Favorite Exotic Dish

Get yo haggis

Plenny mo haggis

Mush and milk

Frankie Fine's Avatar
With minor variations among different Eastern European countries, Borscht is a soup that typically contains beet, carrots, cabbage and onions in beef stock. It is more "comfort" than "exotic" food.

I have even tried a spicy version in Asia with the addition of beef chunks and Tabasco sauce. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Oooooooh! With hot sauce !!!! Hmmmm

Just don't tell my granny, you don't mess with your baba's cooking lol

Thanks Jack!
Frankie Fine's Avatar
Women as hot as you don't make dinner, they make reservations. Originally Posted by jokacz
Aww thanks! Sadly for the safety of all others I should not cook ever. I have caused food poisoning more then once. That is why I eat a lot of pizza. It has most major food groups..I think.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-06-2013, 09:42 AM
That is why I eat a lot of pizza. It has most major food groups..I think. Originally Posted by Frankie Fine
Close enough.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
But but but
I like a provider that can cook

I can forgive you, errrrr unless you made me eat something ya cooked.
2nd thought I bet ya better cook than you think.

mmmm sit on my face, and let talk about it.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-06-2013, 10:16 AM
mmmm sit on my face, and let talk about it. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
OSD, you have a way with the ladies!
jokacz's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
OSD, you have a way with the ladies! Originally Posted by GP
atf says I make more sense that way. H likes to tell me off, and hear my reply.
mmm ether way is good.
Frankie Fine's Avatar
Originally Posted by jokacz
that comes on pizza!! lol

that is close to my real balance. I was doing pizza of all things for real nutrients. Ok enough about my bad cooking.

OSD.. You are too funny
Anything spicy...live scallop is my number one!! Woooo hoooo

Frankie Fine's Avatar
Anything spicy...live scallop is my number one!! Woooo hoooo

Originally Posted by whosdair
Wow! I am not sure if I can do live food... Yeeesh. Are you being serious? Do you eat live scallop? I love sea food. I can handle something's raw maybe not wiggling around.

Good thread Jack... Nice to consider new food when usual choices become boring!

With a few of the pics on here, I am not sure if I could manage to try some of the dishes suggested by everyone. Like Jack's trife, but the beet horseradish The Drummer suggested sounds interesting. I will be looking for that soon!
Wow! I am not sure if I can do live food... Yeeesh. Are you being serious? Do you eat live scallop? I love sea food. I can handle something's raw maybe not wiggling around. Originally Posted by Frankie Fine
Well babe it's live wen they shell it...so wen eaten I guess freshly dismembered? The only thing I eat that's wiggling is vagina. Peace!
jokacz's Avatar
Well babe it's live wen they shell it...so wen eaten I guess freshly dismembered? The only thing I eat that's wiggling is vagina. Peace! Originally Posted by whosdair
Maybe raw would be more accurate than live. You don't think of raw oysters or clams as being live, though they were a few moments earlier when they were shucked.

I don't think I could eat this little guy: