The Pope has his "Wag The Dog" moment.

Speaking of MORONS.. what is an UNFERTILIZED EGG? Sure ain't a human being nor the chance to BECOME ONE. That only happens.. wait for it.. AFTER Fertilization/Conception.

Talk about the stupidest argument pro-offered by liberal pro-abortion folks yet. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
You Okies might want to think about stationing some State Troopers on your states border with Arkansas to keep THAT moron in HIS state of Arkansas. He's already trying to be the "Walmart" of the gloryhole business and expand his franchises there in Arkansas.
  • DSK
  • 09-26-2015, 09:47 PM
There is no scientific proof of a soul, first off. And hundreds of eggs will not become human in the effort to have a baby, are all those discarded eggs murder? Since life begins at conception to you, you must answer yes. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Natural death is not murder, and I doubt anyone in the pro-life movement has called it that.
Natural death is not murder Originally Posted by DSK
but ... once a Welshing Idiot always a Welshing Idiot.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Natural death is not murder, and I doubt anyone in the pro-life movement has called it that. Originally Posted by DSK
You doubt it? In other words, you don't know. Big surprise. One would think that lack of knowledge would temper your verbal ejaculations, but nooooo....
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This is a copout, bullshit argument. It isn't both parties fault. It's one parties' fault. Why is the pope obligate to compliment us? Capitalism isn't perfect. Certainly plenty of fodder for criticism there. We don't care for our poor adequately, or do you think all the starving children are a sign of a well-managed system? Republicants simply don't care about the little man, period. Never have. They talk about pulling up from the bootstraps and all that shit, but they will never recognize a rigged system. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Even a rock musician like Bono recognizes the power of capitalism but NBK can't. Wow! Bono is smarter than NBK. If you had enough sense to look at the macroscopic view you have to admit (unless you're a communist or stupid) capitalism has done more to elevate the poor than anything else in the history of the world. NBK's feeble mind is probably only thinking those nasty big oil companies (though Zuckerberg's tech company makes more) making all those profits. Go back to the Middle Ages when the merchant class rose up with capitalism. The power of the church and noble class was challenged and in many cases lost that challenge. Too much for NBK to understand though.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You are a fucking MORON. You don't even know the basics behind pregnancy. Hundreds of eggs will go unfertilized and discarded so that ONE can become a human being. This happens AFTER conception. Are all those unused eggs murder? Even though the women has no say in it, this is a bodily process. Should she be prosecuted for that? I love how you trot up Biden, like I'll agree with anything he says, because he's a democrat. On this issue, he's as fucking stupid as you are. Go do a little research. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You're sounding hysterical little girl. I'm waiting to hear your theories on conception...except of course you're an atheist right? That means you have another theory about how life begins or the universe for that matter. Lets here it. Should be good for a few laughs. (not meant to be an endorsement of any belief but I want NBK to look like a fool trying to explain something that he doesn't understand)
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Why is the { forbidden subject} keep coming up?
Why do I not see the word " Sara Palin" in the OP ?
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Sigh....if I have to explain it to you...
Sigh....if I have to explain it to you... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

JDIdiot, please re-"explain" your ridiculous 777 Conspiracy Theory.

We all need another laugh!
You're a fucking Jell-O head. There no other way to respond to that stupid statement.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Point me to where the evidence for a soul exists... I'll wait.
Speaking of MORONS.. what is an UNFERTILIZED EGG? Sure ain't a human being nor the chance to BECOME ONE. That only happens.. wait for it.. AFTER Fertilization/Conception.

Talk about the stupidest argument pro-offered by liberal pro-abortion folks yet. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Fertilization is PART of conception, you fucking idiot. They aren't two separate things. You don't even know how getting a baby works. A woman develops hundreds of eggs a month, only one breaks out to try and be fertilized. What about all the other eggs? You don't give a shit about them, right?
You're sounding hysterical little girl. I'm waiting to hear your theories on conception...except of course you're an atheist right? That means you have another theory about how life begins or the universe for that matter. Lets here it. Should be good for a few laughs. (not meant to be an endorsement of any belief but I want NBK to look like a fool trying to explain something that he doesn't understand) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Like you trying to explain how IH made a gun in 1947... that they didn't make that year? Or the 777?

Why would you think an atheist would have another theory about how life begins? It's quite clear how a baby is made, idiot. The process is well known. And as for the universe, yes, I agree with the scientific findings of how we believe it to have started, but by all means, keep using that book written by shepherds and goat fuckers over 2K years ago. They had all the answers

Everytime you post, it's good for a few laughs, you fucktard.
Even a rock musician like Bono recognizes the power of capitalism but NBK can't. Wow! Bono is smarter than NBK. If you had enough sense to look at the macroscopic view you have to admit (unless you're a communist or stupid) capitalism has done more to elevate the poor than anything else in the history of the world. NBK's feeble mind is probably only thinking those nasty big oil companies (though Zuckerberg's tech company makes more) making all those profits. Go back to the Middle Ages when the merchant class rose up with capitalism. The power of the church and noble class was challenged and in many cases lost that challenge. Too much for NBK to understand though. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You simply can't make a post without fucking up, can you? Here's a list of the 20 most profitable companies. Oil companies are all over the list. Facebook is nowhere to be found, you fucking moron. Just do us a favor, shut the fuck up and find that goddamn plane.
Sigh....if I have to explain it to you... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'm not worried, you can't.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Fertilization is PART of conception, you fucking idiot. They aren't two separate things. You don't even know how getting a baby works. A woman develops hundreds of eggs a month, only one breaks out to try and be fertilized. What about all the other eggs? You don't give a shit about them, right? Originally Posted by WombRaider
And an UNFERTILIZED egg.. ain't no chance of becoming a HUMAN BEING unless someone introduces some sperm cells that actually ENTER the egg you fucking idiot.

Or are you trying to claim EVERY PERIOD every woman has is actually an "abortion"?

Wow.. now I see why so many people call you names.. like dip shit and such. You work hard at earning them, hmmm?
In an earlier thread, I said that the Catholic Church was a joke.

This Pope just carried that theme to a new level.

Just think. During this entire trip to America, he could not bring himself to utter the word "Abortion" one time.

The "useful idiot" has Performed his function well.