
BonerJams03's Avatar
What? Can you point out any post where I said something racist? No post of mine had even mentioned race. I take it you're one of these guys who looks at everything through a microscope looking for racism. I bet you watch foxnews all day hoping that someone will utter something you think is racist. If glen beck said the n word, I bet you would nut in your pants.
sixxbach's Avatar
What? Can you point out any post where I said something racist? No post of mine had even mentioned race. I take it you're one of these guys who looks at everything through a microscope looking for racism. Bell, I bet you watch foxnews all day hoping that someone will utter something you think is racist. If glen beck said the n word, I bet you would nut in your pants. Originally Posted by BonerJams03
Too many people trying to play mod today. The mods will address things if they need to. They don't need help.

BonerJams03's Avatar
Oh, maybe its questioning our lord and savior Obama that upset him. To question our lord is blasphemy, not to mention racist.
PornPet69's Avatar
What? Can you point out any post where I said something racist? No post of mine had even mentioned race. I take it you're one of these guys who looks at everything through a microscope looking for racism. I bet you watch foxnews all day hoping that someone will utter something you think is racist. If glen beck said the n word, I bet you would nut in your pants. Originally Posted by BonerJams03
Hey Boner, I think Yssup has you confuse with another poster name Humpty. But back to the topic f**k the government, I just paid $2000 on my income tax. We tried a black president, I think we need an Asian president next. I vote for Kim Jong II.
BonerJams03's Avatar
The only way the gop can win is to have a Mexican candidate. California will be a red state for sure.
AtypicalLonghorn's Avatar
Uh, ATL -- they just killed the Pell Grants. Stafford loans are next on the chopping block. That doesn't just affect the people you apparently think don't deserve an education, but most likely the children of your friends ... and maybe even yours. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
They cut neither, but I support 100% merit-based assistance anyway.

You want to do away with Medicaid? Watch your insurance premium bust through the roof! You'll be paying for every hospital emergency in the RGV and Louisiana. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Medical assistance should not be a right, anymore than transportation or cable service should be a right. Forced admittances should be eliminated. If you want medical service, pay for it or show your proof of insurance. No medical services should be rendered without payment. If the police bring in someone for medical service, the city should pay for it from an enterprise fund like parking fees. Tax revenue shouldn't pay for it.

Last time I looked, Governor Goodhair was turning down Federal Aid for benefits which we in Texas had already paid. that's right. We paid about 15% of all monies into the Fed funds but he wouldn't take any of it back. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
If it's Medicaid money or unemployment benefit money with new strings attached, we don't need it. Part-time employees are not covered by unemployment insurance in Texas. The Feds tried to bribe Texas with more unemployment money to cover them. Texas passed.

Old and sick? As opposed to young (children) and poor? What about CHIP? We need to kill that, too? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Being poor should not qualify someone for a lifetime of unfunded government benefits. It doesn't matter whether you are an adult or a child. There is nothing in the Constitution that mandates charitable handouts for poor people.

Do you pay their unemployment? Their health care insurance? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Employees should pay half of the unemployment taxes like they do for FICA taxes. Employers currently have to pay for all of the state and federal unemployment tax.

I support non-employer paid healthcare. Most people do not have real portability for their health insurance. They are locked into the employer's plan. Employees should have the option to choose whatever plan they want and pay for it themselves.

I agree that if the government has the money it should help them. However, if people continue to rape the government of its ability to generate revenue, there''ll be nothing to help those people. You OK with that? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I support low taxes and low services. The lower the better for both. If someone is poor, that sucks, but it isn't my problem. It shouldn't be the government's either.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If i wrongly mistook you for a racist i apologize. Please continue to tell is about the subhuman filth you have described in previous posts
Im all ears
  • Booth
  • 04-24-2011, 09:24 PM
I know this is pretty heady wine, but I respect your opinion. Other responses probably require a different response, but I'm a decent fellow and I wouldn't presume to point out another member's intellectual shortcomings. Just not how I roll! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'm going to follow your lead on this one, hard as it is to ignore a post dealing with education that includes misspellings of "where" and "their" (twice!).
BonerJams03's Avatar
If i wrongly mistook you for a racist i apologize. Please continue to tell is about the subhuman filth you have described in previous posts
Im all ears Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Well, son, it might be a little difficult for someone like you to understand so it'd be best if you experienced it firsthand. Try working at the highland mall during Texas relays. Maybe you should've been a red cross volunteer during hurricane katrina. Maybe you could deliver pizza in detroit? Just tossing out ideas here.
  • Booth
  • 04-24-2011, 09:39 PM

Well, son, it might be a little difficult for someone like you to understand so it'd be best if you experienced it firsthand. Try working at the highland mall during Texas relays. Maybe you should've been a red cross volunteer during hurricane katrina. Maybe you could deliver pizza in detroit? Just tossing out ideas here. Originally Posted by BonerJams03
I haven't read a post like that since the days of LBoog!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They cut neither, but I support 100% merit-based assistance anyway.

They're in the process of being cut.

Medical assistance should not be a right

WOW! That's right. People should be allowed to wither and die because the country in which they live does not provide the opportunity or infrastructure to accommodate them. I believe health care IS a right. If we all pay taxes then we should ALL have the right to health care, education and police protection. PERIOD.

Part-time employees are not covered by unemployment insurance in Texas. The Feds tried to bribe Texas with more unemployment money to cover them. Texas passed.

