Yea IB, lets go and do a covert op and send a platoon to go alongside for protection. Now I KNOW you have absolutely no credibility. You're just an Obama hater.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yea IB, lets go and do a covert op and send a platoon to go alongside for protection. Now I KNOW you have absolutely no credibility. You're just an Obama hater. Originally Posted by txrancher1
A Marine detail providing security for an American ambassador is SOP and not likely to draw attention to a "covert affair", txrancher. What's unusual, and a great deal more suspicious, is an American ambassador in a dangerous location without security.

Further, are you suggesting that Odumbo had a covert "gun running operation" funneling weapons from Libya to Syrian rebels, kinda like Uncle Ronnie's Iran-Contra Affair, txrancher? OMG!!!

That really is "old news", since Geraldo Rivera and Oliver North reported that story months ago, while the lib-retard MSM just ignored Benghazi and hoped it'll go away.

BTW, let's reiterate: it was nothing but Odumbo's inept attempt to appease Islamic militants with an "artificially low" defense posture and Hildabeast's craven lust for political aggrandizement that put Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi -- without necessary and adequate safeguards -- on the anniversary of 9/11.
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  • WTF
  • 08-02-2013, 12:20 PM
You're about as good at speculating what Congress would have done, as you are how juries are going to vote. Originally Posted by LexusLover
3 not guilty, two for manslaughter and one for second degree. Not bad on my part considering there were no AA on the jury!
LexusLover's Avatar
3 not guilty, two for manslaughter and one for second degree. Not bad on my part considering there were no AA on the jury! Originally Posted by WTF
I'll stand by my statement.

You keep your own scorecard for your own ego. And don't sprain your elbow patting yourself.

50-50? Coin toss.
bojulay's Avatar
That's what they are building that big NSA computer for.

So they can try and calculate how much Benghazi will hurt
Hillary's chances to get elected.

ha ha ha ha
When we bring to justice the terrorists who killed 241 marines in the Beirut barracks on Reagan's watch, then maybe we can turn to the victims in Benghazi.

Fair enough?
LexusLover's Avatar
When we bring to justice the terrorists who killed 241 marines in the Beirut barracks on Reagan's watch, then maybe we can turn to the victims in Benghazi.Fair enough? Originally Posted by Bebe Rebozo
No. I think they were blown up the trucks.

Both the French and the U.S. bombed and shelled various targets suspected to have been "the camps."

Reaching back almost 30 years is just an excuse to do nothing.
Wait, so everything is Reagan's fault now?? Dammit, I was just coming to grips with it all being on W's shoulders. All you libtards needs to get on the same page of the playbook, it's exhausting to try and keep up with your excuses for O'Blunder and his miserably failed presidency.
Wait, so everything is Reagan's fault now?? Dammit, I was just coming to grips with it all being on W's shoulders. All you libtards needs to get on the same page of the playbook, it's exhausting to try and keep up with your excuses for O'Blunder and his miserably failed presidency. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
they are to stupid to know any better
Wait, so everything is Reagan's fault now?? Dammit, I was just coming to grips with it all being on W's shoulders. All you libtards needs to get on the same page of the playbook, it's exhausting to try and keep up with your excuses for O'Blunder and his miserably failed presidency. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN

He droned them to death.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I told all of y'all that it was all propaganda from the very beginning.

One of these days some of you will come to understand that we have a government that is out of control. Very precarious times.

An amazing plan to create a fear in the general populace that they will tolerate the lies, misdirection, and fraud perpetrated upon the citizenry. If we dont collect all the data that is available, how can we protect you from the "terrorists"? The cover-ups themselves become more misdirection as the orchestrate another dilemma. I would not be surprised if part of the job of the NSA was to scrub data as well as collect. It is no wonder they want and feel the need to control the internet.
LexusLover's Avatar
I would not be surprised if part of the job of the NSA was to scrub data as well as collect. It is no wonder they want and feel the need to control the internet. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Do you "scrub" your computer from time to time? I call it "sanitizing" ...

....... NSA doesn't say "scrub" .... the NSA "filters" the information as it is "sifted" ...

those are my words.

The equipment is now in place to utilize the technology to manipulate and control the information flowing through the internet pipeline, as well as all electronic communications. To facilitate the data base for intelligence gathering AND medical/psychological/dental/visual information to build and supplement the information "necessary" to implement "Obamacare" it requires centralized input and screening, which is matched with the IRS data base of identifiers.

Here's the bottom line. I go on the IRS website, and have for years, to download information and forms for my business and matters related to my business. I DO NOT have an "account" or screen name and password when I do. The IRS tells me with a list all of the forms and information I have downloaded over the past when I "join" the site. To facilitate connecting the dots all I have to do is complete one of their forms "on line" at their website.

That's been going on for years! ... Not just recently.

Second example: I placed a call to Microsoft recently on a land line about a technical software issue and when THE tech got on the phone he verified with me my email address by reading it to me and asking me if that was my email address. I was not "on line" but had been "on line" on their website through an internet connection via that same land line on which I was calling. He also knew my full name and verified it by addressing me by name.

That's been going on for years! ... Not just recently.

The interesting (sort of) dilemma in all this hoopla is that 40-50 years ago it seemed to be the "liberals" who were screaming for the government to stay out of their business ....

.. now about all we hear is a loud yawn. Because now it is Obaminable doing the snooping!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-03-2013, 04:55 AM
Wait, so everything is Reagan's fault now?? Dammit, I was just coming to grips with it all being on W's shoulders. All you libtards needs to get on the same page of the playbook, it's exhausting to try and keep up with your excuses for O'Blunder and his miserably failed presidency. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
It is no more Obama's fault that Reagan is the point you dumb partisan hack. That is the fucking point you missed. God Damn Bush was supposed to get Osama. He never did and I never saw a thread like this from you right wing loons about it. You no better (or worse) than the folks on the left you bitch about.
LexusLover's Avatar
God Damn Bush was supposed to get Osama. He never did .... . Originally Posted by WTF
Actually, you are factually and historically wrong, again.

And it's not God's fault either ...

... so using his name in a derogatory manner doesn't enhance your 100% incorrect response.

Since I know about these things and you have proven that you do not, the criminal case was filed 1998 and the arrest warrant was filed of record (in June 2000), which in case you have forgotten was when Bush was still Governor.

So, your buddy Clinton DIDN'T GET HIM. Remember the "Sudan"?

And if that "ain't" enough .... here's some more FACTS!

August 1998 ...

"The complaint also details two religious edicts, or "fatwas," issued by bin Laden, one declaring a jihad, or holy war, against Americans in August 1996, another encouraging Muslims to kill Americans "anywhere in the world where they can be found." Odeh, the complaint said, was well aware of the fatwas, and of bin Laden's provocative anti-American press interviews."

Here is the 1998 Grand Jury Indictment against Bin Laden:

It alleges the known evidence against him by the Clinton Administration, which even fired missiles "at OBL"

.. but actually only killed some goats!
Clinton did want to go after OBL but the party of NO put a stop to it.