Roe to be overturned!!!!

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  • WTF
  • 05-03-2022, 01:58 PM
Imagine the shear joy and celebration in California and New York, now that they realize they may be able to thwart the SC courts restrictions on 3rd term abortions and may soon be able to pass an abortion bill that gives the mother a couple minutes after birth to decide if the child should live or die.

They will call it the "I don't want the baby bill". Catchy, huh? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
More like they can call it the "I don't want the baby bill...if it acts like HedonistForever and his kind"
Congrats on joining the crowd who wants to end disinformation..... who just spoke disinformation.

The party so invested in ending disinformation, is on every news show today saying the SC is about to end abortion. I would think that many of them know that isn't a true statement as well as I'm sure some are just to stupid to understand that what they are saying is incorrect, disinformation.

Which category do you fall in? You know better than to say it ( you do know better, right/ ) and don't care or you're to stupid to understand that what you just said is disinformation.

"If" this decision is affirmed, it will not end abortion, period.

And as to the right to raise your child as you want, how about the majority of people who believe that nobody other than a parent should be discussing sex of any nature with a 5, 6, 7, 8 year old as the Democrats want regardless of whether parents want it or not.

You do understand that, right? That the party that you support, does not think parents have a right to decide what their children are taught in school.

Going to war with parents over what their children should be taught in school, has to be one of the dumbest decisions any political party has ever made.

I hope somebody will be asking Ms. Jankowicz for her opinion on whether the SC may be ending abortion is disinformation. Can't wait to hear her answer. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

I can honestly say I’ve no clue what the fuck you’re trying to say. I’m sure you’ve got a point but I lack my deflection and Whataboutism discernment hat right now.

I’ve not read the decision but since it overturns Roe we shall see whether states will pass laws make abortion illegal. I believe the law on the books in Oklahoma makes abortion illegal except for death of the mother. No six weeks, no 2 days, no nothing, just outright illegal.

The law won’t stop abortions, it’ll just start jailing doctors and closing clinics. I suppose those aren’t technically the same thing.

As for the other rights that will disappear, there will be plenty since they all have the same underlying basis. I look forward to the state that makes interracial marriage illegal. Or eliminates gay marriage. Or passes laws that directly effect people’s children and the rights to raise or teach them. The same logic will be used and that’s where we will see how much joy the end of Roe will bring.

I’ll be really interested in whether if Republicans take control of congress and the presidency in the near future will pass laws eliminating abortion within the US. Making it illegal regardless of what state it appears in similarly to how marijuanna is illegal federally even though states would make it legal.

The fall out will be interesting.
texassapper's Avatar
Creator? Nice mythology Originally Posted by trey32
You think murder is wrong, correct? Do you think that idea just sprang from your head?
texassapper's Avatar
Speaking of about some silly SOB that invokes God and some
made up rights to advance his position on abortion during debate on a Hooker Board? Originally Posted by WTF
Well if you think they're just made up... then what do you care? A woman, (which you can't even define for us) doesn't have any right to anything... since our rights are "made up"
texassapper's Avatar
I can honestly say I’ve no clue what the fuck you’re trying to say. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You're not an affirmative action beneficiary for nothing.

I’ve not read the decision but since it overturns Roe we shall see whether states will pass laws make abortion illegal. I believe the law on the books in Oklahoma makes abortion illegal except for death of the mother. No six weeks, no 2 days, no nothing, just outright illegal. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
So your point is....? Oh yeah some powers are reserved to the States?

The law won’t stop abortions, it’ll just start jailing doctors and closing clinics. I suppose those aren’t technically the same thing. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
It will stop it in states where laws are passed to prevent it. Let's see an abortion provider get Insurance coverage for killing babies.

As for the other rights that will disappear, there will be plenty since they all have the same underlying basis. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You are possibly the stupidest person alive...

I look forward to the state that makes interracial marriage illegal. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Because that's not going to happen... the Right to privacy that Roe was founded on...has zero to do with inter-racial marriage.

Or eliminates gay marriage. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Again... not based on right to privacy

Or passes laws that directly effect people’s children and the rights to raise or teach them. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Yeah, liberal groomers might be prevented from discussing anal with the kindergartners they teach. Terrible stuff. Again.. no founding based on right to privacy that Roe was founded on

The same logic will be used and that’s where we will see how much joy the end of Roe will bring. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Well if it holds the same way, I can always just move to a Democrat run hell hole and enjoy killing babies to my hearts content..

