Nashville Sucks

Introuble's Avatar
babee, your clueless about what I said or did not say. I am not sure what your point is in my case. I did what any respectable hobbyist would do. I did not make a mistake.

"Hi, my name is XXX. I will be in town from xxx to xxx and was interested in seeing you while I was there. I was wondering what your rates were and your availability during that time. How do I contact you once there as I am not sure yet what my schedule will be? Also a picture would be nice since you do not post anything about yourself.

I have P411 references, and am quite active on ECCIE and ERAPS if you would like to check my background. I will be staying in the XXX area of town as I see that is close to you.

Here is my number if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you."

Now I am not sure exactly what is wrong with that introduction. If you would like the names of all the providers that I attempted to contact I will be glad to post them too. Maybe you were one of the ones that did not answer my inquiry. I did not put the exact wording in my post you referenced since I had no clue some provider would try to nit-pick and dissect what I said to try to make me look stupid and themselves look "smart".

We can discuss this 'till hell freezes over for all I care but the fact remains that there is very little action in Nashville it appears and when you do find someone, they simply do not even have the courtesy to acknowledge, respond, or show the least bit of interest in working. Believe me when I say it was not for lack of effort on my part. I guess the money is so damn good there that everyone is fat and happy. I did see indications of that also.
babee, your clueless about what I said or did not say. I am not sure what your point is in my case. I did what any respectable hobbyist would do. I did not make a mistake. Originally Posted by Introuble
My point is the same point I've been making and make - yet again. Tn aint TX Nashville ain't Dallas and ECCIE and eraps are not big boards in TN.
If you had asked (even here) either before or during your visit, I bet your trip would have gone better. ProviderGuide lists over 2k providers in Nash. Taking out male and Tgirls...those are still pretty high odds that somebody would have set a date with you. By your own post - you called 12 out of 2k and none called you back. Something is off somewhere. You blame Nashville. I suggest the fault may not fall entirely on all 2k providers in Nash. Not only do I suggest the fault may not entirely be one-sided, I tried to give a few pointers, suggestions - not just for you, but for every potential client.

"Hi, my name is XXX. I will be in town from xxx to xxx and was interested in seeing you while I was there. I was wondering what your rates were and your availability during that time. How do I contact you once there as I am not sure yet what my schedule will be? Also a picture would be nice since you do not post anything about yourself.

I have P411 references, and am quite active on ECCIE and ERAPS if you would like to check my background. I will be staying in the XXX area of town as I see that is close to you.

Here is my number if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you."

Now I am not sure exactly what is wrong with that introduction. Originally Posted by Introuble
Nothing. It is markedly DISsimilar to what you "quoted" in your original post and much more similar to what I suggested.

If you would like the names of all the providers that I attempted to contact I will be glad to post them too. Maybe you were one of the ones that did not answer my inquiry. Originally Posted by Introuble
Haven't been to Nash as a regular provider since...spring maybe? I am there UTR every 4-6 weeks. If you did contact me (can't imagine why you would contact a Mphs provider for Nash though) it probably got the DEL.

I did not put the exact wording in my post you referenced since I had no clue some provider would try to nit-pick and dissect what I said to try to make me look stupid and themselves look "smart". Originally Posted by Introuble
My Grandmother taught me nobody can make me look foolish .....except me. My Daddy taught me there is no shame or dishonor in admitting when I made a mistake and that the key is to learn from my mistakes. Or you can take the famous line from the movie, Forest Gump, and apply it here. I am incapable of making you look like anything.

Bottom line: I did nothing. Ok, that's a lie. I amused myself a little bit. I thought the "Sincerely, Idiot" was pretty frackin funny myself. Mebbe it's a provider humor thing?

We can discuss this 'till hell freezes over for all I care but the fact remains that there is very little action in Nashville it appears and when you do find someone, they simply do not even have the courtesy to acknowledge, respond, or show the least bit of interest in working. Believe me when I say it was not for lack of effort on my part. I guess the money is so damn good there that everyone is fat and happy. I did see indications of that also. Originally Posted by Introuble
Over 2k providers advertising just on one forum. They wouldn't be there if the $$ weren't there. Nashville did not work for you. You choose to blame Nashville. So, it's either or. Either all the fat lazy providers in metro Nash held a meeting and boycotted you specifically or ..there may actually be 2 sides to this sad little tale.
Introuble's Avatar
If you will re-read my post you will see that after my diatribe of points, I simply asked how Nashville works.......implying that I was missing something. If I contacted a Memphis provider it was only because she advertises in the Nashville forum. I did ask for names before I went and was given a good list IMHO. I tried 2 or 3 from THAT list and only 1 responded with an email.....she later freaked out because I asked if we could move the appt up one hour.....then no-showed me. She was supposedly one of the better providers according to numerous people.

