Dildo-in-chief: it was the TelePrompTer’s fault.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

You picked another fight you can’t win, oeb.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.the...1830949836/amp Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

is this another opinion as fact post, Bud?

other than ECCIE what was the last thing you read? and the comics don't count.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
is this another opinion as fact post, Bud?

other than ECCIE what was the last thing you read? and the comics don't count. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

did you use all the crayons like the instructions said?

Remember not to color outside the lines and use the proper color! Mango Orange perhaps?

Thank you valued poster!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Dogsled 101 -- if you ain't the lead dog, your view never improves. You and that lib-retard author need to suck it up and accept your lot in life.
"And someone put..."? Who?
Trump himself calls you out for the liar you are. He said he couldn't read it. Not that the words were wrong.
Stop making up shit. We lnow you will say anything to protect the moron.

Off topic? Talk to your "bb boy". Another keyboard, albeit inarticulate warrior, who can't back up what he says.

Plus it all comes down to you and your ilk really believing Obama thinking there are 57 states. Wouldn't a reasonable person ignore it? After all it is one compared to many out of trumps pie hole.

Your selective flashes of reality vs.your typical storylines only increases the idea you'll say or believe anything that supports the idea trump isn't the worst possible president ever.
We have given reasons why we think he is a cocksucking douche-bag and posters like austin allen come back with we just like him.

Here is what he said.
"Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do."

Stick to claiming trump has business sense.

He hasn't read a book in 30 years.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You don't really use liar correctly in your little diatribe against me.

Trump can't really "call me out" either since he is unaware of and unconcerned with my existence. He wouldn't really even have such a motivation when I'm offering up a reasonable explanation of the Teleprompter situation and he knows it is a silly demonstration of haplessness by the left wing losers anyway.

My suggestion to you would be to lose some of your overconfidence which causes you to make a fool or yourself again and again and demonstrates that you are you poorly educated bumpkin.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You ignored trump's own words.

How is your explanation reasonable when it gives a different reason than the principal person involved?

Your "grammar" lesson is just an attempt at diverting you screwing the pooch (which you can actually do) speaking incorrectly for trump.

You lied about the reason you claim trump said airport. That makes you a liar.

A perfectly correct use of the word.

As far as your suggestion which was delivered as an insult, *$!&$_!&*!;÷;\\×. Any claim you are trying to help is bullshit.
You don't really use liar correctly in your little diatribe against me.

Trump can't really "call me out" either since he is unaware of and unconcerned with my existence. He wouldn't really even have such a motivation when I'm offering up a reasonable explanation of the Teleprompter situation and he knows it is a silly demonstration of haplessness by the left wing losers anyway.

My suggestion to you would be to lose some of your overconfidence which causes you to make a fool or yourself again and again and demonstrates that you are you poorly educated bumpkin. Originally Posted by friendly fred
You ignored trump's own words.

How is your explanation reasonable when it gives a different reason than the principal person involved?

Your "grammar" lesson is just an attempt at diverting you screwing the pooch (which you can actually do) speaking incorrectly for trump.

You lied about the reason you claim trump said airport. That makes you a liar.

A perfectly correct use of the word.

As far as your suggestion which was delivered as an insult. Any claim you are trying to help is bullshit.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You are misunderstanding the definition of "liar" concerning my conjecture about the use of "airport" in the Teleprompter incident at issue here.

I offered an alternative explanation that I believe is possible.

Without an attempt to deceive and with the issue of a matter of opinion then the definition of "liar" is not applicable for this "airport" utterance in his wonderful speech.

[ lie
noun: lie; plural noun: lies
1. an intentionally false statement. ]

If a reasonable person believes Trump doesn't think airports existed during the period of the American Revolution then an explanation about why he said "airport" should not be subject to such aggressive and hateful remarks.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nahhh, you tried to give Trump a reasonable excuse for blaming his silly little gaffe on the TelePromTer, ff. Trump has no fucking clue about the keystroke entry features of a modern promoter and I don’t think you do either.

Do you honestly believe a promoter used for a presidential speech would autocorrect pre-entered text?

This isn’t the movie “Anchorman.”

MM is spot on. You don’t know your stuff.

Own it.
  • oeb11
  • 07-10-2019, 08:31 AM
Funny to see the DPST "Outrage" over a POTUS mis-statement.

It goes on and on and on and on. They cannot let it go anymore than their sacred Russian Collusion narrative.
How many threads will they start on this???
Bottom Line - they had nothing else to criticize Trump with.

They will not give Trump the same leeway for minor errors they gave their sacred Obama and Clinton.

They are laughable.

Their usual response is denial and name-callinig. Immature, non cogent and non constructive.
Nahhh, you tried to give Trump a reasonable excuse for blaming his silly little gaffe on the TelePromTer, ff. Trump has no fucking clue about the keystroke entry features of a modern promoter and I don’t think you do either.

Do you honestly believe a promoter used for a presidential speech would autocorrect pre-entered text?

This isn’t the movie “Anchorman.”

MM is spot on. You don’t know your stuff.

Own it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I think you are mistaken. My case is clearly stated and remains uncontroverted.