Robin Williams - sucide ?

theonean's Avatar
yeah such a poor poor man, guess he'll never equal anyone on this board:
yeah such a poor poor man, guess he'll never equal anyone on this board:
Originally Posted by theonean
That looks like the house from the godfather that had the horse head in the bed. On a side note, not to make light of the situation but he should have dressed up as Mrs Doubtfire before he hung himself. It would've been one last joke to the world...
I could never endure more than five minutes of his stand-up acts, just an endless barrage of obnoxious psycho-babble bullshit that would give me a migraine.... Originally Posted by Russ38

LOL. ok I give in. You are spot on. LOL
oilfieldscum's Avatar
I especially calculated this response and was wondering what took so long. ;-)

No not the kind. I'm chasing pretty pussy while you guys ( I assume you're part of the skid row click) are chasing that WU dick. Pretty big difference my friend. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
I wouldn't fuck Wakeup with your dick...if you had one...ijs.

Wrong - because I've never seen or been a client of Alyssa before.

kudos to you for that

Scumboy - isn't it time for you to hit the 5 o'clock free buffet and get your $10 lap dance? You big spender you...

Aye the buffet is never free as all tata bars charge cover and lap dances are $20 not $10. Maybe you guys need to get out more. Originally Posted by SNL9933

Weak minded people follow others around. Do weak minded people also commit suicide?

Can't add anything to the Wakeup/ Zanzibar circle jerk, or whatever the hell is going on there.

I'll say that it's sad when anyone dies, at least for those they leave behind.

I, for one, will always respect Robin Williams because of the work he did with the USO. He was essentially this generation's Bob Hope. The big difference is that Bob Hope did it with fan fare and videos in order to profit from it. Robin Williams did it for the soldiers.

IMHO that deserves, at the bare minimum, respect.
I'm an sorry for his family's sake.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Good afternoon. I see someone finally woke up after last night's festivities

I'm an sorry for his family's sake. Originally Posted by Lauren Mayfair
Good afternoon. I see someone finally woke up after last night's festivities

:Snuggles: Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
DG - maybe get her email address next time.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
The big difference is that Bob Hope did it with fan fare and videos in order to profit from it. Originally Posted by Iron_Man
It will probably surprise to learn that Hope did USO tours from WWII (even before America entered the war), Korea, Vietnam, entertained Marines in Lebanon before they got bombed in '83, and Iraq during Desert Storm. There was no such thing as video through much of that. As for fanfare, his support for our servicemen in Nam cost him dearly ... colleges and other venues cancelled a number of his gigs in high anti-war dudgeon. This was when little college twerps spat on uniformed military and we were forbidden to retaliate.

This is not to belittle Williams' was admirable. But I expect he would be the first to tell you Bob Hope was the stud buzzard.

History did not begin the day you were born.
R.I.P Robin!

History did not begin the day you were born. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
I suppose next you'll try telling me that the I'm not the center of the universe as well.

My point was not that Bob Hope was a douche (or whatever you're getting out that) it was merely that Robin did good things that many were not aware of.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I suppose next you'll try telling me that the I'm not the center of the universe as well.

My point was not that Bob Hope was a douche (or whatever you're getting out that) it was merely that Robin did good things that many were not aware of. Originally Posted by Iron_Man
No it wasn't. You tried to brighten Williams' aura by impugning Hope's motives. You don't have to denigrate one man in order to praise another.

You asserted Bob Hope's motivation was profit. Can you substantiate that? Just askin'.

...and are you the center of the universe?
  • Binx
  • 08-14-2014, 12:23 PM

If you sit back and observe him it's like watching a retarted kid trying to play chess making up his own rules all along...
Originally Posted by SNL9933
Cruel to point this out. he'll never figure out why he wins every game.
No it wasn't. You tried to brighten Williams' aura by impugning Hope's motives. You don't have to denigrate one man in order to praise another.

You asserted Bob Hope's motivation was profit. Can you substantiate that? Just askin'.

...and are you the center of the universe? Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
What I actually said was that Hope did it with Fan Fare, etc. and Williams did not. This is true as many people were questioning why the DOD would issue a statement about Williams' passing.

A quick Google search will reveal that you can purchase Bob Hope USO videos even to this day. In a free market and capitalist economy, the reason that anyone markets anything is for profit. I didn't make it that way, but that's the way it is. The same Google search replacing the name "Bob Hope" with "Robin Williams" reveals zero videos available for purchase. Does that mean they don't exist? Probably not. It just means that either Mr. Williams has a shittier marketing department, or isn't marketing them. No marketing=no sales= no profits.

As far as the intent behind my statements- Both did quite a bit for the USO, no arguments there. Several sources, in fact, cite Williams as being this generation's Bob Hope. Bob Hope is fairly well known for his work with the USO, while Williams is not. That was the point, or rather, the intent behind the statement.

All of that said, I've got 0 skin in this game. I have never been in the same room as either of these gentlemen and neither have ever sent me birthday or Christmas cards.
I prefer not to see Bob Hope and Robin Williams in the same sentence or discussion.

People fell in love with the characters Robin played.

He...on his own...was reckless obnoxious trash.