I was banned from chat

threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Damn Smokin, don't bail just because we are bustin your balls for a bit. For the most part it's all in fun. We are a fairly forgiving group, and it's not like you robbed somebody or something. If you want out for your own reasons then by all means do what you think is best for you. But not just because of the chat thing. Besides, sometimes I get a kick out of someone being a little trollish. You just have to learn the limits. Some of them crack me up.

I've seen people do far worse than throw up some poo and pee pics and not get a lifetime ban.
Yeah I'm just going to take a hiatus. I'll prob still get on here to see how I can improve my daty game, make more cum, and find better steak houses from time to time. But you guys are right, I'm not in it for the right reasons. I'm just not interested at this time in the big picture that this site represents. IE: fantasy dates of fucking random beautiful women. I see it now. Thanks!