Prostitution sting in Frisco results in arrests of over 46 men

Ralph Fults's Avatar
Ch8 just confirmed all the mongers showed up to the hotels.

If you’re not in jail, you’re safe.

It’s a good point though by the defendants atty saying these peoples lives are ruined before they are proven guilty. Originally Posted by Bryan5878
I watched channel 8 also. I was very surprised they allowed the attorney to mention the men were fired from their jobs and livers were now ruined, all without a conviction. They thought they were contacting consenting adults.
Ralph Fults's Avatar
Ch8 just confirmed all the mongers showed up to the hotels.

If you’re not in jail, you’re safe.

It’s a good point though by the defendants atty saying these peoples lives are ruined before they are proven guilty. Originally Posted by Bryan5878
Frisco is making a statement by releasing these mugshots in this fashion. They do not do this to any other people arrested. It’s obvious that these guys are guilty but why add insult to injury to these guys? They can’t use the Human Trafficking card on this.

One of the reasons why I got into this was to have a mutual understanding and rewards for two adults, and to have that with a variety of ladies. This will make me pretty much just stay with my regular ladies or very few others that are reviewed by long term & respected guys here.
Sadly, no more looking for hidden gems. Originally Posted by ERWhyNot
Why is it obvious they are guilty?
CD3's Avatar
  • CD3
  • 01-25-2023, 12:34 PM
This is all for show for the Universal Studios big wigs. Why all of a sudden now use frisco upscale hotel? When has any 3.5 to 4 star hotel allowed such a thing? And to allow the cops to say which hotel? Something isn’t right with this…I mean why haven’t they used a dallas Hyatt or Hilton? Seems like you will get more out of the “trafficking”. And furthermore , did the pic they used look like someone who is being trafficked? I’m prob thinking too much about this haha
TinMan's Avatar
The statute increasing the penalty to a felony also has a provision for first time offenders to avoid jail time by accepting probation and counseling. I suspect that will be offered to all these guys, unless they have prior convictions.

It’s already changed my behavior a bit. I was going to try fishing in untested waters last weekend, but decided to wait until this week and saw someone from P411 who I had not seen in years. Will stick to regulars and a few ladies on my TDL whom I know are legit.
Why is it obvious they are guilty? Originally Posted by Ralph Fults
You find an add on-line for sex, you contact them, get rates and maybe services, and then show up with money in hand. I suspect that there are either records of texts exchanged or recorded phone calls as well. I’m not a lawyer but if this isn’t solicitation then what is?
I’m in sales so I can lie like the best of them but how can any of us who pay to play claim that we’re not guilty?
Only difference between us and the guys in the mugshots is that we haven’t been caught; yet. I can only visit ladies I’ve seen before but who’s to say they won’t get busted then flipped to help bust their regulars?
TinMan's Avatar
Perhaps what Ralph is saying is that until the evidence is presented in court, we don’t know for sure they are guilty. It’s possible LE got over their skis and entrapped these guys. I’m usually on the side of LE, but the way this case has been handled (no trafficking involved, publicizing the arrests, calling employers), I hope this time they fucked up.
Perhaps what Ralph is saying is that until the evidence is presented in court, we don’t know for sure they are guilty. It’s possible LE got over their skis and entrapped these guys. I’m usually on the side of LE, but the way this case has been handled (no trafficking involved, publicizing the arrests, calling employers), I hope this time they fucked up. Originally Posted by TinMan
I hear what Ralph is saying but if it walks like a duck…… That said, I know they are not “guilty” until proven in court.
I totally agree with what you are saying. I hope that in all of the ways LE handled this, especially going public the way they did, totally blows up in their face. Contacting employers blows me away.

CD3 made excellent points as well. I never thought about the Universal Studio connection but can see where this would connected to reinforcing a “family friendly” atmosphere.
ahab11's Avatar
Eeeaaahhh courts don’t give a flying fuck about metrics. Haha i dunno what courts you’ve been in lately but there is no way “metrics” mean shit because they know the laws set forth in place are meant to target the minorities all across the board. There’s no way white males could ever “catch up” to other races no matter how many “stings” they do in frisk-ya. No. What the courts care About and will always be its concern is MONEY. Frisco is no exception. Bring a lot of whites “to justice” brings a lot of money to system. Whether it’s disguised as court fees or fines..generally white working class will hire a lawyer. Who In turn will charge a heafty fee(say 5000) which is partly his (lawyers) and other part gets left on the desk of the judge. This is all orchestrated during their golf game and strip club meeting. It’s a win win for all. Lawyer gets paid and good rep for getting case dropped, state gets money bc they know they will pay whatever fines set forth immediately just make it go away, judge gets closer to that third beachfront condo, and suspect stays out of jail… Originally Posted by CD3
Read who orchestrated this Sting. Homeland Security and the reason they did it was so they could offer all the different LE agencies involved OT to work the Operation. To prove my point about targeting white guys the Homeland Security coordinating this all but admits outright they did this in Frisco and Southlake to target White Guys.

