It's boring....... Where the heck is some good controversy to sink some teeth in... Come On Tripple Dippers... Adorables....

Leslie Lane's Avatar
All in good fun Nibbles. I hope you start feeling better soon. Peace.
There sure are a lot of twists and turns on this highway!
rrrabbit's Avatar
What controversy might you be in the mood for? I have a better idea of how you can utilize your boring time. No it doesn't involve sex, or strip clubs nor young girls with daddy issues.

Rather there's a family or two down on their luck & in need somewhere in Austin. Or a wounded vet who could use a visit from a kind stranger to his hospital room. How about a visit to a nursing home to put a smile on an elders face who sit alone depressed, ill, just wishing someone would care about them. Or How about putting on an apron and serving up a hot meal for the homeless.

There's many things one can do to make the most of their boring time.
Rather than sitting behind a computer looking for pot stirring controversy.

just a thought...

Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
Way to go, Milf. Your power of suggestion has turned the of Strip Club Hooch into a Red Suited Sleigh Slinger Calling Out "Ho Ho Ho".

Though, for some unexplainable reason, I get the feeling that what he really means when he says "ho ho ho" is that he's looking for triplets to crowd his VIP booth.

Anyone else get the same feeling... ?
Whispers's Avatar
Way to go, Milf. Your power of suggestion has turned the of Strip Club Hooch into a Red Suited Sleigh Slinger Calling Out "Ho Ho Ho".

Though, for some unexplainable reason, I get the feeling that what he really means when he says "ho ho ho" is that he's looking for triplets to crowd his VIP booth.

Anyone else get the same feeling... ? Originally Posted by rrrabbit
You laugh my friend but putting on the Santa Suit gets me a lot of mileage this time of year!
Whispers! DAMMIT!

When I see a jolly old man with twinkling eyes in a red suit and hat, and I feel compelled to sit on his lap, I expect to share my most secret, private Christmas wishes.

I do not expect to be molested!

You scared all of the mothers in the mall, and now the children are all asking why Santa pushed all the kiddies off of his lap and grabbed all the ladies in their "no-no"places.

Shame on you, taking advantage of the Christmas spirit.
Ok.... I don't give a fuck what ANY of ya'll think.... That's funny as hell...... Originally Posted by Whispers
OMG I think I'm becoming a closet LL fan....

Got to give the gal a point for that one. I was kind of looking forward to her review :thumb sup:
Okay, forgive me for straying from the super fun pound puppy vs. Garfield war, and the Bad Santa repertoire, but Whispers, WHAT is a triple dipper? And what is an adorable?
Whispers's Avatar
..... but Whispers, WHAT is a triple dipper? And what is an adorable? Originally Posted by klovve
Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar
Whispers, WHAT is a triple dipper? And what is an adorable? Originally Posted by klovve
Whispers wants to be a triple-dipper, but he can usually only make it through the first 1.5. And I am adorable.
There is so much chaos in co-ed.

I feel like Raoul Duke in Fear&Loathing: Order some golf shoes, otherwise we'll never make it out of this place alive!
eglrdr's Avatar
Okay, forgive me for straying from the super fun pound puppy vs. Garfield war, Originally Posted by klovve
Now THATS funny..

And I am adorable. Originally Posted by Miss Sophie Bella
Yes you are..
eglrdr's Avatar
Ooooo look FINALLY under Kelli...
aw shucks. downtown isn't so far away...
eglrdr's Avatar
aw shucks. downtown isn't so far away... Originally Posted by klovve
Someday darlin, I'll work up the courage to explore downtown...
Ooooo look FINALLY under Kelli... Originally Posted by eglrdr
A fine place to be