I Believed My Whole Life That The Moon Landing Was Real, Until I Saw This 12 Minute Video. Now I Know It Was Faked.

Know the truth? I don't trust anybody who "knows" the truth but can't provide any evidence that justifies that supposed "knowledge". It all comes down to evidence that proves the truth. If other information is compelling and truthful, it will have evidence also.
Claiming someone is programed isn't a substitute for a lack of evidence. To me, it's a red flag for approaching bullshit. It also tells me I'm expected to take their word and ignore their lack of verifiable proof and accept their version of what evidence is.
As an example, it's like "evidence" in the Biden impeachment. There still isn't any. Many claim there is but they have yet to show it.
People who know the truth about many orchestrated events have come forth. They are then deemed crazy, Conspiracy Theorists, Tin Foil Hat wearers. Most people no matter how compelling other information is they will still align their beliefs with the official narrative, they are already programmed to believe it anyway. It's safer and less daunting to their egos and overall world view. Just last month a joint venture between SpaceX, NASA and Intuitive Machines launched an unmanned craft that supposedly landed on the Moon Feb 22nd. I saw minute or two of coverage. It's very cartoon like and fake as fuck. Originally Posted by Levianon17
For you, it's safer to believe people are programed than to do any digging for information to prove your point of view.

Did one of your decedents tell you the landings are fake?

Thanks for your example.

"Fake as fuck"? Based on what compelling information? Based on what evidence?
Several other countries have made soft landings on the moon. Were those claims fake too?
Know the truth? I don't trust anybody who "knows" the truth but can't provide any evidence that justifies that supposed "knowledge". It all comes down to evidence that proves the truth. If other information is compelling and truthful, it will have evidence also.
Claiming someone is programed isn't a substitute for a lack of evidence. To me, it's a red flag for approaching bullshit. It also tells me I'm expected to take their word and ignore their lack of verifiable proof and accept their version of what evidence is.
As an example, it's like "evidence" in the Biden impeachment. There still isn't any. Many claim there is but they have yet to show it.
For you, it's safer to believe people are programed than to do any digging for information to prove your point of view.

Did one of your decedents tell you the landings are fake?

Thanks for your example.

"Fake as fuck"? Based on what compelling information? Based on what evidence?
Several other countries have made soft landings on the moon. Were those claims fake too? Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
You have limited knowledge to start with. So it's easier for you to believe what ever the Media puts out.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No evidence to support or refute anything. Just insults, Levi.

Do you remember that historic day? I do. Didn’t look like a cartoon at all.
No evidence to support or refute anything. Just insults, Levi.

Do you remember that historic day? I do. Didn’t look like a cartoon at all. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's not real. Simply because the moon isn't land or a solid Rock. Look up as the sky at night and observe the Moon glowing in the night. Do you really think it's a solid mass of rock reflecting the Sun?
TechPapi's Avatar
It's not real. Simply because the moon isn't land or a solid Rock. Look up as the sky at night and observe the Moon glowing in the night. Do you really think it's a solid mass of rock reflecting the Sun? Originally Posted by Levianon17

LOL. I hope you wear a helmet to protect that precious little noggin.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's not real. Simply because the moon isn't land or a solid Rock. Look up as the sky at night and observe the Moon glowing in the night. Do you really think it's a solid mass of rock reflecting the Sun? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Yes I do.

Still no evidence, still nothing to support your claims.

You must be trying to get someone to comment on your intelligence.

No need.

Yes I do.

Still no evidence, still nothing to support your claims.

You must be trying to get someone to comment on your intelligence.

