
So dramatic and wrong. Good grief.
And I've seen several abortions. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Sure ya have.
winn dixie's Avatar
Sure ya have. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Several. That's how I can call you out on your false statements.
Let's cut to the chase........
Abortion is great. I wish more of them. I celebrate each one.
Should be mandatory until your application to reproduce is approved.
Several. That's how I can call you out on your false statements.
Let's cut to the chase........
Abortion is great. I wish more of them. I celebrate each one.
Should be mandatory until your application to reproduce is approved. Originally Posted by winn dixie

That is definitely the the Marxist/China view. That is as extreme as it gets and shows no respect for any life.
winn dixie's Avatar
That is definitely the the Marxist/China view. That is as extreme as it gets and shows no respect for any life. Originally Posted by farmstud60
It's actually a humane and responsible way of thinking.
Abortion is a seldless act and must be encouraged.
Ducbutter's Avatar
That is definitely the the Marxist/China view. That is as extreme as it gets and shows no respect for any life. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Scratch a liberal, find an authoritarian.
Ducbutter's Avatar
It's actually a humane and responsible way of thinking.
Abortion is a seldless act and must be encouraged. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Fuck that.
Scratch a liberal, find an authoritarian. Originally Posted by Ducbutter

Several. That's how I can call you out on your false statements.
Let's cut to the chase........
Abortion is great. I wish more of them. I celebrate each one.
Should be mandatory until your application to reproduce is approved. Originally Posted by winn dixie
You're a legend in your own mind, lol.
winn dixie's Avatar
It's evident in this thread who knows about abortion, and those that have been told its wrong.
Per question 2 by op.
No restrictions on abortions! I'd add it should be mandatory and only those that can show financial security can apply to have children.
It's evident in this thread who knows about abortion, and those that have been told its wrong.
Per question 2 by op.
No restrictions on abortions! I'd add it should be mandatory and only those that can show financial security can apply to have children. Originally Posted by winn dixie
You can bet with the jackasses that run this country it will be someday.
Ducbutter's Avatar
It's evident in this thread who knows about abortion, and those that have been told its wrong.
Per question 2 by op.
No restrictions on abortions! I'd add it should be mandatory and only those that can show financial security can apply to have children. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Thanks for explaining the need for the 2nd amendment.
This is a stupid debate, a dog and pony show performed by extremists on both sides. Most people are pro-abortion with a a cutoff date and exceptions for rape/incest/health concerns/etc. Legislation that’d put an end to the ad-nauseam wailing, from the bible thumpers and eugenicists alike, could be written in 2 paragraphs.
Let's cut to the chase........
Abortion is great. I wish more of them. I celebrate each one. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Disgusting extremism like this is why the issue will never be resolved. You’re no better than a Jesus freak who wouldn’t let a pregnant little girl who was raped by her father end the pregnancy.
winn dixie's Avatar
I celebrate the right to choose. We have lost that in many places. Even though it's a minority of voters that want total bans.
Morality cannot be legislative. It is not up to the state to legislate what the church cannot persuade. Prohibition has never worked. We have a 10,000 year of 100% failure concerning the policy.
And, it’s blatantly unconstitutional to put any parameters on it whatsoever. In the fourth amendment as well as the preamble specifically addresses this issue free