When Hamas Insurgents Invaded Israel, Which Of These Did They Do?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Hamas was created by Palestinians and is funded by them and Iran. Did you not listen to anything going on over there??

This is war caused by Palestinians who still think that Israeli ppl are occupying their land, 75 years after WW2 and the UN charter chopped up the region to give Israel an independent state.

The brainwashed Palestinians are /have been a victim mentality group who are literally told to hate Israelis and become martyrs since their birth.

This hate is deep rooted in centuries of Arab culture. They encourage martyrdom in fighting the "occupiers", at every opportunity. They literally have been fighting a religious war with the other side forever.

The ruse of "peace in the middle east" is just a joke. Those ppl hate each other because of racism and bigotry taught by generations of zeolites. Originally Posted by eyecu2
regarding the arabs. this is much more complicated, not a simple thing you make it out to be.

for one thing.

those arabs are not ethnically arabs.

when these arab empires started going after other ethnic nations in the mideast and north africa, they convinced the native ethnics of the conquered nation to think themselves as arabs.

this thinking is similar to the USA and Roman empire, but its different; everyone knew who they were ethnically. this is not the case here.

its more on the thinking that goes on in Russia and china. we are "Russian" or "Chinese", there is no other kind of ethnics.

over time, as a result of arab misrule, these ethnic arabs forgot who they were ethnically.

there are some ethnics who did not bend to arab misrule; Kurds, Chaldeans (babylonians), Assyrians, Druze, Berbers, Bedouins and of course Jews. there are others. one is not listed are the philistines, they became extinct.

there was alot of genocide to trim the ethnic population downard taking place during that period; but not to the extent that the commies did. it was more like 50,000 here, 100,000 there.

the Ottoman Turks did the same to other uppity ethnics when they controlled the former arab empires.

there are alot of fake arabs out there. some are mixed Arab-ethnics and some are pure arabs.

only way to know for sure is to do a DNA census.

thank you arabs for fucking up these people ethnically.
Precious_b's Avatar
Shoot Children?
Shoot attendants of a music concert?
Shoot into Porta Cans?
Kidnap persons to hold as hostages?
Shoot pregnant women in the stomach?
Rape Women?

The next question is…..Are any of these part of a legitimate military action? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Really, I don't know. Don't watch kneejerk material for ratings like foxy people or do I see livelink stuff.

I do know that they continued the constant strive that is there and are the latest to be called terrorist.

That title changes continually between the parties involved.

*I* would just hope they would learn by what the world is saying now and patch shit up.
My two cents. I don't support either side. It's like when I watch my kids fighting. Both are wrong, but do you punish the one being picked on that punches back?

Ask yourself these two questions: If Israel stopped fighting, would Palestine stop fighting? I think the answer is no. If Palestine stopped fighting, would Israel stop? I think the answer is "probably".

It really is a shitbox over there. Just remember, when the League of Nations started incentivizing Jewish migration to the area that is now Israel after the first world war, the population density of the land was about half that of modern day rural Iowa. There was A LOT of room to grow, especially areas that were completely vacant and unable to be settled before modern infrastructure.

Israel is also a nation totally surrounded by enemies that have vowed to exterminate them, and in fact have tried in 4 wars over 70 years. At some point, you kind of understand their paranoia. Also, Muslims in Israel are fairing MUCH better than Jews in Muslim majority nations. They are literally one of the few places that will let homosexual Muslims in on humanitarian grounds.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

thank you arabs for fucking up these people ethnically. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
How are these people fucked up and why is this an issue? Same thing happened in this country and across the globe.

