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Lustforlauren A Sad Story

Lauren came to Austin without a care
Did her makeup and fixed her hair
Posted her AD in Snatch don’t you know
Looking for a screw maybe a blow

Well all was fine till the phone began to ring
The usual guys calling looking for Bing
Then SL called looking to score
He was called names by this crazy whore

So threADS got started and Lauren got mad
The scam she was performing started looking really bad
Before she left she got another no review its true
Regretting how stupid she made herself look she started to feel blue

She had 96 reviews and obviously knew what was right
But instead she picked a baby troll and started a fight
The troll gave her a chance said he didn’t want any sass
But she text him telling him to blow it out his ass

So the story ends with a bad trip to Austin Lauren will admit
Hopefully learned her lesson picking a fight with a Man Whore who could throw a fit
We wish her well and may all the dicks she sucks be clean
After all SL loves hookers he doesn’t like to be mean

Lauren A Song For You To Listen To While You Run Off To The Next City....

All my love... you saggy bottom princess!

You'll love this one sweetie! Your favorite group.

The Saggy Bottom Boys!

Lustforlauren A Sad Story

Lauren came to Austin without a care
Did her makeup and fixed her hair
Posted her AD in Snatch don’t you know
Looking for a screw maybe a blow

Well all was fine till the phone began to ring
The usual guys calling looking for Bing
Then SL called looking to score
He was called names by this crazy whore

So threADS got started and Lauren got mad
The scam she was performing started looking really bad
Before she left she got another no review its true
Regretting how stupid she made herself look she started to feel blue

She had 96 reviews and obviously knew what was right
But instead she picked a baby troll and started a fight
The troll gave her a chance said he didn’t want any sass
But she text him telling him to blow it out his ass

So the story ends with a bad trip to Austin Lauren will admit
Hopefully learned her lesson picking a fight with a Man Whore who could throw a fit
We wish her well and may all the dicks she sucks be clean
After all SL loves hookers he doesn’t like to be mean

Lauren A Song For You To Listen To While You Run Off To The Next City....

All my love... you saggy bottom princess!

You'll love this one sweetie! Your favorite group.

The Saggy Bottom Boys!

Originally Posted by Still Looking
Still Looking's Avatar
There..... I hear them again...the birds.

I thought they were extinct. They are the cry's of the "Thick Tongued Albanian Double Breasted Yellow Bellied Cock Suckers".

They were on in two parts of the world... Bavaria and Albania. The very last ones were smuggled into the US by a guy named "Mokoa" who resided in San Antonio. People in the know were "OBSERVING" that the last three might repopulate the species. So they brought in an "INSPECTOR" to evaluate these three rare birds. His consensus was that one was a female and the other two were males. He sadly announced the female was BAT SHIT CRAZY and the other two simply "JOHNNY YANKED" off in front of the female. No chance of them ever repopulating. All they would do is jack off and fly around and if ANYONE was having fun they would try and SHIT on them. For fun they sucked chickens off. What a "FOUL" habit. Lucky for all of us once these three die that will be the end of that. If you are lucky enough to spot one don't hurt it. They are funny to watch and goofy looking but lets just let them die of natural causes!