Roll Call

Reporting for Duty!
On board, but under a different alias then ASPD.
Hardpiped03's Avatar
DT....does this mean you are out of retirement?

Joining the exodus from ASPD.
curiousnomore's Avatar
Here and hope to participate more in the New Year!
Deepthinker's Avatar

No. I am still retired -- much to the relief of the provider community I am sure.

What it means , rather than "unretired" is that I have no friends in real life , so I need to continue to follow all you guys here for entertainment purposes and vicarious living.

Also, if I do make a comeback at some point, the leap will be easier if I don't have to refamiliarize myself with the players. I guess I am now an armchair quarterback for awhile. We'll see. Who knows what the future may bring.....
Zippie's Avatar
Made the switch from ASPD. Also changed names. Is it just me or does this site load very slow?
Limerick's Avatar
Hopefully they will get that added capacity on in short order.

It might be time for a "best review contest" to built up the review database.
robert_96's Avatar
Just learned ASPD is closing. Came here after reading Going Postal's message, thanks.
count me in for the fun here all...hope we can accomplish what aspd has/had. Thanks..
I'm here, same alias as ASPD, glad I signed on to ASPD before they closed and found out about the new place. I've got some new reviews of Kimbo to post soon also.
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 12-31-2009, 02:45 PM
Here from lurking ASPD. Still trying to learn the ropes before I post a review
I guess I am now an armchair quarterback for awhile.

DT, may I send you some game film to review?

I think my offense is strictly old school and could use some tips to get this thing clicking in one of the best conferences in the country.
cravenmorehead's Avatar
Formerly known as jackmeof, new site new start.
eastsideguy's Avatar
New year, new site - here and ready to report and contribute!