I admitted that I obviously used the wrong boards for Nashville. On the other hand I was not going to subscribe to a bunch of other boards, some of which I have never heard of, simply to find a provider. I used every tool I had at my disposal. My point is that out of a dozen providers I should have had at least one session. Maybe I am used to Dallas where providers want to work, return your calls since many have learned that email is extremely slow and inefficient. For the traveling girls, I can see where Email might work better, but that takes us back to the original point....where are all the NASHVILLE providers?

I doubt that there are 2000 providers in Nashville. I do not believe there are that many in Dallas. Anyway there was a lesson learned in my visit to Nashville which is what is most important. Maybe the provider that no-showed me put out an alert on me since I wanted to change the time.

I would like to know what forum has 2000 providers listed in Nashville. Thanks for your responses in what otherwise would have been a boring thread.
Aww shucks!!! This is one of those cases where the picture doesn't do justice. And yes, I DO like my ass, it came with the package. Originally Posted by babee
It's been too long, We will have to meet up again.
London Rayne's Avatar
<And I didn't insult any potential customers >

I guess you don't realize that you can't say that anymore, because you just DID insult a potential client, but then again its pretty obvious you don't care. Originally Posted by Clingus

Why pm me this EXACT SAME THING lol. No if a potential customer is that much of a baby then I DON'T REALLY CARE! If you are looking for someone to kiss up to you all day long on MY TIME, you got the wrong one baby....this is not Texas lmao!

I am cordial and respectful but I will speak my mind, and if by insulting a CITY you took that as an insult directed at you, seek therapy for projection issues, because most people can tell the difference.

You can say you hate the providers of New Orleans all day long, and I can promise you that I would not get offended because I know you have never seen me personally to base that statement. I have never seen you, so why would you automatically act like a 5 yr. old and say, "Well if you talk about my state, you aint getting my money" lmao...KEEP IT!!

Yet another reason so many women love the MEN of TN! Now I have to actually get to work since I am here lol.
I agree London! I'm actually from Texas!!! And you could not pay me to live there!!!!

Of course I do have a few Texas clients.... But I would NOT live there...

I love Tenn and always will

Realzing we all have many better things to do, I really can't defend why I'm wasting my time posting again. Especially since the total beratement I've receive through your pm's makes it obvious you have no intention of considering yourself anything but faultless. In your mind insulting someone is justifiable. Somewhere in life you'll learn thats not true, as I and as most people have, but its obvious you're not interested in
accepting that yet. Anyway, after recovering from getting verbally beat over the head by your pm's, I thought that I may have misunderstood something. Maybe it best I re-read this thread and see were I might have been so way out of line.

The thread caught my eye because I was considering meeting someone in Nashville and you have to admit a title like "Nashville Sucks" is eye catching. Poor Introuble starts the thing off because he can't seem to make a connection with anyone and is left frustrated. I feel his pain and apperrently so do others since the first few responses to him are cordial and informative. The ladies responding, I feel, are actually trying to help guide him. Even your first post, Ms London, is helpful but right in your first paragraph you left me puzzled with this comment;

<There is a reason I would never travel to TX lol. >

Then you proceed to describe how much money you make in Nashville.

The next mention of Texas is from Ms Babee who just explains which boards are more popular there. No one mentions Texas again until you post and explain your "market analysis" of it there and again how much more money you make in Nashville. You even make the statement :

<It's all about where the money and the gentleman are at.>

I realize this is a business and I defended that later in one
of my posts, but there is a recurring theme here. You don't like
Texas and this is all about the money to you. The later I have no problem with, but given the oppurtunity I'll always pick a lady
that is more discrete about her business attitude. I'm not naive.
I know this is about money, but I prefer ladies that don't rub our
face in it.

Being a Texan, and you know how proud we are, I kept reading
because I just find it interesting when I run across someone
with an attitude about our fine State. I guess its like a bad car
wreck, you just gotta look. I don't even enter the picture until
page three, but by then in every one of your posts you do nothing but bash Texas, while no one else is jumping on that band wagon with you. So the source of all this is obvious, YOU!

<We don't mean to give you a hard time hon, but being from TX.
and certain boards being tx. based...well you seem a bit bias,
and naive.>

<Tx has ALWAYS been famous for boycotting any girl above a
certain price and writing rave reviews about one who is well. Some girls fall for it, and the smart ones don't lol. >

No one else is saying anything about Texas but YOU! This is where I jump in and make a comment that's mostly tongue-in-cheek, and the response I get from you, puts all the blame on me! Unbelievable!!

