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WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-04-2014, 10:00 AM
WTF thinks Hispanics will vote for an incumbent...........HAHAHA...n ot if the incumbent is a Republican.....WTF (and GOP establishment) are fools..........

The best incumbent GWB could do was 44% hispanic vote; and that was in a great economy !

Keep dreaming WTF...you are politically clueless. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
That is all you need to win national elections! 44% and you can't even do that. Keep talking about deporting their kids and watch that number drop more and more. You Tea Turkey's are killing national election chances.
You are the one who claimed immigrants vote economy over other issues; even with the best economy we had in years, the majority of hispanics didn't vote GOP...

Hispanics are a hardened Democrat constituencies...and their voting behavior proves it.
"theres not even a smidgen of corruption" at the irs-- barack hussein obama as interviewed by bill 'o'reilly

in every case of investigation the Obama administration has hidden behind the mantra, "we cannot comment for there is an on-going investigation in this matter"

every case it seems but the IRS corruption case. isn't that "investigation" "supposedly" on-going? yet he can pronounce an outcome.

oh and oh yeah when the Cambridge police acted "stupidly"

oh and yeah treyvon martin, he could have been my son

weren't those cases on-going at the time?

when our chief law enforcement officer and the supposed head of all our people reflects such abject bias and lack of fairness it does call into question everything about him and his preparedness

when Obama talks, its with a surfeit of words, words that mean nothing and nullify substance. he just blathers. the whole interview was mindless fluff. he sits there, smiles smarmingly, adopts an attitude of superiority found warrantless by lack of depth of thought and blathers.

and carney says "we do not interfere with justice department investigations". a presidential pronouncement is interference

abc's jon karl and carney, the man with the worlds most difficult job, defending Obama:

JONATHAN KARL: In the president's interview with Bill O'Reilly last night, he said there was not even a smidgen of corruption regarding the IRS targeting conservative groups. Did the president misspeak?

JAY CARNEY: No he didn't, but I can cite -- I think I have 20 different news organizations that can cite the variety of ways that that was established, including the independent I.G. that testified in May. And his report said he found no evidence that anyone outside the IRS had any involvement in the inappropriate targeting of conservative -- or progressive for that matter -- groups in their applications for tax-exempt status.

So, again, I think that this is something --

KARL: Isn't there an active Justice Department investigation in this matter?

CARNEY: I would refer you to the Justice Department. I think every look at this, every investigation into this and everything we’ve learned about this, is that this is not something that in anyway reached outside of the IRS. There's been a concerted attempt --

KARL: He said there is not a smidgen of corruption. He didn’t qualify inside or outside the IRS.

CARNEY: Right.

KARL: There is an active Justice Department investigation. Unless it has been concluded without anyone telling the news media. I mean, there's an active Justice Department investigation. Does the president pre-judge that investigation when he tells Bill O'Reilly there's not a smidgen of corruption?

CARNEY: What we've learned from an independent Inspector General and through the testimony we've seen, completely backs up what the president said. And, you know, a lot of that has been well reported on by what you and your colleagues and your news organizations over the course of the last several months. You know, some people have missed those reports.

KARL: So the Justice Department should pull the plug?

CARNEY: Obviously, we do not interfere with Justice Department investigations.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Those lies go down any easier than the old ones.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-04-2014, 02:23 PM
You are the one who claimed immigrants vote economy over other issues; even with the best economy we had in years, the majority of hispanics didn't vote GOP...

Hispanics are a hardened Democrat constituencies...and their voting behavior proves it. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Deportation is a gateway issue. You will never reach what GWB reached with the rhetoric you Tea Nuts spout. Rick Perry understood this simple fact and you shouted him down.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 02-04-2014, 07:04 PM
No, you are an idiot.

And there is nothing PC about me. Re-read my responses to BJerk in the other threads.

Now, go brush your tooth and go to bed. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Your responses to me were rather annoying and insufferable, but did little to disavow the casual observer of the notion you aren't racist, 'cause you are.
Tu ad inhumanitatem
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 02-04-2014, 07:07 PM
The GOP faces an uphill battle to win national elections because of the flood of illegal and legal immigrants (and their children who are becoming voters). These immigrants, largely hispanic and working poor, vote Democrat. They have permanently changed the cultural landscape of America. They vote Democrat, not Republican. It has nothing to do with the economy and everything to do with cultural changes.

WTF wrongly thinks that if we had a good economy, then these voters would turn Republican ???

WTF thinks asking questions about events that happened during a sitting president's term is "living in the past."

What a fucking dummy !!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You are correct - adios, whitey!!!
Your responses to me were rather annoying and insufferable, but did little to disavow the casual observer of the notion you aren't racist, 'cause you are. Originally Posted by BJerk
How does one "disavow the casual observer"?

You can "disabuse the casual observer" of a notion.

Or you can "disavow a notion" to the casual observer.

But you don't "disavow the casual observer".

Also, learn to read. I said there is nothing "PC" about me. I never said anything about my alleged racism.

I hope that isn't too racist.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sure, WPF, send me a list of books that say it's ok for public officials to lie to us, and how we are stupid for expecting otherwise. It's a science, you say. Cool. Post the list.

And add the books which explain how a country remains free when its leaders can't be trusted, and the population doesn't care. I'd be interested in that, WPF. Thanks!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-05-2014, 04:11 AM
two things about Obama

these two constants remain unlike any president in my memory

1. his public blaming of others be it bush or fox news or the tea party or the house republicans or the supreme court or some white person

his public whining is unbecoming to say the least

Nixon is the only one who even remotely did this but without specifics, and just limited to the news media in general

I tend to think Nixon had a valid reason for the entire news media was covertly liberal back then

2. his direct full face lying and then extreme evasiveness coupled with a haughty dismissive manner.

now other presidents may have been evasive, but the extent he is creates alarm.

the only president I can remember that comes close and could look you directly in the face and lie other than obama was bill Clinton but we know what he was covering up

other presidents may have been proved wrong about something and then that has been called lying by some but just total knowingly lying without any basis what so ever? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
are you feeling persecuted? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Poor guy.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-05-2014, 06:24 AM
Sure, WPF, send me a list of books that say it's ok for public officials to lie to us, and how we are stupid for expecting otherwise. It's a science, you say. Cool. Post the list.

And add the books which explain how a country remains free when its leaders can't be trusted, and the population doesn't care. I'd be interested in that, WPF. Thanks! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That is not wtf I said you liar....see why I think your expectations are to high. You lie like a rug and them expect politicians not to fudge the truth.

Here is wtf I said.

Your expectations are to high.

Politics are about getting elected and then trying to stay in power.

There is a reason why Gary Johnson and Ron Paul can not get elected nationally...

I would recommend you some books for the science in why but you would just make fun of me. Originally Posted by WTF
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You got nothin', do you, WPF. Nothin' at all. Typical WPF. All hat, no cattle.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Not much of a hat either...

LexusLover's Avatar
Not much of a hat either...

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Outing people on the board is a violation.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Oops! My bad.