Half of US Republicans SUPPORT President Obamas proposal to raise the minimum wage

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
BiSex, you really need to see a doctor.

BiSex, you really need to see a doctor. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
As a matter of fact, I had my annual physical just last week. The Doc said I was as fit as a fiddle!

Thanks for inquiring though!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Annual physical, eh? Over 40? No wonder you're so happy!
Annual physical, eh? Over 40? No wonder you're so happy! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Strike that to include the following: Quite content to be well "Over 40."

Unlike others in these parts, I tend to not worry about things that I have no control over.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
No, you idiot. I support policies which would boost business, and naturally raise the minimum wage to where its equilibrium point would be higher than what the government imposes. Raising the minimum wage is a phony, "feel good" proposition that does more harm than good. It prices entry level labor out of the market. This, from a guy who allowed that the gumment is "forcing" businesses to spend "their" money.

If you are trying to raise a family on minimum wage, and can't figure out anything to do earn more, you are probably eligible for disability. We all appreciate your firm grip on the realities of life, I'm sure. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No, you ignorant slut, no one could even begin to guess exactly WHAT you "support," given your posting history. You are in the corner surrounded by wet paint and you're holding the freaking brush and paint can and all you can propose is to rely on the "generosity" of business owners to raise wages if their business is doing well. Wages "naturally" go up in only two ways, 1) to attract valuable, better skilled workers and 2) to acquire labor where workers are in short supply. Minimum wage jobs normally fall outside of the first condition, though it is many business owners' wet dream for that not to be so. I suppose if whatever the minimum wage is at the time, it should be what "entry level" employees of all kinds, doctors, lawyers, police, fire fighters, any job anywhere should be paid. There, I finally made a proposal on par with the vast majority of "ideas" you come up with down there in mommie's basement.

In the mean time, if a business owner doesn't want or can't afford to pay workers he/she just will have to work harder and longer (like you propose the employees should do) to achieve the goal. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. If you run a chain of fast food joints like the late of the boards Big Bob of FTW does. you will actually need the Ferrari he used as his avatar to get from store to store in order to do this.

BTW, pvt onestone, only a Stoolwater A&I lover would sweat anything involving a Title IX sport like basketball. Of course, you folks have spent decades trying to cobble together a "winning tradition" from marginal successes in minor, non revenue producing sports such as cross-dressed tiddlywinks, competative plowing and speed milking. Go ahead, break out your aging stock of weak-ass photoshopped pictures, we need a boredom-induced nap.
I B Hankering's Avatar
As a matter of fact, I had my annual physical just last week. The Doc said I was as fit as a fiddle!

Thanks for inquiring though! Originally Posted by bigtex
Small, hollow, warped under stress and tightly strung!?!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, RaggedyAndy, since you are so obviously well informed, and a master of economics, why don't you tell us what the minimum wage should be? I mean, you know so much about the subject, please enlighten us with that information. I'm sure we'd all appreciate it.
MsJane69's Avatar
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