To add insult to injury you even go and call us Texans "CHEAP'!

<you go where the money is at, and for me it's not in Texas...
.though I have had a few pm's from Texas guys saying they don't fall into the "cheap, trying to drive the market down," category.>

There ya go about the money again too! Oh, excuse me, you did say,

<This is a JOB....plain and simple>.

Just a minute, let me go wash my face again...Ok, then you really fired away at me with the whole lecture starting with:

<Clingus if you are that offended because of what someone thinks of your area, oh well. Are you the State Rep for Texas? No? Then who the hell cares...>

Well, obviously, YOU don't!

So here's where this all leads. You're probably too young to remember the commercials, but it's a phrase thats still used in business school, this is what's called an "E.F.HUTTON" moment:
Even though you say:

<...and I do have a little bit of a college education in
marketing hehe.>

You're wrong!

I don't know what they're teachimg you at Tulane but your
analysis of the market and marketing assumptions are very lacking. I've been in the customer service business all my life and been in this hobby businesss 25 years. I've seen girls like you come and go. You don't see it coming, but With your attitude you will be gone soon. If you carry your attitude over to your civilian life, well, I wish you luck. No one ever gains business or builds relationships by insulting anyone. You've been watching too much of "The Apprentice".

Texas has a very broad market in this business. You could do well there even at the rates you desire. Your perceptions and assumptions are preventing you success there.

I don't"hobby" much anymore. When I do I'm very selective. I could care less how much money a lady wants. I care about her attitude towards me and what she does. I in turn have always rewarded that with total attention to her. I was trying to be selective when I was thinking about it for Nashville and I'm so thankful for that. It appears I was about to step on a land mine.

What you also don't realize is your focus is all wrong. People who concentrate on what they can accomplish wind up far wealthier than those that focus just on how much money they can make. Its not about the money. Anyone can make money and as you already know, its easy to get money. Its what you do with your money and what you allow that money to do for you. I won't be so bold to suggest anything to you, since you've already demonstrated you "superiority" over me, but I like two small books that create a great foundation for a persons perceptions on money. "Benjamin Franklins Autobiography", and "The Richest Man In Babylon." Short reads with powerful advice. Its a shame they're not taught in school.

You can spit on Texas all you want, but it was "Dianna of Dallas" that put the hobby on the internet and laid the foundation for y'all, 20 years ago,

I suspect at this point you'll just proceed to rip my head off again, but I knew that when I started. I wish the old boards were still around cause the trend in the hobby is not what it used to be like. Its lost is 'family' environment. I'm done with this, but please allow me to leave you with one last thought

ttp:// lated
Introuble's Avatar
Clingus....My new hero.

You left out the part where she insulted all the "cheap" providers (not only in Texas but elsewhere) that don't have enough sense to charge more. She also lacks knowledge (my opinion) of simple economic principles relating to supply and demand which hinders her ability to understand WHY TX providers are less expensive than Nashville. Put the same qty of providers in Nashville that Dallas has and she would either drop her prices or not work Nashville. There are a lot of providers who obviously WANT to work TX and those that do not are not so stupid as to tell us why, ie we are "cheap".

I believe many providers do not understand WHY they work. Is it the hourly rate that they hold so sacred so they can feel good about working? Or put another way, if I can't charge what I THINK I am worth I simply will not work. The other issue is how much do you want to make in a year. TX providers are some of the most hard working providers I have ever met, realizing that if they work for $200-$250 and stay busy they most likely will make more in a year than charging $300 and waiting for the phone to ring. Not saying this is the case with Ms London, but there are many out there like her that are not making as much as they could and as she has stated, she does not want to work THAT much so she charges more. It is simply maximizing your time and resources to create the maximum cash flow possible. She quickly criticizes providers who do 3-4 sessions a day as working too much and being too cheap. She on the other hand holds herself ABOVE that and feels she is somehow better than others who charge less than SHE thinks they should. I would compare Nicole Preston's income with Ms London's any day and I suspect Nicole made far more at the end of the year at $200 than most $300 providers did. She was well respected not because of her price, but because of the excellent attitude and service. She refused to charge more than $200 and would tell you pussy was not worth more than that. She was NOT cheap...she was practical. She could have EASILY charged $300, but refused to on principle.

You are correct Ms London in not coming to TX as you would not survive here very long.

