So what do you think of Dianne Feinstein releasing the CIA Torture Report??

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-11-2014, 09:10 AM
WTF, how many of your bitches have nuts, you moronic buffoon? Originally Posted by gnadfly
My lil bitch COG has none...not sure about two of my other bitch's. Why don't you and LexieLiar reach down between your panties and see if you can find a pair.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-11-2014, 09:17 AM
For the record I wish this country would grow a pair and quit all this double talk. "We will do what ever it takes to win...just like our enemies".
Ask I'va. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
According to you it does.
LexusLover's Avatar
My lil bitch COG has none...not sure about two of my other bitch's. Originally Posted by WTF
That's not really funny. And I don't really want to know how you know.

I've always "assumed" those Bimboes of yours didn't ever have any. Now???
cowboy8055's Avatar
We've been through this before. Top Dems and Reps knew this was going on under Bush. This isn't some new revelation. It's just political gaming. Nothing to be gained here. I doubt most citizens get that worked up over something like water boarding anyways.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-11-2014, 11:52 AM
That's not really funny. And I don't really want to know how you know.

I've always "assumed" those Bimboes of yours didn't ever have any. Now??? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Everybody knows COG has no balls...i was just giving you and gnad the benefit of doubt.

To you other point, if being funny is a prerequisite for every post than you might check in your membership!
Wakeup's Avatar
In WW2 during the Battle of the Bulge, the Germans took 40+ American prisoners and massacred them at Malmedy. When the word got back to Patton, he sent an order down through the ranks - until further notice, take no new German prisoners, execute them on the spot. This went on for about a week, enough time for the Germans to get the message. We can play by your rules too. Then the order was rescinded, and German prisoners were again put in POW camps until the war ended. Originally Posted by lustylad
No...Patton didn't...

The only documented order given to execute prisoners, and then it was specifically only SS and paratrooper prisoners, was given in a FRAGO by Headquarters, 328th Infantry Regiment, and there's no evidence they ever carried out that order. The Chenogne Massacre, carried out by the 21st Armored as a possible reprisal for Malmedy, was a war crime, an atrocity no better than the Malmedy Massacre, and it's a stain that the U.S. Army carries with it to this day.

Sometimes I wish more people had been realize how we really feel about these things...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
My lil bitch COG has none...not sure about two of my other bitch's. Why don't you and LexieLiar reach down between your panties and see if you can find a pair. Originally Posted by WTF
I have a deal for you, WPF. If you will quit lying about me, I will quit telling the truth about you.
LexusLover's Avatar
It's the CIA's position that they briefed Feinstein, and considering how Feinstein's actions reek of vindictiveness, there's no reason to accept her version over the CIA's. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
At least the scope and source of the "briefing" is currently in question. There have apparently been some joint or combined letters written asserting the authors of those letters were not "debriefed" for the report. In addition I think every CIA "Boss" (including the current one) is disputing the alleged report's claim that "enhanced" interrogation didn't provide any information (or "helpful' information) that stopped or prevented any activities.

Publishing an incomplete and inaccurate report is irresponsible.

Does a published report of torture by U.S. representatives/agents/contractors/whatever .. sufficiently establish a justification for an increase in violence directed at U.S. interests so that the increased violent activity can be blamed on what some prior administration had "authorized" and thereby exonerate the current administration from its failings in successfully combating the unchecked increase in terrorism around the world ... and perhaps smoldering domestically?

It's not a "video," but it is an "official" report of the U.S. Government.
LexusLover's Avatar
I have a deal for you, WPF. If you will quit lying about me, I will quit telling the truth about you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It's ok if we lie on here (relate our dreams and fantasies), but you are not supposed to be disclosing "real world" information on here anyway, because it might "out' someone ... you know ...Like The Former Mayor of San Francisco does.
LexusLover's Avatar
It's ok if we lie on here (relate our dreams and fantasies), but you are not supposed to be disclosing "real world" information on here anyway, because it might "out' someone ... you know ...Like The Former Mayor of San Francisco does. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well, lie most of the time. Some lies are harmful to others.
LexusLover's Avatar
For the record I wish this country would grow a pair and quit all this double talk. "We will do what ever it takes to win...just like our enemies". Originally Posted by WTF
I thought you were opposed to the "war on terrorists" ... too expensive?
lustylad's Avatar
No...Patton didn't...

The only documented order given to execute prisoners, and then it was specifically only SS and paratrooper prisoners, was given in a FRAGO by Headquarters, 328th Infantry Regiment, and there's no evidence they ever carried out that order. The Chenogne Massacre, carried out by the 21st Armored as a possible reprisal for Malmedy, was a war crime, an atrocity no better than the Malmedy Massacre, and it's a stain that the U.S. Army carries with it to this day.

Sometimes I wish more people had been realize how we really feel about these things... Originally Posted by Wakeup

I may have been wrong to attribute the order to Patton. It's probably not the type of thing that would have been documented anyway. My info came from someone who fought in the Bulge and had first-hand knowledge. He just said the "word came down" and it lasted for about a week. I wasn't aware of what happened at Chenogne. From the wikipedia account, there seems to be some disagreement over the historical facts. I certainly do understand how hard it would be for a US soldier to execute a captured POW, even under orders. A lot harder than pouring water down Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's throat.

LexusLover's Avatar
I certainly do understand how hard it would be for a US soldier to execute a captured POW, even under orders. A lot harder than pouring water down Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's throat.. Originally Posted by lustylad
Hard for some. Not so hard for others. Probably a distinction between an all volunteer military and one that is drafted at least partially. Unfortunately there have been other "incidents" of "atrocities" and it is not a "military" thing it is a "human" (or better "inhumane") thing based on individuals acting upon their own irrational feelings.

Persons in authority have to be measured in their remarks so as not to invite subordinates to perceive they have a green light to engage in unlawful or inappropriate behavior when in fact the comments are not made with that intent. At the same time subordinates have to recognize the distinction between a lawful order and one unlawful, as it relates to the consequences upon them as individuals. In a group mentality that can be difficult, but the individual has to suffer the immediate consequences in order to prevent those down the road.

But it is always easier to call the plays on Monday morning from the bench and critique the decisions after the fact in an environment when there can be cool reflection and some sensible input from others who weren't caught in the emotion of the moment.
I may have been wrong to attribute the order to Patton. It's probably not the type of thing that would have been documented anyway. My info came from someone who fought in the Bulge and had first-hand knowledge. He just said the "word came down" and it lasted for about a week. I wasn't aware of what happened at Chenogne. From the wikipedia account, there seems to be some disagreement over the historical facts. I certainly do understand how hard it would be for a US soldier to execute a captured POW, even under orders. A lot harder than pouring water down Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's throat.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
No senior commander would ever issue such an order.

Granted, individule soldiers probably did some things that were less than honorable, our human failings can sometimes overpower our better sensibilities in circumstances that enrage us, but that is a far cry from saying a General Officer issued such an order.

I would go so far as to say that no senior officer would ever even hint at such activity. That would be a good way to be stood in front of a Court Marshal on trial for murder.