Dementia Joe, the coward, turns tail & runs away from SUPERTRUMP

elghund's Avatar
Most of us were getting free pussy back then and didn't care about a lot of things. It was wrong then it is wrong now.

Meanwhile, in 2020 Kamala ran to the left of Bernie Sanders. Her statements about universal single payer healthcare, open borders and the like are unlikely to help her.

I can't wait to see the Dims when this sugar high subsides... as it will.

$20 says she word salads her way out of the nomination and we'll be running against Manchin Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
Manchin is OK.

Bidenomics vs Maganomics

Numbers don’t lie.

Kamala will be just another extension of the Biden admin failed policies. If not worse. She’s much further left than Biden.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Most of us were getting free pussy back then and didn't care about a lot of things. It was wrong then it is wrong now.

Meanwhile, in 2020 Kamala ran to the left of Bernie Sanders. Her statements about universal single payer healthcare, open borders and the like are unlikely to help her.

I can't wait to see the Dims when this sugar high subsides... as it will.

$20 says she word salads her way out of the nomination and we'll be running against Manchin Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
depends who the WHORE had ta fuck for a shot ta move up ????
Kamala started out as an escort in DC. Then she turned into a side girl for Willie Brown, he was 60 she was 28. He then appointed her to positions that she wasn't qualified for. That's how she moved up to where she is. Do we really want an ex whore in the white house? One that giggles?

She wants the border completely open with benefits for all.
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Manchin is OK.

elg….. Originally Posted by elghund
I see you ignored
It was wrong then it is wrong now.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
elghund's Avatar
Kamala started out as an escort in DC. Then she turned into a side girl for Willie Brown, he was 60 she was 28. He then appointed her to positions that she wasn't qualified for. That's how she moved up to where she is. Do we really want an ex whore in the white house? One that giggles?

She wants the border completely open with benefits for all. Originally Posted by hardlikker12
Well, if that fantasy was true she would be the second whore there, after Melania.

elghund's Avatar
I see you ignored Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
No, just didn’t answer. Because there is no answer.

No one was going to remove Reagan any more than they will remove Biden.
Or, back in the day, anymore than they would have removed Roosevelt at the end, or Garfield when he was bedridden after being shot.

Right or wrong, the only way a sitting President is removed for health reasons is the 25th Amendment. Either house of Congress, the VP or the Cabinet can begin the process. You notice that the GOP controlled house is not starting the process. They know it is never going anywhere.

There can be debates all day about the 25th Amendment. Whether it’s right or wrong. But the way it is set up, the only way Biden goes is if he dies.

Personally speaking, since you wanted my opinion, the 25th Amendment is flawed. It needs to be rewritten.

As far as Biden goes, at this stage of the cycle, him stepping down doesn’t matter. Harris would become President, and still run against Trump. The only difference is that there would be no VP, since the current Congress will never approve anyone to be the replacement to Harris.

Time will tell.

Flair4Drama's Avatar
No, just didn’t answer. .. Originally Posted by elghund

Not answering = Ignoring

C'mon man.

You would have us believe that it's okay now because the precedent has been set and it was "gotten away with" then.
Too bad the present day press is complicit in the coverup.

You're smarter than that.

He hasn't had a meeting with the dem caucus since october 2021. He hasn't had a cabinet meeting in nearly a year....
Looks like Obama wants a fourth term from these seats.

The Dims are now run by Cloony, Oblama and Peloshit... So much for the democracy you are so worried about....
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Dementia Joe is going to go our there and humiliate himself on national television for hopefully the final time.

He'll once again conclusively prove that he's an obedient marionette by pretending to be on board with the latest demonstration of how submissive he truly is to his masters Schumer, Pelosi and Hussein Obama, all while giving it his best not to drool on himself and/or fall asleep.

Remember folks, this pitiful piece of shit has been pretending be president of the United States for almost four years now.

Anyone willing to admit being a democrat should be begging for forgiveness at this point.

Bur what the fuck, everybody loves the occasional train wreck.
elghund's Avatar

Not answering = Ignoring

C'mon man….. Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
When you are right, you’re right. Wrong is wrong.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Joe’s speech last night was less than interesting. Same ole same ole and reading every single word off the teleprompter…which he still struggled with at times. I dislike his politics more than I can say, but it’s sad to me the Dems propped him up (including Dr Jill the POS she is) for so long just so they could push their radical left policies thru. Again, it’s sad to say, but he truly has been nothing but a puppet the last nearly 4 years and his legacy is going to end up being shit.

Now there’s discussion his family is going broke after having to fund Hunter’s legal fees (as well as Joe’s refinance loan on the Rehoboth beach home). Have to wonder where the Biden family ends up 5 years from now. Not that they don’t deserve it, that little fuck Hunter acted like the funds from other countries would always be there and his father would be in power for another 4 years while he fucked extremely high priced hookers and…well…we all know about his other issues he struggled with he spent a ton of money on.

And now we have Kamala, and as Flair has said, once the sugar rush wears off, it’s gonna be a fucking train wreck. As much as I like seeing the Dems go down the tubes, and I believe it’s gonna happen quickly, what this is doing to this country is unconscionable. Fucking Dems just figured they’d hold on to power forever and never be held accountable. And if they end up winning this presidential election and hold on to at least one of the houses of congress? We’re all in for one hellova shit storm for another 4 years.

Eggs will go to $10/dozen.
lilylivered's Avatar
if they end up winning this presidential election and hold on to at least one of the houses of congress? We’re all in for one hellova shit storm for another 4 years.

Eggs will go to $10/dozen. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Yep, many bad things
war on any kind of fuel
Increase the war against farmers ( which is one of the most insane)
Plus they come up with new insane ideas that I cant even dream up....
Just hope the kiddies of this country will enjoy their new Utopia...
Yep, many bad things
war on any kind of fuel
Increase the war against farmers ( which is one of the most insane)
Plus they come up with new insane ideas that I cant even dream up....
Just hope the kiddies of this country will enjoy their new Utopia... Originally Posted by lilylivered
Utopia? It’ll be Dystopia. Literally Orwellian!