Melissa's NYC Adventures

To whom it may concern, whoever decided to go and bring my thread down to a three star rating from a five star rating I just want you to know you could never steal my joy, or the Joy from this thread, because it was a very positive one...

I am one of the ladies who lets things roll off pretty easy...

Seeking ~P started this thread, for me with a good heart, and whoever decided to be mean spirited I'm just going to tell you God bless you!!

The more you hate, on me, the more I'm going to shine and do amazing awesome things with my life.....


  • A1.
  • 03-14-2018, 02:46 AM
Greedy whores don't deserve all the stars because they too busy counting instead of being appreciative.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Greedy whores don't deserve all the stars because they too busy counting instead of being appreciative. Originally Posted by A1vapor
Your statement makes no sense. Typical.
  • A1.
  • 03-14-2018, 11:12 AM
Another one that can't count her blessings arrives just to push the entitlement agenda.
Don't create a grade star thread in the first place and then complain about getting three stars when you wanted a perfect score. A vane lady is not perfect.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
... A vane lady is not perfect. Originally Posted by A1vapor
Vane. Vain. Vein.


No one is perfect and it’s doubtful the individuals posting on this thread consider themselves as such. I’ve never considered myself without faults and have gone fairly far, wordwise and with my posts, to emphasize such.

Your online stance is exceptionally unappealing. Might wish to reset that vape/vapor of yours, intellectually and otherwise.
#17 - "Cyber Stalking" is a term that refers to the act of following another member around online. This may include persistent PMing of the other party, repeated ISOs about the other party, or excessive bumping of reviews or posting in threads about the other individual, whether it be positive or negative information posted. In any of these cases, whether staff deems that the behavior has crossed the line into cyber-stalking, or the "stalked" party complains to staff about the alleged behavior, staff will take the necessary steps to make it stop. Please avoid becoming involved in this type of conduct.
  • A1.
  • 03-15-2018, 12:23 PM
OP addresses you directly in this thread by username, I would consider that cyberstalking. Hence post 47 Sir.
Thanks for helping