guide line #3

Wakeup's Avatar
Um...I was serious...

See? Angsty...
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Apology accepted...
Weak! Very weak! Originally Posted by GP
Carlos Danger's Avatar
heh ijs
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 11-15-2013, 12:06 PM
dearhunter's Avatar
Oh this is about me?!?! LOL Wow, I didn't know you guys cared so much.

DH, the only side you are ever on is the side that causes the most drama. You are an even bigger drama queen than OSD. ijs Originally Posted by GP
Well, I had to pick one of you.......and I figured you are the one most likely to last the 17 days.........ijs
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 11-15-2013, 12:43 PM
I bet all 5 of the Upstate NY mods last the 17 days and much longer.

I'm not real smart, can you tell me the date and time when the 17 days is up?
Am I the only one who has no fucking clue what you guys are talking about? Originally Posted by Bushman69
You are not alone. Seems some have way too much time on their hands....ijs....LOL
dearhunter's Avatar
GP, I am not a stickler on these kinds of things........but, I'm thinking the 11th hour is as good as any.

If Wakeup is going to change the bet and force me to pay up if any modtard gets the boot, I'll be wanting some extra consideration as to where I get my free lunch.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-15-2013, 02:05 PM
Am I the only one who has no fucking clue what you guys are talking about? Originally Posted by Bushman69
Be thankful.

Seriously, this has to be the lamest back-n-forth battle of wits i think i've ever witnessed on here. Either get some good licks in, or be funny. You guys are doing neither.

On a sidenote, i did learn that nobody understands wakeup. Just ask him, he'll tell ya.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Be thankful.

Seriously, this has to be the lamest back-n-forth battle of wits i think i've ever witnessed on here. Either get some good licks in, or be funny. You guys are doing neither.

On a sidenote, i did learn that nobody understands wakeup. Just ask him, he'll tell ya. Originally Posted by Doove
don't you have a review to work on
Justin Heranus's Avatar
many "can't see the forest through the trees" Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
i thought it was you cant see the mountains through the bush?????
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 11-15-2013, 02:58 PM
Be thankful.

Seriously, this has to be the lamest back-n-forth battle of wits i think i've ever witnessed on here. Either get some good licks in, or be funny. You guys are doing neither.

On a sidenote, i did learn that nobody understands wakeup. Just ask him, he'll tell ya. Originally Posted by Doove
When he goes out, he has to wear this name tag.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 11-15-2013, 03:02 PM
I thought it was this one...

offshoredrilling's Avatar
i thought it was you cant see the mountains through the bush????? Originally Posted by tsmtogo
I can't believe I just passed on ATF ta hear about a Buffalo guys round up of Rochester strip clubs at the AC.
Justin Heranus's Avatar
I can't believe I just passed on ATF ta hear about a Buffalo guys round up of Rochester strip clubs at the AC. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
did he at least bring strippers back with him?