No need.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHhahaha Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Well that's unfortunate, because the Moon is not a solid rock reflecting the sun. The Moon is not a reflector. light from the Sun and the Moon are independent from one another. The Moon is a Focused Electromagnetic phenomenon called Plasma with it's own phases. That's why you'll see at times a half moon a crescent moon ect. the Moon isn't dependent on the sun. Even the Bible makes that clear in Genesis 1-16 "God made TWO great lights one to rule the day (Sun) and the other to rule the night and the stars(Moon). No mention of a reflector. The Plasma Moon cannot be landed upon, that's all there is too it.
TechPapi's Avatar
Well that's unfortunate, because the Moon is not a solid rock reflecting the sun. The Moon is not a reflector. light from the Sun and the Moon are independent from one another. The Moon is a Focused Electromagnetic phenomenon called Plasma with it's own phases. That's why you'll see at times a half moon a crescent moon ect. the Moon isn't dependent on the sun. Even the Bible makes that clear in Genesis 1-16 "God made TWO great lights one to rule the day (Sun) and the other to rule the night and the stars(Moon). No mention of a reflector. The Plasma Moon cannot be landed upon, that's all there is too it. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Quoting a book full of fables to discuss if the moon is real. The easter bunny come with that?

Sad that in this day and age, we have grown-ass adults base their beliefs on superstitious non-sense. And not even embarrassed. That is some pathetic shit.
The stork deliver you from a turnip patch?
Quoting a book full of fables to discuss if the moon is real. The easter bunny come with that?

Sad that in this day and age, we have grown-ass adults base their beliefs on superstitious non-sense. And not even embarrassed. That is some pathetic shit.
The stork deliver you from a turnip patch? Originally Posted by TechPapi
What's pathetic is you'll be believing this tall tale of Moon Landings and Mars Rover and shit. Go read a comic book.
TechPapi's Avatar
What's pathetic is you'll be believing this tall tale of Moon Landings and Mars Rover and shit. Go read a comic book. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Plenty of comic books that have more reality than the bible. I realize you aren't highly educated, but moon landing and mars rover aren't proper nouns. No need to capitalize them.
You're welcome. It will help you appear a little less ridiculous. Maybe.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Well that's unfortunate, because the Moon is not a solid rock reflecting the sun. The Moon is not a reflector. light from the Sun and the Moon are independent from one another. The Moon is a Focused Electromagnetic phenomenon called Plasma with it's own phases. That's why you'll see at times a half moon a crescent moon ect. the Moon isn't dependent on the sun. Even the Bible makes that clear in Genesis 1-16 "God made TWO great lights one to rule the day (Sun) and the other to rule the night and the stars(Moon). No mention of a reflector. The Plasma Moon cannot be landed upon, that's all there is too it. Originally Posted by Levianon17
When I read this I almost did a spit take all over my Ipad.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Well that's unfortunate, because the Moon is not a solid rock reflecting the sun. The Moon is not a reflector. light from the Sun and the Moon are independent from one another. The Moon is a Focused Electromagnetic phenomenon called Plasma with it's own phases. That's why you'll see at times a half moon a crescent moon ect. the Moon isn't dependent on the sun. Even the Bible makes that clear in Genesis 1-16 "God made TWO great lights one to rule the day (Sun) and the other to rule the night and the stars(Moon). No mention of a reflector. The Plasma Moon cannot be landed upon, that's all there is too it. Originally Posted by Levianon17

this? the "Moon is plasma" theory? nonsense.


Video shows 1965 Australian TV interview with man claiming the moon is made of plasma


this dude is the definition of "The Nutty Professor"
When I read this I almost did a spit take all over my Ipad. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Well I do about the same when I saw SpaceX and their cartoon that they passed off as authentic and what's even funnier is half the posters in here with all their brilliance actually believed it. Now go clean up your Ipad.
this? the "Moon is plasma" theory? nonsense.


Video shows 1965 Australian TV interview with man claiming the moon is made of plasma


this dude is the definition of "The Nutty Professor" Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yeah he said that four years before The Apollo mission. Why would he say that? Not because he's nuts but because he knows the actual truth and he's probably not a freemason either.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I always thought it was green cheese.

Until I turned 4.