Do you favor ethnic purity?
oilfieldace's Avatar
100% correct on Senator Ron Paul not being a Senator, IDF infiltrated the Hamas and started shootings Missles into Israel ? Seems like an odd way to commit genocide ?
Well too bad the People of Gaza didn't know that Hamas was created and funded by Israel. Hamas works for Israel. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Wow. you are stupid.
  • Tiny
  • 11-17-2023, 01:11 PM
Wow. you are stupid. Originally Posted by Kinkster90210
No he is not.
Well too bad the People of Gaza didn't know that Hamas was created and funded by Israel. Hamas works for Israel. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Maybe not directly, but Netanyahu and his coalition partners, some of which represent chiefly settlers in the West Bank, encouraged Qatari support for Hamas. Netanyahu and Hamas don't want a two state solution. Abbas and some other leaders of the Palestinian Authority (PA) do. Thus, "Israeli policy was to treat the Palestinian Authority as a burden and Hamas as an asset."

Wow. you are stupid. Originally Posted by Kinkster90210
Yes, Hamas is a creation of Israel. If you think the Zionist Jews of Israel are sweet innocent people that are just trying to defend themselves well you just fell for their little trick of victim hood that have been playing for decades. This little skirmish between Israel and Hamas is nothing but a controlled demolition. More innocent Palestinian civilians are being killed than IDF and Hamas terrorists combined. Now you go ahead and try and prove me wrong.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
No he is not.

Maybe not directly, but Netanyahu and his coalition partners, some of which represent chiefly settlers in the West Bank, encouraged Qatari support for Hamas. Netanyahu and Hamas don't want a two state solution. Abbas and some other leaders of the Palestinian Authority (PA) do. Thus, "Israeli policy was to treat the Palestinian Authority as a burden and Hamas as an asset."

https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-c...divided-583082 Originally Posted by Tiny
abbas? for 2 state solution? I don't think so. he's as bad as arafat was.

he tells the west hes for two state solution then tells his people; one state, sea to river.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I do think think a 2 state solution is possible.

Gaza is the answer. transfer the WB palestinian population to Gaza, preferably the muslim population. also transfer the christian population out of gaza to WB as well.

Ur basically recreating Israel's ancient enemy, Philistia.

israel can end the blockade, and declare them "independent".
  • Tiny
  • 11-18-2023, 12:58 PM
abbas? for 2 state solution? I don't think so. he's as bad as arafat was.

he tells the west hes for two state solution then tells his people; one state, sea to river. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
You're just not right on that, except that yes, maybe he does have one story for the Israelis and the West and another one for domestic politics. Abbas, and any reasonable person for that matter, realizes Palestinians can't go back to 1945, any more than American Indians can go back to the year 1500.

Thanks for post #61 -- it was an interesting read and educational.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You're just not right on that, except that yes, maybe he does have one story for the Israelis and the West and another one for domestic politics. Abbas, and any reasonable person for that matter, realizes Palestinians can't go back to 1945, any more than American Indians can go back to the year 1500.

Thanks for post #61 -- it was an interesting read and educational. Originally Posted by Tiny
you're welcome
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yes, Hamas is a creation of Israel. If you think the Zionist Jews of Israel are sweet innocent people that are just trying to defend themselves well you just fell for their little trick of victim hood that have been playing for decades. This little skirmish between Israel and Hamas is nothing but a controlled demolition. More innocent Palestinian civilians are being killed than IDF and Hamas terrorists combined. Now you go ahead and try and prove me wrong. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You know that line between political discussion and anti-semitism?

It’s now behind you.
You know that line between political discussion and anti-semitism?

It’s now behind you. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Ya know that word "Truth" try getting behind it.
  • Tiny
  • 11-19-2023, 01:33 PM
A pundit on Fareed Zakaria this morning said the radicals on each side have historically made it hard to come to a peaceful settlement. A Labor government in Israel was working towards a two state solution. Then Hamas starts with a series of suicide bombings. Labor gets voted out and Netanyahu comes to power, who doesn't want a solution. More and more settlements are built on the West Bank. Hamas figures the only way it can get attention is through violence, so that's what it pursues.

A pox on both their houses. These people need to grow up and stop killing each other.

As the pundit said, the lives of ordinary Palestinians don't matter a lot to Hamas or Netanyahu.