I’ll be really interested in whether if Republicans take control of congress and the presidency in the near future will pass laws eliminating abortion within the US. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Why should they... let the states deal with it.

Making it illegal regardless of what state it appears in similarly to how marijuanna is illegal federally even though states would make it legal. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
And are the states where it is legal getting raided by the federal govt? No... no, they aren't. You must be one dumb ass lawyer for thinking these thoughts

The fall out will be interesting. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
No the fallout is predictable... your emotional response is hilarious though... like you're some sage... lol. it is to laugh.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... some made up rights to advance his position on abortion during debate on a Hooker Board? Originally Posted by WTF
Yeah, those old white guys again. Hey! What is Old Cabbage Head? Oh yeah, an Old, White, guy that happens to be senile, inept, corrupt and likely smells like a dirty diaper.

Something I just read about the Bill of Rights on wikipedia, of all places, was that originally there were seventeen rights proposed and over the course of a couple years it got whittled down to ten. Not sure if it was #17 that allowed monkey hunting. But doesn't matter, the top 10 got picked and did the job they were intended to do -- convince the states to ratify the Constitution and here you are, just now learning about it. What a lucky day.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I can honestly say I’ve no clue what the fuck you’re trying to say.

Sure you do because you know that if this decision prevails, abortion will not be banned in the US.

I’m sure you’ve got a point

Thank you for acknowledging that I have a point.

but I lack my deflection and Whataboutism discernment hat right now.

And how exactly did I deflect from the topic and what comparison do you think I was making without addressing the topic first?

I’ve not read the decision but since it overturns Roe we shall see whether states will pass laws make abortion illegal.

You know very well that some will and some won't but you can't bring yourself to admit it.

I believe the law on the books in Oklahoma makes abortion illegal except for death of the mother. No six weeks, no 2 days, no nothing, just outright illegal.

Yes, but then we all knew that already. If the voters in OK. don't want abortion under any circumstance, they will say so and anybody that objects to that state decision has plenty of other states to move to.

The law won’t stop abortions, it’ll just start jailing doctors and closing clinics. I suppose those aren’t technically the same thing.

And the people will decide whether that is what they can or can't live with not 9 people in robes.

As for the other rights that will disappear, there will be plenty since they all have the same underlying basis.

Whataboutism at it's best. Congrats.

I look forward to the state that makes interracial marriage illegal.

More Whataboutism. Hard to stop when you are on a roll, huh?

Or eliminates gay marriage.

Since there is nothing in the Constitution that guarantees gay marriage, that should also be left up to the States. Funny how an attorney doesn't understand the concept of Federalism. Any "right" not enumerated in the Constitution shall be left up to the states to decide.

Or passes laws that directly effect people’s children and the rights to raise or teach them.

Which is exactly what the Democrat party is all for, telling parents that they have no right to say what their children will be taught in school where Democrats that I have heard speak, say that they are not your children while in school and the teachers will decide what is taught and isn't taught. You know that, right?

The same logic will be used and that’s where we will see how much joy the end of Roe will bring.

By same logic you mean understanding the Constitution and believing in the Constitution? If in fact the majority of people and states want abortion rights, they only need to pass a Constitutional amendment to make that happen. You know, like the Constitution calls for.

I’ll be really interested in whether if Republicans take control of congress and the presidency in the near future will pass laws eliminating abortion within the US.

They could only do that with an amendment to the Constitution as proscribed by the Constitution.

Making it illegal regardless of what state it appears in similarly to how marijuana is illegal federally even though states would make it legal.

You're merely pointing out a flaw in Federal law ( I believe ) and that a state already has the right to make that decision unless of course there is something in the Constitution making marijuana illegal.

The fall out will be interesting. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

It certainly will. The Democrats, under all this huffing and puffing, see what their entire platform will be come Nov. While Republicans will be talking about the economy, inflation, crime, what their children will be taught, Democrats will be talking about abortion and the Supreme court and the necessity of keeping a Democrat, Biden or Harris, in the White House.

Will most women of child bearing age be more concerned about their right to an abortion or whether they can feed the kids they already have?

I do see the Democrats getting a bump from this issue but will it be big enough to over come the disastrous numbers the Democrats are facing right now?. The question is, will Independents and Hispanics care more about abortion which will still be legal in many states, over the economy and allowing their 5 year old to be questioned about their sexual choices.

But it did just get a whole lot more interesting, I'll give you that. If all these other issues Democrats face weren't in play, they might do better but I only see all these issues getting worse in the next 6 months.

