Fast and Furious: The Plot Thickens

LOL! Wow! You are really under that Obama spell, aren't you? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No not just sick of the negative blind goons who have emerged from the republican party,and the kool aid drinkers it is why 80% of independents were former republicans.
Dude, you've sucked the Kool-aid bowl dry, and you're apparently recycling. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
good thing Will Rodgers never met you lol
I B Hankering's Avatar
FYI, the drug problem was created by the late British Empire. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
“Exacerbated” The Opium Wars: The Addiction of One Empire and the Corruption of Another by W. Travis Hanes and Frank Sanello.
I B Hankering's Avatar
good thing Will Rodgers never met you lol Originally Posted by ekim008
Who the hell is Will Rodgers . . . ignorant, blind goon?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, only ignorant blind goons disagree with Obama. No one thoughtful, intelligent or compassionate could EVER disagree with our President. Hmmm . . . ok.
Who the hell is Will Rodgers . . . ignorant, blind goon? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
OOOh I made a typo what would we do with out you drones???
So, only ignorant blind goons disagree with Obama. No one thoughtful, intelligent or compassionate could EVER disagree with our President. Hmmm . . . ok. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I think they could,know any??
I B Hankering's Avatar
good thing Will Rodgers never met you lol Originally Posted by ekim008
You can’t type or spell.

Have looked at all I can find on this, and have not been able to find where ATF (walked) the guns to the cartels. However I found two words that seemed to explain the fk up Bush and Arizona Originally Posted by ekim008
You can’t read; plus, you obviously vote Dimocrap since you can’t think for yourself. That’s really all that needs to be said on the subject of you and your opinions.
You can’t type or spell.

You can’t read; plus, you obviously vote Dimocrap since you can’t think for yourself. That’s really all that needs to be said on the subject of you and your opinions.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Tell me I can't spell what is a dimocrap?? you must have studies under Glenn Beck or with the avatar maybe a illegal.
I B Hankering's Avatar
what is a secrts ?? Originally Posted by ekim008
You dare disparage Whirlaway’s posts while you post grammatically incorrect nonsense like this:

Tell me I can't spell what is a dimocrap?? you must have studies under Glenn Beck or with the avatar maybe a illegal. [IMG]file:///C:/Users/owner/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif[/IMG][IMG]file:///C:/Users/owner/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image002.gif[/IMG] Originally Posted by ekim008

Illegal? Only if you are focusing on importing the item the image represents: a premium brand of Cuban cigars. However, for you to conceive such a notion is not at all plausible since that would require more innate intellect than you have thus far exhibited.

Furthermore, the original “Sancho Panza” is a fictional character of very humble origin in the novel Don Quixote written by Spanish author Don Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra in 1605. Throughout the tale, it is Sancho Panza who offers the interpolated narrative voice, a literary convention invented by Cervantes. Sancho Panza likes adventure; yet, he is also the "everyman", who, though not sharing his master's delusional "Quixotic enchantment" until late in the novel, remains his ever-faithful companion realist, and functions as the clever sidekick. Sancho Panza is symbolic of practicality over idealism [wiki].

Once again your lack of intelligence is showing. Each time you’ve been given a short bit of rope, you’ve hanged yourself.
The absurdity of your willful ignorance borders on profane. “Fast and Furious” was conceived and executed on Holder/Obama’s watch, and still you blame Bush. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

where you been ?Just woke up from a coma? was started with Bush continued on with Obama
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why didn't Obama end it? Oh, yeah, he lied.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
where you been ?Just woke up from a coma? was started with Bush continued on with Obama Originally Posted by ekim008
it was a legitimate enforcment program to catch illegal straw buyers. it was started under the bush administration, but the bush administration didn't pull the kind of stunts the Obama administration did that got one of their agents killed.

The only kind of stunt that the Bush administration did was to convict 2 hard working border patrol agents to jail for shooting at what they thought was an armed drug smuggler. They obviuosly made procedural mistakes that should resulted in a reprimand, not jail time.
[quote=I B Hankering;1934535]You dare disparage Whirlaway’s posts while you post grammatically incorrect nonsense like this:

Illegal? Only if you are focusing on importing the item the image represents: a premium brand of Cuban cigars. However, for you to conceive such a notion is not at all plausible since that would require more innate intellect than you have thus far exhibited.

Furthermore, the original “Sancho Panza” is a fictional character of very humble origin in the novel Don Quixote written by Spanish author Don Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra in 1605. Throughout the tale, it is Sancho Panza who offers the interpolated narrative voice, a literary convention invented by Cervantes. Sancho Panza likes adventure; yet, he is also the "everyman", who, though not sharing his master's delusional "Quixotic enchantment" until late in the novel, remains his ever-faithful companion realist, and functions as the clever sidekick. Sancho Panza is symbolic of practicality over idealism [wiki].

Once again your lack of intelligence is showing. Each time you’ve been given a short bit of rope, you’ve hanged yourself. [/quote

you take yourself way to seriously if your forehead is looking pale it is because you are a quart low. I love you guys who are so full of yourself and think you have all the knowledge.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Why didn't Obama end it? Oh, yeah, he lied. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
it was a legitimate enforcment program to catch illegal straw buyers. it was started under the bush administration, but the bush administration didn't pull the kind of stunts the Obama administration did that got one of their agents killed. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The only kind of stunt that the Bush administration did was to convict 2 hard working border patrol agents to jail for shooting at what they thought was an armed drug smuggler. They obviuosly made procedural mistakes that should resulted in a reprimand, not jail time. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Ekim is beyond help guys - he's saturated with Kool-aid to the gills. He says he has "read" everything on the subject, and yet he still imagines that it was Bush's fault despite the obvious fact that the "Fast and Furious" scheme was concocted and perpetrated by the Obama administration. There is no hope for him.