Would you like your info on blast?

TemptationTammie's Avatar
At least when I get drunk, I just go BSC in a pm or something and get myself banned.. Come on grrrrrl, u gots a rep to uphold here!! I didn't read this whole thread, I just saw the " sorry I was drunk" part and felt like I should chime in... Seriously tho.. Try it.. Sometimes a timeout is a good thing.. Getcha mind right! Carry on.. Originally Posted by Eryn
Look I didn't put anyone on blast. Its just a scenario. There was no info given on anyone or anywhere. I will admit i was buzzed last night and something made me very angry. Big deal and oh well. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
I know this is off original topic but there are better things to do when drunk or buzzed.
I try to avoid the board when I'm drinking, lol. Knowing how I get when drunk, I'd probably be offering discounted or free sessions. Bad thing about being a horny drunk.
Translation: I am the gf or in the stable of someone who regularly lowballs providers and/or I do this myself to gauge who is doing what and for how much and it really messes up my day when people call me on it.

I have tried to keep my mouth shut, but really? Say you just tried to contact a provider just to say this is what you want at x-amount. She says "No". Ok cool, everyone moves on right? But oh, no.she puts your info on alert? um, for what? Do you really respect that provider? You know she does this all the time, but you don't want to be in any kind association. Bad vadoo. So what do you do? Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
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