Bust in Pittsburgh

Dreamgurrl's Avatar
All the Same providers here as Indys. All the same guys too. Always has been
bambino's Avatar
All the Same providers here as Indys. All the same guys too. Always has been Originally Posted by Dreamgurrl
Not ALL the same. But most.
Hottest chicks I’ve seen in the Burgh were never on a website. Same goes for around the country and Internationally. Although Karissa at D4U was an elite looking lady. It’s a mystery to me how she ending up working there. Originally Posted by bambino
I ll agree Karissa was exceptional. In my experiences, SA has to have the best. Much better than Indys or the other trash sites out there.
berryberry's Avatar
All the Same providers here as Indys. All the same guys too. Always has been Originally Posted by Dreamgurrl
Maybe in the past there was 80% crossover. But now with the new site and non user friendly format over at Indys, it is a lot less than that
bambino's Avatar
Maybe in the past there was 80% crossover. But now with the new site and non user friendly format over at Indys, it is a lot less than that Originally Posted by berryberry
I would say there’s a trust issue too.
I don't get my info from anyone other than my own research,and from you people..
And to infer that I may have entertained an officer or two..... If I did I wasn't aware of their job because I never ask for employment as a verification method.
(I've also never been busted so I must have done something right)

Over 20 years of doing research using the internet has given me some insight into how to gather what info I want and how to use it.

It's pure logic to realize how easy it is for ANYONE to also use the net with just as much ease.

Sorry you gentlemen seem to be so obtuse that you automatically ASSume that we ladies aren't intelligent enough to use pure logic.
And I would like to add that the crossover of ladies on sites isn't as prevalent as it once was.
Paranoia, gossip and mistrust have folks sticking to the sites they think they can trust
berryberry's Avatar
I would say there’s a trust issue too. Originally Posted by bambino
Good point
Maybe in the past there was 80% crossover. But now with the new site and non user friendly format over at Indys, it is a lot less than that Originally Posted by berryberry
Many (many) active, often-posting male hobbyists have simply stopped posting on ANY hobby website, and Eccie and Indys are the only two remaining "forums" boards in PGH. And it is uncertain if Indys has Any "forums" and "discussions" sections at all anymore.....

The "migration" of posters from both PGH hobby-boards really accelerated with the advent of SA. That was when many (many) weekly Indys hobbyists "jumped ship" from Indys and stopped posting there at all. And many of them never posted on Eccie ever.....

With the advent of SA, the end of GTG's/HH's on Indys years back (much to do with the Cleveland GTG bust) and with the current, new "What- is this site like Twitter now?" status of Indys, plus all the "Let's bitch about the Indys review system" tradition on Eccie- all that has effected posting "participation" on Eccie.....

And damns straight: Eccie is still the same 10 guys who posted even while Indys was still around. And it is Still the same 10 guys who post now that Indys has no "forums". Not that there is anything wrong with that. The More Things Change The More Things Stay The Same in the hobby...

A whole hell of a lot of PGH hobbyists are "doing their own thing" with SA girls and Not reporting about it. And a lot of hobby people are reverting to UTR "I only play with people I know" hobby-habits as a result of FOSTA......

SA has changed everything in the PGH hobby scene. Pro Ho's and Clueless Newbies among SA girls. The most common rate SA girls pitch is $200 and $300 which leads me to believe these are the EXACT rates SA guys pitch them. Many (many) PGH hobbyist- degenerates operating on SA now. That keeps rates there low (No- you are NOT worth over $300, and I'm not interested in dinner and "companionship") but there is an issue of "too many gophers trying to get in one hole" and 50 guys going after the same new girl right when she debuts. Many SA girls have told me "I have 50 unread messages in my inbox." If they stick around after a couple months of "How about $100 for a blowjob?" and Rank Slobbyists pitching fool-deals to them then SA girls become experienced players. Then they are easier to contact and do business with....

SA is a TRIP, no doubt about it. It has changed the PGH hobby scene, and particularly the online posting world, irrevocably. Rather, Eccie is exactly the same site with the same players that it was in the last several years of Indys. The More Things Change The More Things Stay The Same.....
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Doesn’t SA require a card and monthly recurring fees? There’s zero chance of that happening, at least in my case. It’s hard to believe that they stay in business. It is crazy to give personal details to anyone online, let alone an escort board.
Doesn’t SA require a card and monthly recurring fees? There’s zero chance of that happening, at least in my case. It’s hard to believe that they stay in business. It is crazy to give personal details to anyone online, let alone an escort board. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

You can select the payment to be Non-recurring.

From 1 month on SA, you can easily acquire a few dozen numbers. You just have to watch how you say it on there. They do block you if you mention illegal activities.

Easiest way I found is asking What the girl is looking for or to get out of a SD. Then explain how some women want a guy to wine & dine them while others prefer PPM. Its worked very well so far!!

I've had excellent luck on SA.
You can select the payment to be Non-recurring.

From 1 month on SA, you can easily acquire a few dozen numbers. You just have to watch how you say it on there. They do block you if you mention illegal activities.

Easiest way I found is asking What the girl is looking for or to get out of a SD. Then explain how some women want a guy to wine & dine them while others prefer PPM. Its worked very well so far!!

I've had excellent luck on SA. Originally Posted by DrivesAllDay
Also guys have reported that standard "pre-pay" cash-load cards work for monthly or 3 month payment options, if you are worried about using your "real name" credit card.....

SA monthly fee last time I checked is $90 a month or $70 a month if you pay for 3 months at a time. They have steadily Increased their monthly fees and (I think) they eliminated the 6 month payment option. They probably want to weed-out many of the "stragglers" and "How about a $100 blowjob?" guys, probably because SA girls report those guys. After FOSTA every "hobby" and also "This is not a prostitution site!"like SA wants to Make Money from recurring fees, but they also don't want to deal with many Too Many "stragglers" and fools either.....

So the "lines" to get-in with new girls are Shorter with Fewer guys paying the $90 a month fees, but still there are Too Many Guys on that site. Many (many) SA girls have told me "I have 50 unread messages in my inbox"......

There are still too many "dinner and companionship" and "online only" girls on SA, but there are also a positive number of Pro Ho's on SA too. As hobbyists we just have to sift through all of them to separate the wheat from the chafe...
You can select the payment to be Non-recurring.

From 1 month on SA, you can easily acquire a few dozen numbers. You just have to watch how you say it on there. They do block you if you mention illegal activities.

Easiest way I found is asking What the girl is looking for or to get out of a SD. Then explain how some women want a guy to wine & dine them while others prefer PPM. Its worked very well so far!!

I've had excellent luck on SA. Originally Posted by DrivesAllDay
I second that. I've had great success on SA. Its a never ending stream of new, young, gorgeous, non pro ladies. But it also has its pitfalls, scammers, on line only etc. Pretty easy to weed those out.
Send me a PM if you need an attorney. No questions asked. I'll get you squared away.