As Greece goes, so shall Puerto Rico?

You have an amazing knack for following up stupid comments with stupider questions. No dipshit, Puerto Rico is not the same as Greece. Or Cuba. Or Rhode Island. Or Arkansas. Your analytical skills got stuck somewhere in 3rd grade. You never learned how to compare and contrast, while highlighting those similarities and differences that are relevant to the question at hand (in this case how to overcome debt crises). Sorry, but I can't fix stupid.

Pay attention, dipshit. Because the Greeks never bit the bullet (on tax collection, pension reform, shrinking govt patronage, etc.) their economic downturn was longer and deeper than it would have been had they followed through on their promises. The IMF gives everyone else in the EU (banks, exporters, investors, etc.) a green light to do business in Greece again. It monitors compliance. When a country blows all its IMF targets and then elects a govt that makes a point of thumbing its nose at creditors, the money and short-term support lifelines needed to keep the economy afloat dry up very quickly. This happened just as the Greek economy was finally hitting rock bottom in 2014 and showing signs of turning up again.

Tsipras is driving the economy into the ground. He is a lying far-left ideologue who is trying to manipulate the truth about tomorrow's referendum. He will go down in flames.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
It's quite apparent you can't fix stupid. You're still dumb as fuck.

I'm quite sure you would have a different view from the inside. Tsipras is saying they will not be fucked over simply because of the position they're in, which is what Germany would like, since they hold most of the debt and would like regime change.

As for not biting the bullet, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. They had 7 austerity packages in a little over 3 years. Government salaries were frozen, taxes were raised, pension payments were lowered, public sector employees pay was cut, bonuses were cut, retirement age increased, tax increases on alcohol, cigarettes, imported cars,etc., so I'm not sure how much more they could have bitten off.
The truth hurts, doesn't it, undercunt? Especially when it's about you "having nothing to fucking say." Only a lame sewer rat with no game accuses his accuser of his own failings. Originally Posted by lustylad
You're the one that employed the tactic, so you can stick it up your own ass, you degenerate cocksucker.
lustylad's Avatar
It's quite apparent you can't fix stupid. You're still dumb as fuck.

I'm quite sure you would have a different view from the inside. Tsipras is saying they will not be fucked over simply because of the position they're in.... Originally Posted by WombRaider

Tsipras is the one who is doing the fucking, you incurably dense moron!

Here's what the (London) Economist said after reviewing the latest IMF report! Read it and learn!

"ANALYSING a country’s debt sustainability sounds dry and nerdy. But the analysis the IMF prepared for Greece in late June spells out the truly tragic consequences of the Greek electorate’s decision in January to vote in a populist government led by Alexis Tsipras, the prime minister and leader of the radical-left Syriza party. Greece has gone from a position where both its economy and its underlying debt position were on the mend, to one where it will need bucketfuls of further rescue finance from official creditors together with more debt relief, the IMF shows.

Worse, these calculations were made before Mr Tsipras’s reckless decision to call a referendum on the terms of a further bail-out (and to campaign for rejecting it). That has inflicted yet more damage on the economy by closing down both the country's banks and its negotiations with creditors, and caused Greece to become the first developed country to default on the IMF (though the Fund more blandly calls this going into arrears). Even if voters on Sunday vote against Mr Tsipras and support the now withdrawn bail-out proposals made by the creditors, the cost of clearing up the mess caused by the Syriza-dominated government has clearly risen dramatically....

...Seldom has the cost of political incompetence and brinkmanship been spelt out so vividly."


Tsipras is the one who is doing the fucking, you incurably dense moron!

Here's what the (London) Economist said after reviewing the latest IMF report! Read it and learn!

"ANALYSING a country’s debt sustainability sounds dry and nerdy. But the analysis the IMF prepared for Greece in late June spells out the truly tragic consequences of the Greek electorate’s decision in January to vote in a populist government led by Alexis Tsipras, the prime minister and leader of the radical-left Syriza party. Greece has gone from a position where both its economy and its underlying debt position were on the mend, to one where it will need bucketfuls of further rescue finance from official creditors together with more debt relief, the IMF shows.

