Could Obama run a lemonade stand?

LexusLover's Avatar
That is the role, the rub is gaining control of government. That has always been the battle. COG, LL and gnadfly have trouble with that huge fact. Originally Posted by WTF
Speaking for myself, of course, because I don't pretend to speak for others like you do, I have trouble with it ... because it is NOT A FACT ... IT IS YOUR OPINION.

And as you have proven so many times, you OPINION means SQUAT!

So next time you want to post a false statement or your opinion, please don't contribute any knowledge of it to me.
bambino's Avatar
So, back to the original question. Could Obama run a lemonade stand?
If you get COF to get up one of his "polls" it will be 36 - 8 no's..
LexusLover's Avatar
Could Obama run a lemonade stand? Originally Posted by bambino
We'll see.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-19-2013, 11:02 AM
So, back to the original question. Could Obama run a lemonade stand? Originally Posted by bambino

apparently, he beat the republicans in back to back general elections

not as difficult as running a lemonade stand, but .............
bambino's Avatar
apparently, he beat the republicans in back to back general elections

not as difficult as running a lemonade stand, but ............. Originally Posted by CJ7
Yes he did, but it's becoming apparent to most Americans he's lied to get elected. Many Democrats will bite the dust in November. Maybe they will open up lemonade stands.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-19-2013, 11:36 AM
Yes he did, but it's becoming apparent to most Americans he's lied to get elected. Many Democrats will bite the dust in November. Maybe they will open up lemonade stands. Originally Posted by bambino
a politician lied to get elected ... gee, that's profound
bambino's Avatar
a politician lied to get elected ... gee, that's profound Originally Posted by CJ7
Yes they do, but this is the mother of all lies. And continued lies. The republicans unwittingly tried to save OBama from himself. But this catastrophe gave the Republicans the upper hand. It's looking more and more like 2008, only worse for the Dems. If you can't see that coming your a blind zealot. Period!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-19-2013, 12:13 PM
Yes they do, but this is the mother of all lies. And continued lies. The republicans unwittingly tried to save OBama from himself. But this catastrophe gave the Republicans the upper hand. It's looking more and more like 2008, only worse for the Dems. If you can't see that coming your a blind zealot. Period! Originally Posted by bambino

two wars, 12$ billion dollars a month for 10 years, and over 4000 dead soldiers, and you call this the mother of all lies ...


Obama gave phones away too.

next contestant .....
bambino's Avatar

two wars, 12$ billion dollars a month for 10 years, and over 4000 dead soldiers, and you call this the mother of all lies ...


Obama gave phones away too.

next contestant ..... Originally Posted by CJ7
Oh, there another liberal goes again, bring up Bush. ROLMAO. That's all you got uh? How about 9 trillion in new debt since OBama took office? How about where it will end up after he's done? Bengahzi? It was a You Tube video! Have you read any of the polls lately? I'm giving you credit here for understanding simple numbers. I know that's a huge leap of Faith. Stay current, if you want to bash Bush, start a thread and jerk yourself a soda. BTW, how's Afghanistan working out for BO?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-19-2013, 02:47 PM
Oh, there another liberal goes again, bring up Bush. ROLMAO. That's all you got uh? How about 9 trillion in new debt since OBama took office? How about where it will end up after he's done? Bengahzi? It was a You Tube video! Have you read any of the polls lately? I'm giving you credit here for understanding simple numbers. I know that's a huge leap of Faith. Stay current, if you want to bash Bush, start a thread and jerk yourself a soda. BTW, how's Afghanistan working out for BO? Originally Posted by bambino

I didn't mention Bush, you did ... I offered a scenario.

Obie lost me (not that he ever had me) when he ignored the mid east and the economy after his first election, and opted to push his healthcare agenda.

then there's this ..
Misawahawk's Avatar
Lower bonuses, higher commissions.

Do you really think these dumbos in office are going to shut down the insurance companies in this country .... they have passed out too many "exemptions" well over 2500 by now.Even with the anticipated loss of coverage next year of another 50 million policy holders there will still be roughly 250 million people with coverage. The IRS is geared to tromp on the little guys who can't fight the IRS in court. The insurance companies will take off the gloves when the IRS starts auditing them and trying to dink them for their failure to ....

.......... abide by any 80/20 rule and regs. There aren't enough courtrooms to carry the load.

The increased litigation expenses (cost of doing business) will get passed on in the premiums. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I think that Medicare should be extended cradle to grave for all Americans. There should be supplement plans that insurance companies can sell. Apart from that health insurance as we know it now should be abolished. The uber wealthy can pay cash and see the doctor of their choosing. The days of denying coverage for pre existing conditions, cap limits, and high deductible should be over. I have no love for health insurance companies; we do not need them period.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I didn't mention Bush, you did ... I offered a scenario.

