Who can you trust?

More popcorn please

Is her thread/forum private outside Eccie world or is it inside Eccie?
Inside Eccie. She lets you in, gets mad at you for no reason and then kicks you out. If you fight with her she'll post everything, including PMs on her twitter page supposedly. I'm done with this BS but be careful everyone. Or your info will end up all over twitter. I'm out. Goodnight. PS whatever A-Hole just called and woke me up- you suck.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
For the life of me, I'll never understand how so many people who ostensively work for a living have this much fucking time on their hands. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
My thoughts exactly. SMH. People need to get a fucking life!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Any female sticking up for ThatHotMess, it's only a matter of time before she stabs you in the back too and then writes all about it on her twitter page. Give her a few drinks, a few unmentionables and I hear the cray-cray comes out. Be careful ladies. Originally Posted by Jillian Price
You are still new honey... i have no dog in this fight but u may be getting in over your head. Ijs

If he forum is so sucky why do u even care if you got kicked out?

When you repeat these rumours that makes you no better than the person spreading them.

The girls that you are calling friends now are far more dangerous and soon enough u will see that.

You seem like a sweet girl and a lot of my guys speak highly of you. Dont get drug into bullshit by bat shit crazy bitches that love to cause drama.

Sit back and observe a little and you will start to see things for what they really are.
bored@home's Avatar
You are still new honey... i have no dog in this fight but u may be getting in over your head. Ijs
If he forum is so sucky why do u even care if you got kicked out?
When you repeat these rumours that makes you no better than the person spreading them.
The girls that you are calling friends now are far more dangerous and soon enough u will see that.
You seem like a sweet girl and a lot of my guys speak highly of you. Dont get drug into bullshit by bat shit crazy bitches that love to cause drama.
Sit back and observe a little and you will start to see things for what they really are. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Jules pretty much covered all the bases.. Don't know you JP, enjoyed a few of your post so hoping for the best for you.

This pile on ask who can you trust...short answer is no one. That's life, here and real world.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
[QUOTE=Tara Evans;1055484163]
Put it this way. You can't trust anyone. I tried and tried to be THM's friend. I was in her private forum. One day, I no longer had access. I tried to contact her and ask her why. She didn't answer me for days. Finally her reasoning was "I MUST be sharing pictures and info from her private forum with Jarvis & Tara Evans, because I am Jarvis's only non AMP review" like WTF? I told her I had only met Jarvis twice and never talked to Tara and I was just trying to be her friend. She let me back in the forum and then two days later kicked me out with no other explanation and NO response to any PMs I sent. First of all why would I send people pics of other girls?! How would that benefit me? It wouldn't. It would benefit the other girl. Second, I hardly went into her forum. After that happened she began attacking me in the ladies section desperately trying to prove me wrong on a hypothetical situation I expressed. She still has not given me a reason on why she all of a sudden hates me for something I never did. All I tried to do was be her friend and she shit on me. She talks to me like she's better than me. If it's her trying to out people I wouldn't be surprised. She's vindictive and a drama setter. If there's no real drama, she makes it up like in my case. But hey now me and Tara are friends so something good did come from it.[/QUOTE
Thanks Jillan I'm glad that that you and I have become friends out of all of this. Your one call chicka. Love ya Babe Originally Posted by Jillian Price
Since this is a post about trust...can I trust the inference that you two (Tara and JP) will be doing doubles - I want in on that!!!
I've found you can trust many people on here - just not everyone. It is nice when you can find people to trust because it takes away a lot of time wasting transactional costs associated with security, which is needed upfront but is rather cumbersome. I think it goes without saying that I've known Tara for a long time and she is completely honest with me, and always has been.
Y0yoY0's Avatar
There goes Jules being HOT AS FUCK again ()

It seems like a lot of people are taking 2nd/3rd hand info as the truth around here lately. Worst of all, is when the source of the 2nd/3rd hand information is an admitted, celebrated and very proud TROLL. That literally registers as a pile of shit on the "credibility" scale LOL

I have to agree with Kendall, too.