Worse, these calculations were made before Mr Tsipras’s reckless decision to call a referendum on the terms of a further bail-out (and to campaign for rejecting it). That has inflicted yet more damage on the economy by closing down both the country's banks and its negotiations with creditors, and caused Greece to become the first developed country to default on the IMF (though the Fund more blandly calls this going into arrears). Even if voters on Sunday vote against Mr Tsipras and support the now withdrawn bail-out proposals made by the creditors, the cost of clearing up the mess caused by the Syriza-dominated government has clearly risen dramatically....

...Seldom has the cost of political incompetence and brinkmanship been spelt out so vividly."

. Originally Posted by lustylad
That's your opinion. It's not even your opinion, it's some dipshit with the Economist's opinion. You're just cut and pasting it. It's economy was in the shitter before he was elected. It's still in the shitter. Germany doesn't agree with his politics, so they want him gone. Forget that the Greeks elected him. So much for democracy, right?
lustylad's Avatar
That's your opinion. It's not even your opinion, it's some dipshit with the Economist's opinion. You're just cut (sic) and pasting it. It's (sic) economy was in the shitter before he was elected. It's still in the shitter. Germany doesn't agree with his politics, so they want him gone. Forget that the Greeks elected him. So much for democracy, right? Originally Posted by WombRaider

It's not my opinion. It's not the Economist magazine's opinion. It's not even the opinion of the IMF economists who are light-years smarter than you are. It's not an opinion at all. It is a measurable and demonstrable FACT that the Greek economy (measured by GDP) was coming out of the shitter last Fall before dropping much deeper into the shitter following Tsipras' election.

And know-nothings like you defend the author of this disaster while pretending to show concern for its victims! You're even more despicable than Tsipras!

Funny how your typos spike whenever you are having your ass handed to you. Better give it a rest, douchebag.
It's not my opinion. It's not the Economist magazine's opinion. It's not even the opinion of the IMF economists who are light-years smarter than you are. It's not an opinion at all. It is a measurable and demonstrable FACT that the Greek economy (measured by GDP) was coming out of the shitter last Fall before dropping much deeper into the shitter following Tsipras' election.

And know-nothings like you defend the author of this disaster while pretending to show concern for its victims! You're even more despicable than Tsipras!

Funny how your typos spike whenever you are having your ass handed to you. Better give it a rest, douchebag.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Why am I pretending to care? Because you can't imagine actually caring about something? Here's a little note for you; just because you can't imagine it, doesn't mean someone else can't. The only thing spiking is your blood sugar. The problem with Tsipras is that he is saying the debt is not manageable and the IMF report says this is not true. Both sides have played fast and loose with the truth at times. Coming out of the shitter is a relative term. They still had debt at 80-90% of GDP. The lower interest rates and stretching the terms out till 2060 or wherever it is now, means that the lenders are not going to see all their money and they know this.
lustylad's Avatar
Why am I pretending to care? Because you can't imagine actually caring about something? Here's a little note for you; just because you can't imagine it, doesn't mean someone else can't. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You can't possibly care about the well-being of the Greek people since you are defending the far-left zealot who is orchestrating their economic calamity. You would rather feel good about yourself by fulminating against greedy bankers or tightwad Germans than admit Tsipras' own policies have brought the economy to its knees, as the IMF has so expertly documented and quantified.

That's why you're a fucking libtard. You favor policy choices that don't work but make you feel good about yourself. Let someone else clean up the mess. As long as you can pretend to stand with the oppressed masses, you can feel good about yourself - and that's all that matters, not the actual results.

Same thing is happening to this country with Crony Capitalism we can just print more money.

As to JD's comment about's problem (and the country) will be water. Water will be this country's biggest problem , next to ignorant folks like JD. Originally Posted by WTF
Yep you're right about that. So hang on tight, cause we're going down harder than Greece will.

You can't possibly care about the well-being of the Greek people since you are defending the far-left zealot who is orchestrating their economic calamity. You would rather feel good about yourself by fulminating against greedy bankers or tightwad Germans than admit Tsipras' own policies have brought the economy to its knees, as the IMF has so expertly documented and quantified.