They know if they run this operation in the Galleria or around 75 and Park the minority headcount will be predominant. So lets run the sting in predominantly white areas and make the arrest numbers more white. Yes this is about metrics.

Make note of the Hilton Hotel involved in this and if staying at a Hilton negotiate your rate. Grab the Manager when it is busy and say "I hear Hilton is running prostitution stings in the Hotels how do I know I am safe with you luring people to the Hotels to commit a Felony Offense?". "Give me a 50% discount on my nights stay and I will see what happens but are you sure you can guarantee my safety?". "I do not want to get caught up in a shootout should someone pull a gun."

My point is that the Solicitation Laws snare and attack more Minorities and Target Minorities than any other law. Drug laws that made pot a crime were drastically changed because those arrest were heavy Minority. Now smoking and carrying pot on your person is a like a traffic citation which is eventually what Solicitation will be once the data shows arrest are heavy Minority targeting Minorities.

Here's the Double Edge Sword in that Homeland Security said they targeted affluent White area's because they have MONEY but if they did snare those folks yeah they have the 10-15K to take the charge to trial. Guarantee if a Victim of this Sting takes that all the way to trial a DA will drop that charge. They do not want to put on public display details on the Sites used the specifics in the ad and what went into the planning of the places used.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 01-25-2023, 06:44 PM
There's gonna be a bigger hooker presence once universal studios opens up, hookers go where the $ is.....these stings are just to use up the extra federal $. LE knows who's really out there selling and buying,
Mavs fan's Avatar
Off topic but you said "I am in sales so I can lie like the best of them". WTF does that mean? I am in sales and I don't have to lie to get business. I guess you are one of the guys giving us all a bad name. Thanks man! You're no better than the scumbag cops that are using entrapment to get busts.
Here it is Staff Edit
  • nono
  • 01-25-2023, 10:35 PM
anyone on this forum? Which ad was this and from where? Eros? AS?
Read who orchestrated this Sting. Homeland Security and the reason they did it was so they could offer all the different LE agencies involved OT to work the Operation. To prove my point about targeting white guys the Homeland Security coordinating this all but admits outright they did this in Frisco and Southlake to target White Guys.

They know if they run this operation in the Galleria or around 75 and Park the minority headcount will be predominant. So lets run the sting in predominantly white areas and make the arrest numbers more white. Yes this is about metrics.

Make note of the Hilton Hotel involved in this and if staying at a Hilton negotiate your rate. Grab the Manager when it is busy and say "I hear Hilton is running prostitution stings in the Hotels how do I know I am safe with you luring people to the Hotels to commit a Felony Offense?". "Give me a 50% discount on my nights stay and I will see what happens but are you sure you can guarantee my safety?". "I do not want to get caught up in a shootout should someone pull a gun."

My point is that the Solicitation Laws snare and attack more Minorities and Target Minorities than any other law. Drug laws that made pot a crime were drastically changed because those arrest were heavy Minority. Now smoking and carrying pot on your person is a like a traffic citation which is eventually what Solicitation will be once the data shows arrest are heavy Minority targeting Minorities.

Here's the Double Edge Sword in that Homeland Security said they targeted affluent White area's because they have MONEY but if they did snare those folks yeah they have the 10-15K to take the charge to trial. Guarantee if a Victim of this Sting takes that all the way to trial a DA will drop that charge. They do not want to put on public display details on the Sites used the specifics in the ad and what went into the planning of the places used. Originally Posted by ahab11
I know you're super focused on this whole racial component, but 4 out of those 24 men shown there are black dudes. That's like 16% of the arrested men, which is also statistically in line with the national population percentage of black people.

I don't know where you're getting this lightening of pot laws because people thought it disproportionately affected blacks and other monitories, nobody (from any population group that anyone cares about) gave a shit about this. They lightened up the pot related drug laws because it became too ridiculous to try and keep this lie of how dangerous it was going, there's a lot of money to be maid, and it's a popular policy. Ethnicity didn't weigh into that decision even in the slightest.
TinMan's Avatar
@nono: Rubmd was the only site mentioned in any of the news reports I’ve seen, but there may have been others.

@fourormore817: you’re correct wrt the 23 that Frisco PD arrested. That’s unusual, though, based on other large-scale operations publicized by various law enforcement agencies around the state since 9/2021. For example, if you check out the names and mugshots of the “Bungalow 23”, you’ll see that white men are a smaller percentage than these Frisco busts.
Congratulations LE on fucking up some suburban whore mongers lives with a fake ad.

Now that it’s over and you’ve made your big splash tell me, how many trafficking victims did you save?
Next time you should try working the barrio for the cartel grooming gangs. You might even Save some children. You could get lucky and stumble onto some real crime like organ harvesters or a meth lab or god knows what those savages have smuggled over the border while you were sipping your coffee in the lobby, waiting for some slob to answer a fake ad.