Neither are self-employed people. The ONLY reason Texas passed on the unemployment funds is because Governor BooFoo was trying to pander to the Tea Partyists ... maybe even you! The people of Texas put that money into the Federal coffers. Who the hell was he to say we shouldn't get it out of them? BTW - you retreated from that one pretty quickly. Do you know where Perry's hometown is? Just checking.

Being poor should not qualify someone for a lifetime of unfunded government benefits. It doesn't matter whether you are an adult or a child. There is nothing in the Constitution that mandates charitable handouts for poor people.

Agreed, but you have to go to the root of the problem. You're making a very superficial argument here, bro. If you're poor, you've got to claw your way out of poverty or else go to hell. I don't know if you've been keeping up with current events, but the largest "falling" class in America is the middle class. The rolls of the working poor expand geometrically every quarter. Yet you'd deny your neighbor a crust of bread? YOW!

Employees should pay half of the unemployment taxes like they do for FICA taxes. Employers currently have to pay for all of the state and federal unemployment tax.

I support non-employer paid healthcare. Most people do not have real portability for their health insurance. They are locked into the employer's plan. Employees should have the option to choose whatever plan they want and pay for it themselves.

I am self employed and pay more for health care than I do for my mortgage. WTF are you talking about?

I support low taxes and low services. The lower the better for both. If someone is poor, that sucks, but it isn't my problem. It shouldn't be the government's either. Originally Posted by AtypicalLonghorn
You know, ATL, we're not going to see eye to eye on this. Period. We're quite obviously on different ends of the life spectrum, and I think you're getting a lot of bogus information from the radio or FXN.

My opinions are based on life's experience. Yours? Just curious.

Again, I believe in your right to believe whatever you want. I just strongly and respectfully disagree with your analysis and wonder what experience leads you to these conclusions.

This is America. Believe what you want to believe. Just don't think that your opinion absolves you from responsibility for your fellow man. Are you your brother's keeper? YES!
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Well, son, it might be a little difficult for someone like you to understand so it'd be best if you experienced it firsthand. Try working at the highland mall during Texas relays. Maybe you should've been a red cross volunteer during hurricane katrina. Maybe you could deliver pizza in detroit? Just tossing out ideas here. Originally Posted by BonerJams03
First of all, I doubt I'm someone YOU could call son. Second of all, your hate rhetoric is extremely tedious...and tries our patience. Those who support you are following another agenda altogether.

I've experienced far more than you can even imagine. Here and abroad.

Did you deliver pizza in Detroit? Do they even HAVE pizza in Detroit? Is that a food that inner city people eat in Detroit?

What did you do during Katrina? I'm guessing you were the guy in the pirot pulling the folks out of the lower ninth, right? Inner city people, right?

Did you work at Highland Mall during the Texas Relays? Did you wait on the shotputters or the javelin throwers?

That's nothing BUT a racist commentary there, and poorly veiled.

Why don't you burn your crosses elsewhere. Certainly you're intelligent enough to make your point without attacking African Americans.

I'm shocked you're still here, but you know, it ain't my board. Certainly someone will come to your rescue and defend your attitude. It won't be me. Some folks are just too ignorant to be clever. I think you may fit into that category.

Brothers and sisters?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Oh, maybe its questioning our lord and savior Obama that upset him. To question our lord is blasphemy, not to mention racist. Originally Posted by BonerJams03
That's utter bullshit. You know it and I know it.

I won't put you on my ignore list, however. I think I'll dance with you a bit... tu quieres?

BTW -- Foreign nationals are not allowed to run for president, so it's doubtful that the GOP will be nominating a Mexican.

AtypicalLonghorn's Avatar
you're listening to WAY too much radio. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I don't listen to Limbaugh or other pundits that tell their sheep what to believe. I don't support the Tea Party. Both have their uses, though.

They both push the discussion so far to the right that a return to the center is still right of center.

Entitlement programs and need-based programs since the mid-60's are ripe for major gutting. The Republican budget begins taking major swings at Medicaid next year. Medicaid hasn't been around since the beginning of time. It has only been since 1965. Pell grants have existed since 1973.

The poor managed to stay alive before Medicaid, and they will do so after it. People attended college before Pell grants, and they will do so after it.

To get those programs on the slippery slope to abandonment, you have to push for elimination and then settle for deep cuts. After a Republican gets into the presidency and the Republicans hold both chambers, they can whack away at TANF, SNAP, Medicaid, and other late 20th century liberal giveaways.

The strategy is that you cut these programs until they operate in a clearly ineffective manner in which a large amount of dollars is serving a tiny number of people. Then you eliminate those programs, because they are obviously ineffective. The irony is that the people those programs serve will complain about how ineffective they are. They will help you get rid of them. Nothing will take their place.

TANF is already there. Billions of dollars wasted on 1% of the population. It will be the first one to go entirely.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
WOW! OK. I don't think there's common ground here to debate. I believe that we should try and lift people up. You believe otherwise.

I think that's a fundamental difference in philosophy that we'll never breach.

However, I do want to remind you that if the GOP takes over the presidency (not likely in 2012) that these so-called entitlements will not disappear. Of course if people (it'll take more radical minds than the GOP) ascend to power who are willing and capable of eliminating Pell Grants, Medicaid, Medicare, etc., then my ass is on the way to Canada.

BTW -- how many children have you put through college?

Just sayin.