PROVIDERS... Whats your #1 complaint about Hobbyist?

Still Looking's Avatar
No, but the lock smith did!?
AH... I'm not falling for that one AGAIN. Had a provider that liked candles light and lots of lingerie, garter belts fancy bra straps. Hell it took me over an hour to get down to her panties! Come to find out they weren't panties.. it was a chastity belt! She couldn't find the key... go figure two hours of being a boy scoot and no dam reward!
Originally Posted by Still Looking

Awww, you poor baby. Sounds like you need a hug. Want one?
Still Looking's Avatar
Awww, you poor baby. Sounds like you need a hug. Want one? Originally Posted by MsElena
Here's your hug darlin'.
Still Looking's Avatar
It just doesn't get any better than that!
It just doesn't get any better than that! Originally Posted by Still Looking

Oh sure it could
Still Looking's Avatar
When a provider is as kind, conciderate and gracious as you... I find that HARD to believe!

One more in case you forgot!
You're too kind. This is all an act, I'm really just a bit wicked.
Still Looking's Avatar
Same here. I'm a big prick!
Still Looking's Avatar
"LARGE" Signatures that double as ads!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
"LARGE" Signatures that double as ads! Originally Posted by Still Looking
I think if you get to much going on its overload
Still Looking's Avatar
I think if you get to much going on its overload Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I think my point you sexy young thing... is providers of your caliber don't need to resort to those embracing kind of solicitations! And the providers that do accomplish the exact opposite of what they think they are trying to accomplish! They don’t get more they get less business!
1. No Calls/No Shows
2. Calls from the girlfriend or wife
3. Sweat
4. People who email or text looking SOLEY looking for a pen pal, yet never want to book

I think number 3 is my BIGGEST issue. I absolutely hate to be sweated on. There is nothing sexy about it and can easily be resolved by keeping a towel handy.

1. Repeat clients
2. Nice tips
3. Showing up and knowing exactly WHAT you want and being able to afford it
4. Shopping Sprees!!!
PODarkness's Avatar
Here's part of a post I wrote last year, when for some reason I can't remember, towels were an issue.

When I come to your incall, the very last thing I should ever hear (if you want to be considered in any way "high end"), is that I need to be frugal with your towels so you will have enough for all the other guys before and after me. Other guys are something that should not ever be brought to my attention. Leaving enough towels for them to use later is not something I should have to consider. If you are having towel shortages, and need to ration towels for some reason, then put out what I can use, and put away what you don't want used. By the way, hand towels are fine for the warm damp clean-up, and they don't tap into the bath towel supply.

Nobody in any decent hotel should ever run out of towels, no matter how many they need. I have personally asked for, and never been refused, up to 20 towels at a time, and 30 towels in a day. I have done this in hotels all over the world.

Just for fun I'll leave to your imagination why I would need that many.

Here's how to get them, and more..
If you are one of those people who try not to make eye contact with the maids, you will have to push the envelope and go outside of your comfort zone to get that many towels.
That's right. Dial housekeeping and ask them to send up more towels. It could work, and I promise you they won't ever ever ask why. They will ask how many, and might ask what size, and every single time, they will ask, "will there be anything else Miss?" ... or something like it.

If it's late, and you are in a smaller or lower budget hotel, there may not be anyone to bring the towels to you until 7:00am when the morning shift usually starts. If you can't wait, or if you want to get a jump on the next day, you may have to go to the basement and actually meet the night housekeeping manager to get them.
TOP TIP?... call them first. Don't just go walking into his / her area saying "where's the towels at?"

He, or she, will probably give you as many towels as you can carry, for saving them the trip at the end of their shift, and also because you were the only person in a month who actually came to them instead of calling every 5 minutes and bitching.
This is an opportunity. Never throw it away. Don't know what I'm talking about? Amateurs.

Get their name, and learn how to pronounce it. Ask them who the manager is on the day shift, and learn their names. This will come in handy later, if you need to request something really off the wall, like extra sheets twice in one night, or a refrigerator, or a maid's uniform.
Sometimes you will see a large chalk or dry erase board somewhere close by. This is where special requests are logged. If you want your room cleaned every day at 5:00pm with double towels, and a do not disturb order at all other times? That is where it will be written down. It's 50/50 whether it will be in English, and therefore 50/50 whether the maid on your floor will know what it says, but hey, it's a start. While you are there, make these requests known to the manager, and he'll put them up on the board for you with a check-out date, so they know when to erase it.

After you get the towels, TIP him/her. Being a manager, they will probably refuse. So be it. Do something for them. Order a pizza delivered to them, or buy them a Coke, or if you still look good that late/early, and it's a guy, flirt a bit. The point is, make sure they remember you, and are happy they met you. Screw the low profile. You can't have that AND 20 towels a day. Trust me, Housekeeping could not care less why you are there, or how you make a living. If they clean your room every day, they already know, and you will have access to all the towels you can possibly use, and the name of both the day and night managers in case you need something not on the menu.

The Bottom Line...
Maids, and housekeeping in general, are VERY happy to give you more towels, and probably don't care if they ever see them again. The way they look at it, if you are going through 10 - 15 towels a day, and you are alone? Those towels are cleaning up a mess that they would be cleaning up, if you hadn't asked for more towels. They might not be able to give you 15 towels in one request, because it's hard to carry 15 towels, but if you request towels again a couple hours later the maids won't care. Just be sure to tip em every time you ask, and remember the manager's names.

complaints- when they dont send All the screening info needed, its like pulling teeth to get the info from them.

Last minute calls from guys I have never met/screened saying " are you available right now?" please dont do that