Does everyone remember the post by the Dallas provider that jumped all over the other providers for having sales and discounts and how that was wrong? She suggested that they should all get together on prices so they can keep the prices the real world that would be price fixing. She basically insulted all the providers that charge less than what SHE thought they should charge. I fully expected someone to try to UNIONIZE the providers in TX so as to FIX the prices. She hasn't suggested that since due to the responses she received. Any market without competition soon dies. If all cars were the same price, you would soon have fewer car choices.

This whole "you don't charge enough" or "men don't pay enough" is exactly where the phrase "Golden Pussy" comes from. If you want to work, then work, charge what you want, and DON't criticize other providers and clients when they don't want your services. My experience has been that a person who brags about what they earn rarely makes what they say they do. In THIS business where the IRS and others are looking, why would you brag about how much you make.....why would a client want to see someone with this type of attitude?
London Rayne's Avatar
Hmm well lemme see now....the men who act like actual MEN don't have a problem with me lol. I can't tell you the number of pms I have gotten that started with, "Way to express yourself without acting like an infant," or "well said London." These were by guys who apparently don't have a reason to be offended at my posts, because THEY DON'T APPLY TO THEM lol.

I did not go to Texas and start saying crap about guys came here with your WHINING about how Nashville sucked and Texas was so great. Here is a suggestion...stay in freaking Texas where it's heaven and providers return your calls because there are 500 other providers waiting for the next dime. I have more respect for the people on your forum than to go over there and WHINE about how bad things are...obviously tact is not your strong point, because you have done just that!

My marketing is just fine, and after 3 years I think I have proven just how well I do deliver and take care of the guys who RESPECT ME, and my opinions. Obviously my over priced education has taught me to ward off idiots, and attract professional men who don't mind a woman with a brain lol. Thanks to this very thread I have 2 dates lined up with oh oh ready for this....GUYS FROM TEXAS who were not offended by my post but laughed about how accurate it was. You guys act like I am the first person to say the same thing about how things are there lol. NOT!

I didn't brag about how much I make because I don't make that everywhere I go. I was giving you an estimate of what you can pull in certain areas, and what you can't in others. And I will readily admit I think screwing that many people in a day's time is disgusting, and anyone trying to keep that rate up for an extended period of time is going to be worn the hell out after a damn year...but you guys could not care less about what the poor girl goes through could ya? Exactly!

So don't come here and try to take the focus off yourself by insinuating I am putting other providers down. I happen to know what they say behind the scenes far far away from the oh so overly sensitive ears on review boards lol. You guys are use to women kissing your butt because they need your money that bad....well I don't. I can just imagine how much you would expect of me for my outlandish rates lol...probably 5 pops in an hour, an extra hour in fact, a steak dinner, and me drinking from a bowl and barking like a dog lol. You guys want penthouse service but only want to pay for a trailer...dream on.

Though I will not curse at you or call you names, you can bet I will express my opinion. When you are paying me to shut up, then you will see just how great a professional can keep the drama out of her dates....THAT'S why I have a repeat clientel

You want it cheap and now, so go get it. Don't wonder why your emails don't get returned lol, because people who have that kind of abuse don't really care about you once they are on the 3rd guy that day lol. If a girl knows she has 4 more guys she can hook up with, you think losing one matters? For the girl who has maybe only 2 days a week to work I can guarantee you it DOES matter.

Introuble you don't have a CLUE about how much anyone makes other than what we tell you, so go away with that "Oh I can promise you so and so makes more in a year than you do" lol. Well my kitty is not sore every week either, and you don't have to tie a 2 by 4 to my butt to keep from falling in lol.

Don't tell me what to do with my body, because at the end of the day it's not you who has to deal with it. I could care less who does what, but don't tell me I have to and don't say I think I am better than anyone for not letting you try and intimidate me with your pyscho babble bs...just a bit smarter than that.

I think what really gets you is that I am not one of your naive subjects you can convince to sell out lol. You accuse someone of price fixing when that's exactly what you are in fact doing with your, "We don't pay over xxx in Tx." Get a clue. I would have to do 12 guys a week at 200 to make a living...are you CRAZY! How cowardly and utterly predictable of you to try and convince us SMART girls in that we should be cheaper to make more money lol.

Math is not my best subject but damn, even a monkey can read between the lines on that one. Price fixing need to go back to Tx with that logic because the ladies here are not buying it.

I didn't put down girls for not charging what anyone else does. Some girls don't have that many bills and I illustrated that by suggesting different types of women who are here. I know many ladies who have husbands, homes paid for, college girls, or children who are out of the house, and they charge what is best for them. I am not suggesting that everyone be in the same range, but you certainly ARE....and the low range at that, so stop being a hypocrite. You know I think babee may have been correct about you being blacklisted, because you have just shown TN how much you care about their bills, or how many guys they would have to see to pay them if you were in charge of the price list lol. BRAVO!

