Drivers License info for verification (newbie)

I'm happy to discuss my screening process and why I do it however, I won't involve myself in drama. I will simply ignore it. I'm not criticizing anyone, only sharing my opinion. No one has to like or agree with it however, I respect others enough to be honest. I'm all about safety.

Simply having your info does nothing for safety. What a lady does with it is what matters. If I don't use it for screening, it does me no good to have your info. HAVING your info does nothing to minimize my risk if I don't use it for screening. I'm making sure he's the gentleman I screened. Simply having your info doesn't make me feel an ounce of safety.

I don't feel safe with the theory "I have his info so he won't hurt me", Originally Posted by Becca Blossoms
Thanks for the reply. You seem to be responding negatively to the word criticize, and I know you don't want drama, but the girl from the OP is not involved in this thread so I don't see why there would be any drama. Think of this as dialogue, I am just trying to figure out why her screening process is flawed.

"What a lady does with it is what matters."

But how do you know what she does or doesn't do with that information? Why assume she does nothing?

" Simply having your info doesn't make me feel an ounce of safety."

Why not?

P411 is great, I love that site however, from their number, I can only tell your first name, the day you were born the last digits from something from your wallet. How many "Johns" or "Mikes" were born on the 2nd of any given month? Personally, I don't feel safe using this as a way to identify you,

I won't accept an expired driver's license or one that has info blacked out. I would walk out of the meeting if someone did this.

I accept P411, if you have OKs, it makes it easy to contact other ladies for a reference. I would ask for your legal name and check your ID to be sure you are you.

Most providers I know use verifyhim, it checks blacklists, sex offender registry, criminal records and reports from other providers. Most clients I search on this site are fine, they have nothing that keeps me from seeing them. This site has kept me from seeing a gentleman that's a sex offender in 4 different states, one with a history of domestic violence and another known to be violent towards providers. These are only 3 bad guys I found on there. They all had references, 2 of them had references that checked out.

In this hobby we are all responsible for our own safety and we all choose which level of safety is right for us. We alone are the only ones that can keep us safe. I don't get my feelings hurt when someone doesn't want to see me because of my screening, I wouldn't see them to begin with so it's no big deal. For every guy that doesn't see me, there are 5 that do. I often get compliments from my clients for being so careful. Some see me because of my screening, they feel safer. Originally Posted by Becca Blossoms

" I love that site however, from their number, I can only tell your first name, the day you were born the last digits from something from your wallet. How many "Johns" or "Mikes" were born on the 2nd of any given month?"

But you are forgetting the last piece of data, how many also have the same last 2 digits on their credit card. I don't know anything about P411, but I am assuming they verify the guy's identity, correct? So if anything happened to you the guy would be caught. Again, this deters them from committing a crime, although you don't seem to agree.

"Most providers I know use verifyhim, it checks blacklists, sex offender registry, criminal records and reports from other providers."

You seem to think having this info greatly reduces your risk. I agree, having this info def decreases your risk of having a bad encounter, but I think the major deterrent is having the guy's info. 99.9% criminals will not commit a crime knowing they will be caught. This is where we seem to disagree. Also, some "bad" guys don't have a record. Some of these guys have done some bad things but have yet to be caught while others are just waiting for the right opportunity.

" These are only 3 bad guys I found on there. They all had references, 2 of them had references that checked out."

You are proving my point. Even though they were criminals, they weren't a danger because they knew they would be caught.

I also just want to say your screening process is about as good as it gets, I know I would be doing the same. These conversations can help a lot of ppl out, especially younger women.
tandyscone's Avatar
Several have recommended P411 for verification. I have always been uncomfortable with the amount of RW information P411 requires. After what happened with Ashley Madison, I would never consider giving RW information to P411.
RedLeg505's Avatar
I would never consider giving RW information to P411. Originally Posted by tandyscone
Okay, so the next question.. would you give RW information, full legal name, etc to a lady on HER web site "scheduling" page? So that she has it recorded on whatever host site her web page is on?
tandyscone's Avatar
Okay, so the next question.. would you give RW information, full legal name, etc to a lady on HER web site "scheduling" page? So that she has it recorded on whatever host site her web page is on? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
No, I wouldn't do that either. In my estimation, P411 is a bigger risk than a provider's hosted web site because P411 is probably a bigger target for hackers. But big or small, I wouldn't trust any web site to protect my information.

That being said, I am not criticizing any providers that do require that kind of information. Providers and hobbyists both face risks, and both should do whatever they feel necessary to protect themselves.
That is a good point. Nothing is bulletproof online, EVERYTHING can be hacked. But only the big stuff will be hacked.

Sure, a provider's website form might not be very secure, and neither is email, but if you're not in this huge, centralized repository of client info, nobody is going to care enough to try and steal or expose your information. The chance is minuscule!
SouthernBorn's Avatar
I see a lot of you recommend P411. I question the wisdom of that approach, even though the proprietors of that site promise security and identity protection (as did the Ashley Madison site owners).

So, here is the question: What happens when the Ashley Madison hackers attack the P411 site (or other similar site) and publish your name and address for all of the world to see. It is bad enough to be on a site trying to have an affair; quite another thing to be on a site getting verified to be eligible to have paid sex.

Bottom line . . . . do not leave any tracks out there that you do not want post online for the whole world to see. What may be safe and secure today may be hacked and made public tomorrow. Technology is advancing rapidly.

Just my $0.02

tandyscone's Avatar
That is a good point. Nothing is bulletproof online, EVERYTHING can be hacked. But only the big stuff will be hacked.

Sure, a provider's website form might not be very secure, and neither is email, but if you're not in this huge, centralized repository of client info, nobody is going to care enough to try and steal or expose your information. The chance is minuscule! Originally Posted by Peebums41
If you have many small targets that have the same vulnerability, then even though each single target is not worth going after, the group as a whole is. Once a vulnerability is discovered, it is hardly more difficult to attack 1000 hosts than 1.