If someone has proof, then show it. Otherwise, the consequence of threads like this, which could easily be based on complete bullshit, isn't that THN won't be asked to the prom. It could affect her business.

Again, that doesn't mean anything but success to the "trolls" (both the ones who acknowledge themselves as such, and otherwise). But, at this point, I think any reasonable person would see this as the same old "stalking" that has probably resulted in staff intervention before.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I love it when you take control and get all fiesty and shit Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
I always knew I could conquer you!!!
TinMan's Avatar
Since security is (and should be) a top concern when seeing a provider or client, I'll share my own first-hand experience and the conclusion I've drawn from it.

I met THN when she lived downtown. Her incall was her home, which is a great leap of faith for a provider. The parking situation was such that unless you were prepared to park offsite and take a hike, THN had to come and let you in to secured parking. That was a great leap of faith on the part of the client.

If she was one to want to gather data and use it, THN had ample opportunity to do that with any or all the men who visited her downtown. I have no reason to believe she did, with me or anyone else.

My impression is that THN has "mama bear" instincts, as I suspect is also true with some (perhaps all) of the women posting here. A certain sense of paranoia is natural and necessary to survive in the hobby, but I wonder if paranoia has gotten the best of some folks, to the point they're seeing boogie men under the bed where there really aren't any.

I don't know, and don't pretend to know, all the "facts". I do know what my experience has been, and this is one lady who hasn't given me reason to fear for my own personal security.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Wooooow. Take a couple of weeks for vacation and find this shit storm just a'brewin when I come back.

Just a couple of pieces of bullshit I found floating around in this thread.

1. You have to be in some "clique" to be invited to the private forum. Complete bullshit! I've never been in ANY clique and got invited.

2. You have to give personal and RW info to be invited. Complete bullshit! Never asked for or gave ANY real world info and I got invited.
You are still new honey... i have no dog in this fight but u may be getting in over your head. Ijs

If he forum is so sucky why do u even care if you got kicked out?

When you repeat these rumours that makes you no better than the person spreading them.

The girls that you are calling friends now are far more dangerous and soon enough u will see that.

You seem like a sweet girl and a lot of my guys speak highly of you. Dont get drug into bullshit by bat shit crazy bitches that love to cause drama.

Sit back and observe a little and you will start to see things for what they really are. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Honey who you calling a bitch? Take a long fucking look at yourself in the mirror Jules before you start some shit with someone that you don't want to. Saying Jp hasent been here very long sweetie you know nothing either. When you were in the aspd days then you can open your mouth and talk like you actually know something.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 06-26-2014, 07:31 AM
Regarding the private forum. When the idea was brought up I simply PM'd THN and said I'd like to be a part of it. THAT WAS IT. I can only speak for myself but nothing more was asked for and nothing more was provided (I may have given my P411 ID but I don't remember...but it wasn't checked).

On the topic of "who can you trust". Well obviously nobody should trust anybody. For fucks sake my wife trusts me and I fuck escorts.

Drive your car to an incall? You've already given up everything needed for anybody to find out everything about you.

All of this other stuff is childish.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Honey who you calling a bitch? Take a long fucking look at yourself in the mirror Jules before you start some shit with someone that you don't want to. Saying Jp hasent been here very long sweetie you know nothing either. When you were in the aspd days then you can open your mouth and talk like you actually know something. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
I dont recall saying any names but if the shoes fits Tara, u know the rest.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Drive your car to an incall? You've already given up everything needed for anybody to find out everything about you.

Originally Posted by L.A.
Not necessarily. Your car could be owned by a nevada corporation (nevada has business that will provide persons to be the corporate officers, so your name doesn't show) , which in turn is 100 % owned by a cayman island corporation, which in turn is owned by you. ijs.... . This is not for tax evasion, but preservation of identity. There is a book on that subject. I'm not saying it is easy... but possible.
Funny Jules I belive you did this morning. Funny if the shoe fits has already been played on this thread. Lol. But good try and come back.