Republican Playbook/Talking Points

BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-25-2013, 08:51 AM
Yaaawwwwnnnnnnnn! Ho Hum, if it's real (where's the proof?) then what is the big deal? Hell, the democrats invented the playbook and Saul Alinsky perfected it.

Still.... if you want to get into the weeds...what in the book is wrong. Costs go up, True, coverage to people goes down (fewer people covered), True, no transparency, True, no accountability, True, Millions will lose their plans, True, hurts job creation, True, taxes go up, True, you CAN'T keep your plan, True, I really have to say it?

Those are the charges, the rest is just technique to get your message out. The charges are all true! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Is this your namesake?

There was three men come out o' the west their fortunes for to try, And these three men made a solemn vow, John Barleycorn must die,
They ploughed, they sowed, they harrowed him in, throwed clods upon his head, And these three men made a solemn vow, John Barleycorn was dead.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Not sure what you draw your conclusions over. Your reading comprehension seems to be rather weak and your knowledge of current events lacking.
Think about it and then look it up. Even the left wing media reported their desires to delay the full implementation of Obamacare after fighting so hard far it before the public found out just how fucked up it was.

The discussion is about talking pints but I believe you have been distracted by your desire to spew your predictable name calling bullshit.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I love pints, 2pups. A good Black and Tan can be refreshing. Got a great place for pints here in town. $2.75 pints every Tuesday night. They even brew their own.

I love pints, 2pups. A good Black and Tan can be refreshing. Got a great place for pints here in town. $2.75 pints every Tuesday night. They even brew their own.

Deeee-lish! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
^Fucking Idiot^ literally...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
That was JOHN, my nom de guerre is JOSHUA
Obama, Obamacare and this whole administration is like the Common Cold. Aggravating but not at all serious. Just let it run it's course. None of this has any real impact on our lives.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Assup, I thank you once again for pointing out the difficulty I have with correcting my typing mistakes because of my blindness. At least I have enough sense to post about the topic rather than to poke fun at a persons disability. It makes perfect sense to me why you need a government that tells you what you can and cannot do.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Assup, I thank you once again for pointing out the difficulty I have with correcting my typing mistakes because of my blindness. At least I have enough sense to post about the topic rather than to poke fun at a persons disability. It makes perfect sense to me why you need a government that tells you what you can and cannot do. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
+1 Here's the cum-gobbling golem fucktard's new "Fuck You, Assup!" avatar, 2Dogs, feel free to use it whenever you want.

BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-26-2013, 06:25 AM
That was JOHN, my nom de guerre is JOSHUA Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Someone told me the other day that is the Jewish name for Jesus. Are you the religious type?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I thought it was Jaweh.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-26-2013, 10:07 PM
Assup, I thank you once again for pointing out the difficulty I have with correcting my typing mistakes because of my blindness. At least I have enough sense to post about the topic rather than to poke fun at a persons disability. It makes perfect sense to me why you need a government that tells you what you can and cannot do. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
don't blame it your eyes ... you're gay, no reviews..
Guest123018-4's Avatar
What ever you want to think but I will tell you right here and now, you are not my type so stop hitting on me.

I am blessed that I still have some vision. It is difficult to deal with but it is also a constant reminder of my survival and for that I am most grateful and happy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Assup, I thank you once again for pointing out the difficulty I have with correcting my typing mistakes because of my blindness. At least I have enough sense to post about the topic rather than to poke fun at a persons disability. It makes perfect sense to me why you need a government that tells you what you can and cannot do. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

I didn't poke fun at anybody's disability. Certainly wasn't aware of yours. But guess what, asshole. You dish it out, then you gotta take it. If you want special attention, then ask for it. We'll all go easy on you.

Sorry that you can't see. Truly am. Sure doesn't stand in the way of you posting, does it? Or opposing people who support those with disabilities.

That doesn't excuse you for being a dipshit.