That's why you're a fucking libtard. You favor policy choices that don't work but make you feel good about yourself. Let someone else clean up the mess. As long as you can pretend to stand with the oppressed masses, you can feel good about yourself - and that's all that matters, not the actual results.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Firstly, you don't get to determine what I do and don't care about. I'm not defending Tsipras, but he was elected by the people. How I feel about it is irrelevant. The fact that you think feelings has anything to do with it is why you're a fucking idiot. There are policy choices that can work on more than one level. It's not always a choice of something that works and makes people miserable or nothing at all. The two things aren't mutually exclusive, as you would have people believe. You yourself admit the shortcomings of the Germans, but they get a pass.
lustylad's Avatar
Firstly, you don't get to determine what I do and don't care about. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Sure I do. Every time you or any other phony libtard acts like you care, while promoting policies that hurt the very people you pretend to "care" about, I will call you out!

I'm not defending Tsipras, but he was elected by the people. How I feel about it is irrelevant. The fact that you think feelings has (sic) anything to do with it is why you're a fucking idiot. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yes, you are defending Tsipras. If you are ready to discard feelings, then read the IMF report. And watch your grammar typos.

There are policy choices that can work on more than one level. It's not always a choice of something that works and makes people miserable or nothing at all. The two things aren't mutually exclusive, as you would have people believe. Originally Posted by WombRaider
What's your point? Policies that "work" in the long run are not the ones that make people miserable.

You yourself admit the shortcomings of the Germans, but they get a pass. Originally Posted by WombRaider
??? I said nothing about the Germans or their "shortcomings". You must be confusing me with someone at one of your other troll jobs.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-05-2015, 12:48 PM
Yep you're right about that. So hang on tight, cause we're going down harder than Greece will.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
We still have our own currency , Greece lost that option when it joined the EU.

Maybe Greece will convert to the ruble!
Sure I do. Every time you or any other phony libtard acts like you care, while promoting policies that hurt the very people you pretend to "care" about, I will call you out!

Yes, you are defending Tsipras. If you are ready to discard feelings, then read the IMF report. And watch your grammar typos.

What's your point? Policies that "work" in the long run are not the ones that make people miserable.

??? I said nothing about the Germans or their "shortcomings". You must be confusing me with someone at one of your other troll jobs.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
You called them 'tightwads'. I know you're old, but I didn't know your memory was that bad. You're the one who is confused. Check your post above.

He was elected by the people. If he wants to take them down with the ship, let them see him for what he is. Another instance of us meddling and sticking our beak in where it doesn't belong. Let the EU deal with it. They've done a bang up job so far.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-05-2015, 02:26 PM
You called them 'tightwads'. I know you're old, but I didn't know your memory was that bad. You're the one who is confused. Check your post above.

. Originally Posted by WombRaider
lustyladyboy is a gay log Republican that talks with a lisp and loves calling folks libs.

I think it helps with his urges.

Pay him no mind unless you want your balls licked.

  • DSK
  • 07-05-2015, 03:29 PM
You can't possibly care about the well-being of the Greek people since you are defending the far-left zealot who is orchestrating their economic calamity. You would rather feel good about yourself by fulminating against greedy bankers or tightwad Germans than admit Tsipras' own policies have brought the economy to its knees, as the IMF has so expertly documented and quantified.

That's why you're a fucking libtard. You favor policy choices that don't work but make you feel good about yourself. Let someone else clean up the mess. As long as you can pretend to stand with the oppressed masses, you can feel good about yourself - and that's all that matters, not the actual results.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Very well said - wombraider cannot keep up with you.
  • DSK
  • 07-05-2015, 03:31 PM
We still have our own currency , Greece lost that option when it joined the EU.

Maybe Greece will convert to the ruble! Originally Posted by WTF
Maybe Texas will reconvert back to the Peso. Then WormRaider and I will both be happy, though for different reasons.

I love Latina women, he likes cheap dick.