. I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I know girls who travel here all the time and have never told me of this problem you're speaking of. Since I'm an Austin provider, and I am friends with a lot of Austin providers, you think they would let me know if they were having a problem getting references and or NC/NS and who the problem was coming from.

Cancellations happen more often to me when I travel, like A LOT more often. I assume this is because hobbyists don't have to worry about offending a traveling girl as she is only in town for a few days and has little influence in the local community. I don't go blaming a whole town's providers, accusing them of getting WK to book and cancel. That's ridiculous.

I do read the ladies areas and I rarely see things posted about NC/NS from traveling providers. If they get NC/NS they should post who the jerk was so we can add him to our DNS list.

This is just as bad as the thread Nico started about people working with LE. You all are making wild accusations and trying to tarnish the reputation of local providers. I am going to start a thread in the ladies areas of Dallas and Houston and ask providers who travel to Austin to please tell us the handles of every hobbyist in Austin who has NC/NS on them and every provider who has refused to provide a reference and we can see if there is a pattern. If there really is some secret kabal, maybe it will be the same few hobbyists over and over.

As far as the hall of shame for not providing references:

Gia and Nadia
Sweet Sonya
Tina Latina

Keep in mind that there is a distinct difference in refusing to provide a reference and simply just not responding to a reference request. I won't out a female for simply not answering at all, because there are many reasons why she would not answer IE: 1. Does not know me well enough to feel comfortable. 2. Did not check messages 3. Could not remember gent and rather than just say so, just doesn't answer

None of which are malicious-- so why "out" someone when I cannot verify the reasoning for the lack of a reference?
Whispers's Avatar

Keep in mind that there is a distinct difference in refusing to provide a reference and simply just not responding to a reference request. I won't out a female for simply not answering at all, Originally Posted by DecemberLove
But of course there are still those that simply do not respond out of greed....

I do read the ladies areas and I rarely see things posted about NC/NS from traveling providers. If they get NC/NS they should post who the jerk was so we can add him to our DNS list.

This is just as bad as the thread Nico started about people working with LE. You all are making wild accusations and trying to tarnish the reputation of local providers. I am going to start a thread in the ladies areas of Dallas and Houston and ask providers who travel to Austin to please tell us the handles of every hobbyist in Austin who has NC/NS on them and every provider who has refused to provide a reference and we can see if there is a pattern. If there really is some secret kabal, maybe it will be the same few hobbyists over and over. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia

Come on girl... Your a little more intelligent than that..... You'll get no answers that way...

Guys that do this, for the local ladies that are simply greedy and manipulative, just make up a name..... use an alternate email address...... and if they can't book the appt without references can't you fathom that the lady asking the guy to do this would not gladly say "Yeah Joe Schmoe is cool with me"... and then later say... "Well.... I never experienced that from him" if the Provider calls her back on it....
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I have an idea. I will post a thread in Austin, Houston, and Dallas asking providers to PM me and Whispers which providers in Austin have refused or not responded at all to reference requests (if you don't remember the client or whatever, you should still respond letting them know). I will also ask them to PM which hobbyists have nc/ns. Then after a week or two, Whispers and I can tally the results. Every provider should copy us both so the results can be verified. If we see a pattern, then we report these people to the mods as threats to our community.

Whispers, what do you say?
Whispers's Avatar
Whispers, what do you say? Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Will we "tally" at my place or yours?

What will you wear while we are "tallying"?

Is there any upcharge for "tallying"

can someone even tell what "tallying" is.....

We will need an impartial observer while we "Tally"....

Do I bring her or will you?
Whispers's Avatar
Sorry... I needed a moment....

it's unfortunate but I believe ladies would fear reprisals.....

I doubt we would see much response.....

But I'm game.....

Ask for names of guys that No Showed and Ladies that refused to provide references or simply did not return requests.....
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