Cleopatra was not an ethnic African.

adav8s28's Avatar
You're wasting your words on this one. There was no flip and that has been proven to be a wet dream of the left. No, those racists of the 1950s and 60 are still firmly in the democratic party. As for Duke, he was only an opportunist. He was a democrat until he saw the handwriting (and Reagan victory) writ large on the wall. Just one more low character person of the left.

Also, this was a major thread hijack and I declare it as such. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
JD, you hijacked your own Thread in post #50. You did not deny that Cleopatra would not have been allowed to register for class because of her skin color (She was not 100% Caucasian). You unecessarily pointed out that the Govenor who did the denying was a democrat (but you left out the fact that he was a former Dixiecrat who held Racists views, the same as Strom Thurman who did make the switch. The George Wallace tpyes were a wing of the Democratic party just like the Tea Party Republicans are a wing of Republican party.

The people who are Still in the KKK, do you think they voted for Obama, Hilary or Biden in a presidential election or the Republican who ever it was. There is a reason why in a presidential election all the southern states are called Red for republican.
adav8s28's Avatar
Adav8s28, What does the Affordable Care Act have to do with racism?

These links, from Cheap Charlie's thread, are worth a look,

Ninety three percent of people polled by Gallup in the South in 2021 approved of interracial marriage. And ninety-four percent of Republicans polled in 2019 would vote for a Black candidate for president.

It wasn't about race. Rather Republican conservative values after, say, the year 1996, won out in the South.

Hubert Humphrey and George McGovern, the Democratic nominees in 1968 and 1972, were weak candidates. Carter swept the south except for Virginia in 1976. Reagan was an exceptionally strong candidate, and yes, he won the south except Georgia in 1980. He won every state except Minnesota in 1984, and Bush Sr. won most of the country as well in 1988. Then Clinton came along, and in 1992 and 1996, split the south with the Republican candidates. Originally Posted by Tiny
Everything is about RACE in the deep south. It has always been that way and always will be.

Mississippi klansmen killed white and black freedom riders of 1960's.

Black players could not play football in the Southeastern or Southwestern conference before 1970 a full 105 years after the Civil War ended.

Remember when 1B1 posted that a old Senior Partner told him he had never considered to hire a black person into the firm.

The only thing that has changed is the voting demographics. Young professionals have moved to Georgia for the job opportunities and don't hold the same views as George Wallace.
biomed1's Avatar
Thread irrevocably off topic.

And we are done . . .