Do you think that if we are in fact in a recession for 3 quarters, abortion will be the deciding issue? I don't.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Well if you think they're just made up... then what do you care? A woman, (which you can't even define for us) doesn't have any right to anything... since our rights are "made up" Originally Posted by texassapper
And now that men get pregnant all the time, according to lefty doctrine and propaganda, it's no longer a 'woman's' issue. It's a 'pregnant person's' issue. Though there was that short period of time when the CDC tried trotting out 'bodies with vaginas'. But it didn't poll well enough and frankly sounded even dumber that 'pregnant persons' so they 69'd it.

Remember to try this experiment in the comfort of your own home:
Internet search the phrase: can men get pregnant

Welcome to your own, self-created, dystopia.
You own that Ministry of Truth approved badge of honor. Wear it with PRIDE
100% Dipshit.

I wonder why we haven’t heard from EVERY provider you lowlifes want to carry your mutant splooge to full term.

I guess it doesn’t matter to some of y’all.

Don’t forget, Jesus thinks you’re a jerk. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... Nobody cares about your opinion, mate.

And seeing-as Jesus also has Australian bloodlines,
I'm rather certain He'd feel I'm doing just fine.

It's your support for abortion that Jesus may not like.

#### Salty
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Yes. It is. Only a liar thinks otherwise.

Are you advocating violence against the government? See that's why you libtards can't keep your story straight... Conservatives understand we are a nation of laws, and you don't get to make it up as you go....

So while a law may be wrong or unjust, we at least try not to destroy the rule of law with you know... mostly peaceful protests that burn down cities. Originally Posted by texassapper
You are possibly the dumbest person alive. It . . . is?

Mo Brooks, and half the GOP in the House who think violence is legitimate political discourse, is laughing at your dumb-ass.

Me too.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...The law won’t stop abortions, it’ll just start jailing doctors and closing clinics. I suppose those aren’t technically the same thing. ..... Originally Posted by 1blackman1
TWEEEEEET! <throws yellow flag> 15 yard penalty for making-shit-up out of whole cloth without a shred of evidence or credibility. Penalty also carries a loss of down. Tweet!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Can Colorado be the leader in Whole Women's Health? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Did you mean Women's Hole Health?
Someone with Texas in their name calling someone stupid. Too funny. I lol'd for at least a minute on that.

You're not an affirmative action beneficiary for nothing.

So your point is....? Oh yeah some powers are reserved to the States?

It will stop it in states where laws are passed to prevent it. Let's see an abortion provider get Insurance coverage for killing babies.

You are possibly the stupidest person alive...

Because that's not going to happen... the Right to privacy that Roe was founded on...has zero to do with inter-racial marriage.

Again... not based on right to privacy

Yeah, liberal groomers might be prevented from discussing anal with the kindergartners they teach. Terrible stuff. Again.. no founding based on right to privacy that Roe was founded on

Well if it holds the same way, I can always just move to a Democrat run hell hole and enjoy killing babies to my hearts content..

Why should they... let the states deal with it.

And are the states where it is legal getting raided by the federal govt? No... no, they aren't. You must be one dumb ass lawyer for thinking these thoughts

No the fallout is predictable... your emotional response is hilarious though... like you're some sage... lol. it is to laugh. Originally Posted by texassapper
HedonistForever's Avatar
Gay marriage and interracial marriage does not include a third party, the unborn child.

And if a woman has a "Constitutional right" to her own body, why wouldn't she be allowed to charge for sexual favors? Why couldn't she sell a kidney to the highest bidder? Why couldn't she be able to chose being the 20th wife of a man?

Quite simply, we do not and never have had the right to do anything we want.

Seems to me there are three kinds of Americans. Those that believe in the Constitution and those that don't and those that have no idea what the Constitution is and just want what they want without reason or logic.

As to Stare Decisis, that Roe has been around so long ( 50 years ) it can't be changed, Separate but Equal was law for 60 years before being changed. There are others but I'm not going to do the research since one makes the point that even Stare Decisis has it's limits.

The decision was lightly reported and commented on and for a lot of people segregation became a part of the day-to-day life for the next
60 years
until Brown v. Board of Education.

My Democrat friend that I talk about sometimes actually told me one time that I bring up the Constitution to often and it isn't the answer to everything. SMH, that's exactly why it is there, to answer everything.
bambino's Avatar
All coordinated. No “leak”. This is about loss of control and bringing violence back.