The last wasn't in line with the topic of explicit language used in ads, but sadly, your proclivity to use vulgar language and as a weapon, speaks volumes about your character. At least to me. Originally Posted by burkalini
First of all let me acknowledge your wonder use of colors. They can be so calming. I like the little backstory you filled in with my comments. The use of the word inappropriate is great also. I will add that to the list of my self description. let's see. So far I am Vulgar, Stupid, Suspected Kennedy Killer, Therapy Needing Vulgar Price Harasser. I said vulgar twice since you used it about 15 million times. Oh yea proclivity. They say your words are your banner and you pass with flying colors. To mix the use of colors with that word. It makes the hairs on my arm stand up. Please feel free to retort as you have. It's informative and entertaining. Maybe it will keep you from starting another thread about what you can't stand.[/QUOTE]
Now we're gettin' somewhere! Self reflection and admitting negative attributes about ourselves,can only lead to having better experiences for all concerned. Keep working at'll get there! I have hope and You should too! If you prefer blue, I'm happy to respond in blue to you at all times, however, once again, I detected a bit of sarcasm......
Maybe you should add it to the list?
Edit: If you are indicating repetitive use of words bothers you, I'm happy to change those words every time. However, until I continuously pointed out your use of what appears to be your preference for profane words, you were aiming them at me and all those watching in a repetitive manner. Now you're not. Ain't it great! Change is good, and I thank you! Try not to backslide, but I'm happy to point it out again should it occur. I'm just helpful that way, ya know?