'the cute papi' wrote fake review

ROTFLMAO! NAT GOT RECEIPTS! The entertainment here is crazy! Originally Posted by Kammye
I'm canceling my dish.
junglemonkey's Avatar
Papi is winning against the WW ladies. He's very meticulous in his decision making process. He ONLY plays where he knows he will win. AND the WW girls don't have a fuckin chance in hell... It's kinda like he's robbing the blind kids as they come out of the candy store Originally Posted by jojodancer15
Her threAD sounds more like sellers remorse?
I cannot determine a winner yet but the pappi is bleeding pretty bad.

Natalie could you please change the color of your type, the pink is hard to read..thanks
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I learned from the eccie staff that I must post something in co-ed so that they may make a better decision to remove a review from my profile. So... For the eccie record... .'the cute papi' wrote a fake review of me. He texted me and haggled for a 15min session. So I did more homework on him. There is no way I would have agreed to meet that trolling tape-recording bad character. He said. I said. That's all I have to say. And I hope other girls will come forward about his fake reviews of them, too.
Originally Posted by Rosaline Isabel
Come back to answer me, please. A synopsis of communication. Not verbatim. Last Friday evening we were texting on your second number about a session when I mentioned a disbelief in your existence. YOU stated seeing papi for a quickie so I could verify you were real. Even insisted when I passed. I do believe the session took place. As for the review, that is another story.
I'm sorry that happened to you. It will be hard to get it removed. Good job on doing your research first. Getting my popcorn ready. Originally Posted by Houston Katrina
Too late. Not until after the meeting did she know about papi.
i'm sorry this happened to you and is horrible because he gets away with EVERYTHING Posting on CO-ED is a horrible idea because it is rare and almost impossible that they will remove anything. You just open the door for the trolls ! Unfortunately in Houston trolls run Eccie. Maybe you can close this thread before it gets out of hand like everything else. Good job on doing your research & again sorry this happen to you Originally Posted by Azebella_amor
Again. Too little too late.
But you said I shorted you to eccieuser.... Story keeps changing -.- Originally Posted by the cute papi
Only thing that changed was denying she saw you. Trying to save her own skin. So to speak. You put the Scarlet letter P on these newbies with your "I hit that shit first, bitches" reviews. Now I won't touch her.
Hmmm I don't believe you, I believe that you saw her but I also believe you shorted her. And you know I'm right Originally Posted by Natalia Mori
I alluded to the lack of full payment in previous posts. Seems like he's done it before. In the communication, she mentioned papi shorted her two Jeffersons. I asked if he was unhappy. She stated cheap.
Wait....in his defense.....he either saw her or didn't. if he didn't see her, he needs to be put on blast. But we all know he's probably the only fucktard who can actually prove this so it won't be a he said she said BS. But If he saw her and short changed her, then he needs to be put on blast. And so does the whore for lying about "NOT" seeing him. So whore, which one is it? Did he not see you or did he see you but short changed you? Originally Posted by junglemonkey
It's still going to be he said she said. Good observation. Is PART of the review fake?
This thread is going to be a motherfucker. Don't disappoint me. Originally Posted by canihitit
I'll do my part to keep it interesting, entertaining and maybe funny.
So first she says I've never seen her. Then she says I short changed her. Then she makes this thread saying how I didn't see her again. Idk how tf y'all could believe her. Originally Posted by the cute papi
Wrong. First she told me she did see you. You haggled or negotiated a 15 minute session for a Benjamin. Then I warned her about you. Called you cheap for stiffing her. (Funny?) After that, she denied seeing you to maybe see somebody else. Now she wants you to go away.
Non of your business tbh. What happened is between me and her. Y'all could speculate however y'all want. that's what y'all do anyways even when I speak the truth all the time. I'm out to seek some more WW girls. Y'all keep on Originally Posted by the cute papi
I cannot determine a winner yet but the pappi is bleeding pretty bad. Natalie could you please change the color of your type, the pink is hard to read..thanks Originally Posted by fishingtwo
I said he was drowning in his own shit. Here's a cut to the jugular or carotid. All that shit is going to infect the wounds.
P.S. PLEASE change the color of your font.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

I'm drowning in popcorn!
  • cr76
  • 03-03-2016, 10:00 PM
This shit keeps getting better and better.
junglemonkey's Avatar
So there we have it. TheCutepapi continues to established himself as the god damn devil, Meanwhile, the OP establishes herself as BS thread starting lying whore when things don't go according to plan.

And no, she can't be added to Wakeups "whores ran off " list when she inevitably disables her account. Because no matter how batshit TheCutepapi is, he did not make the whore create this train wreck thread.
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 03-03-2016, 10:45 PM
Well, fuck me sideways but I'm giving Papi the benefit of the doubt in the shortage accusation. After some extensive digging and investigation... Jk he just sent me the screenshots between my friend and him lol he was able to prove to me that he indeed paid my friend the amount they had agreed on. In her defense she's new to setting up her appointments and could have forgot that they had agreed on the amount he paid her. And to be fair to Papi she also said he didn't try to take the condom off or anything weird, I forgot to ask her about recording devices though

Based on what eccieuser is saying it looks like he did see her. It should be easier for the guys to determine if is truth or not but by reading the full reviews on her and compare it to Papi's. Anywho I just cared about this because I thought he had done my friend wrong, but being that it wasn't the case, I'm not really concerned about this but will be checking for entertainment
junglemonkey's Avatar
Poor Mythos!
SpiceItUp's Avatar
But...but..I thought the site was just being mean to all the ladies with all these "fake reviews" that get to remain up?

This shit right here is a case in point as to exactly why we do nothing in a "he said, she said" situation... Let people decide for themselves what happened and what to believe.
SamHouston's Avatar
junglemonkey's Avatar
But...but..I thought the site was just being mean to all the ladies with all these "fake reviews" that get to remain up?

This shit right here is a case in point as to exactly why we do nothing in a "he said, she said" situation... Let people decide for themselves what happened and what to believe. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Thank you!!!!!

It's always obvious when some fucktard rights a fake review. (Yes or no)

And it's also very obvious when the fucktard writes a real NO review and the whore goes crying "fake review" to save face. Especially whores with a bad rep.

Or when it's a yes review but the whores salty it's a fucktard they hate but he passed their screening via another website. And or his review lists a price and services that she don't want published (advertised $400 but biznit slow and got desperate and saw a fucktard at $160 HR) (claims not to do 1/2 but did in review but don't want people to know) (did CIM when claims she don't)
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 03-04-2016, 07:19 AM
Thank you!!!!!

It's always obvious when some fucktard rights a fake review. (Yes or no)

And it's also very obvious when the fucktard writes a real NO review and the whore goes crying "fake review" to save face. Especially whores with a bad rep.

Or when it's a yes review but the whores salty it's a fucktard they hate but he passed their screening via another website. And or his review lists a price and services that she don't want published (advertised $400 but biznit slow and got desperate and saw a fucktard at $160 HR) (claims not to do 1/2 but did in review but don't want people to know) (did CIM when claims she don't) Originally Posted by junglemonkey
LMAO junglemonkey speaking the TRUTH this morning.....butt, butt, butt, does this apply to the fine ass 4 bills hoes too, or just to the ones that charge by the pound?
canihitit's Avatar
Excuse my searchfu. It is weak.

But where these fine ass 4 bill hoes at?
Champagne Brown's Avatar
^^Oh lord lol, you opened up the door for shade throwing..

Oh nvm...