I've just figured out why I like perusing Backpage escorts

Whispers's Avatar
--Once on the web, pictures never leave. In the future, after a lady is retired, she might not want her photos there for her then-spouse or kids or in-laws to find.
Originally Posted by Old-T
I don't often agree with Old-T but that right there is why i don't understand why ANY john or whore here EVER posts their picture. There are websites that archive other websites, bots that snag posts and pics and then repost....

You might not care today but 5 years from now... 10 years from now if you were in a solid relationship with someone that knew nothing of your past would you want a family member seeing your pick and it's instant gossip that

Available facial recognition search software is in it's infancy these days.... Where will it be in 10 years? I imagine you will post a pic adn software will find every image, correlate it to available data and lay your life online out for anyone that wants it.
You might not care today but 5 years from now... 10 years from now if you were in a solid relationship with someone that knew nothing of your past would you want a family member seeing your pick and it's instant gossip that Originally Posted by Whispers
Hard to believe, I also am agreeing with Whispers and Old T.

Wise and sage advice. Newbies and experienced folks would do well to listen to this.

Now, back to giving everyone a bad time.