No not everyone needs 10k a month, but some do and who are you to tell them anything? As for the IRS who the hell is London Rayne lol. My LLC is in my real name, and I am not stupid honey...I pay taxes. I get checks from school as well which verifies even more of my income.

No Clingus it's not about the are right. We are all here to be homeless and broke in 2 years and have our vaginas look like roast beef from all the abuse. Maybe you should take a look at all the various charities I support even when I CAN'T AFFORD TO!! That 20% gets to them whether I have food in my fridge or not, and I have been that way since 2001 and never had a problem paying my bills....give and it will be given back!

Don't tell me it's my "percepton of Tx" when I HAVE BEEN THERE!!! Did you not hear what I said? 200 for fs and msog was the going rate lol. Asking for $350 was like pulling teeth, so don't tell me what you have no clue about. WHy don't you start slinging your stuff and try raising a child on your own with no help, pay your mortgage, your incall rent, travel fees, cell phones, advertising, cable, air, etc. then come back and talk that bs to me.

You don't know a thing about me or anyone here. "Well I was looking for some co. in Nashville but after seeing all the Texas bashing I think I will just see my atf twice." THEN GO SEE HER ALREADY!

I am done arguing with people who cry like little babies when they don't get their way, and laughing all the way to the bank in Knoxville where men are MEN! I could give a flying flip what Sally down the street charges for her time, but don't you dare tell me what to charge for mine when NO ONE else is complaining about it but YOU! I have not had ONE guy try to get a discount since I have been in Knoxville...not ONE, and they tip on top of it.

Add to that the women here are not jealous, back stabbing, retards who try and cut you every chance they get. WOW what a concept! They actually return emails and phone calls too, but usually their ads have pictures and rates lmao. The going return time for a reference in this area is about an's 2 days other places. So yes we happen to like the what. We are appreciated, and not called golden p&&&. I guess guys here actually appreciate women who have other ambition other than being just their personal hooker 24/7...go figure.

Clingus you have serious abandonment issues if you react this way every time someone does not kiss your azz and tell you that everything about you is perfect. I can admit I am not perfect but if you think I am going to apologize for anything I have said, you are plum crazy lol. YOU got offended and that is YOUR problem! I didn't insult YOU but your brain can't comprehend the difference. Then you pm me with your crap that I don't want to deal with! I don't get paid for more drama than I can get at home lol.

Good grief I thought women were the ones with drama issues but if this is representative of the way some guys in Texas act, no way in hell any woman in her right mind would do on purpose to be there lol.

So you come into the Nashville area and it's ok for you to bash it, but not ok for us to talk about Texas? Classic. Let me put it another way that you might be able to understand...if you can't hang with the big dogs, stay your PUPPY azz on the porch lol. You don't see any of us girls going interject stupidity and whining in your Texas area now do you? Why? I guess we might have better things to do. Don't come here and dish out insults if you are not mature enough to handle an adult debate about the subject. Boo hoo she offended me...good lord grow up! I tried to joke around after that and liven things up around here, but that didn't go too well as you both continue to take your jabs....and you wonder why I said or excuse me, what we said lol.

Oh, and na na na boo boo since we are back in the 1st grade.

Done with a totally useless and pointless thread.
I honestly have no wish to read any (more) of the above. It's devolved into personal attacks and who has the bigger e-penis and who's right the provider or the client? and nobody giving an inch or making a decent argument.

Am I the only one who thinks it's weird for Tennessee to be hosting a fight between 2 people from TX, 1 person from LA and 1 from FL?

Texas - particularly Texas ECCIE - has a justly earned "provider bashing" reputation. I don't even read the TX forums. They're pretty disgusting. There is no way that it can not spill over to a point, but it's entirely unnecessary, childishly ridiculous and ...disgusting.

I hope that some of the posts in this thread help clients and providers use the dominant TN boards and advertising sites. At least then maybe somebody will be having fun.
fireballtn's Avatar
Ummmm, What's an e-penis? Is that a Texas penis or a Tennessee penis?

no drama

just sayin'
London Rayne's Avatar
Ummmm, What's an e-penis? Is that a Texas penis or a Tennessee penis? Originally Posted by fireballtn
fireballtn's Avatar

no drama

just sayin' Originally Posted by Megan Love
Is dat one of dem Texus boards? LMAO
uummmmm it's SOUTHERN gfe haha