Obie lost me (not that he ever had me) when he ignored the mid east and the economy after his first election, and opted to push his healthcare agenda.

then there's this .. Originally Posted by CJ7

Every two or three weeks you trot that Rex Nutting garbage out here and think it'll pass the smell test, CBJ7. It stank when Nutting first lyingly published it, and it still stinks every time you try to pass it off as legitimate. Hence, you're a congenital liar, CBJ7.

Washington Post Debunks Claim That Obama Isn’t a Big Spender
Don Irvine — May 30, 2012

The White House and the mainstream media have been making a big deal out of a recent MarketWatch column by Rex Nutting, who said that one of the biggest lies about President Obama is that he is a reckless spender.

According to Nutting, federal spending under Obama is rising at the slowest pace in over 60 years despite the presence of record high deficits.

That would be great news for Obama if it were true, but as the Washington Post Fact Checker pointed out last week, Nutting’s analysis is deeply flawed.

First of all, there are a few methodological problems with Nutting’s analysis — especially the beginning and the end point.

Nutting basically takes much of 2009 out of Obama’s column, saying it was the “the last [year] of George W. Bush’s presidency.” Of course, with the recession crashing down, that’s when federal spending ramped up. The federal fiscal year starts on Oct. 1, so the 2009 fiscal year accounts for about four months of Bush’s presidency and eight of Obama’s.

In theory, one could claim that the budget was already locked in when Obama took office, but that’s not really the case. Most of the appropriations bills had not been passed, and certainly the stimulus bill was only signed into law after Obama took office.

Nutting acknowledges that Obama is responsible for some 2009 spending but only assigns $140 billion for reasons he does not fully explain. (Update: in an email Nutting says he attributed $120 billion to stimulus spending in 2009, $5 billion for an expansion of children’s health care and $16 billion to an increase in appropriations bills over 2008 levels.)

On the other end of his calculations, Nutting says that Obama plans to spend $3.58 trillion in 2013, citing the Congressional Budget Office budget outlook. But this figure is CBO’s baseline budget, which assumes no laws are changed, so this figure gives Obama credit for automatic spending cuts that he wants to halt.

The correct figure to use is the CBO’s analysis of the president’s 2013 budget, which clocks in at $3.72 trillion.

That may not seem like a big difference but the effect is that, by the Post’s calculations, compound spending by Obama, starting in 2010, is actually 3.3 percent, which is more than double Nutting’s figure of 1.4 percent.

The Post also points out that the numbers are even higher if you look at what Obama has proposed to spend versus the CBO estimates of his spending.

So in every case, the president wanted to spend more money than he ended up getting. Nutting suggests that federal spending flattened under Obama, but another way to look at it is that it flattened at a much higher, post-emergency level — thanks in part to the efforts of lawmakers, not Obama.

Another problem with Nutting’s analysis is that the figures are viewed in isolation. Even 5.5 percent growth would put Obama between Bill Clinton and George W. Bush in terms of spending growth, but that does not take into account either inflation or the relative size of the U.S. economy. At 5.2 percent growth, Obama’s increase in spending would be nearly three times the rate of inflation. Meanwhile, Nutting pegs Ronald Reagan with 8.7 percent growth in his first term — we get 12.5 percent CAGR — but inflation then was running at 6.5 percent.

The claim of Obama’s low spending doesn’t hold up when calculated as a percentage of GDP, according to the Post.

One common way to measure federal spending is to compare it to the size of the overall U.S. economy. That at least puts the level into context, helping account for population growth, inflation and other factors that affect spending. Here’s what the White House’s own budget documents show about spending as a percentage of the U.S. economy (gross domestic product):
• 2008: 20.8 percent

• 2009: 25.2 percent

• 2010: 24.1 percent

• 2011: 24.1 percent

• 2012: 24.3 percent

• 2013: 23.3 percent
Using these figures, the Post says, would mean spending levels under Obama are the highest since the end of World War II, which is completely the opposite of Nutting’s claim.

But that hasn’t stopped the liberals in the media from hailing Nutting’s figures as a way to praise Obama while blasting Romney and the GOP.

One of the worst offenders is Eliot Spitzer, the disgraced former governor of New York and failed CNN host who is now hosting a show on the little seen Current TV.

Spitzer said that the claims that Obama is a big spender are false and that incontrovertible numbers back that up. The same numbers Nutting used.

Using those now largely discredited numbers, Spitzer admitted that the deficits are gargantuan, but said that it’s the Republicans who are at fault with their enormous tax cuts, combined with a recession and two wars that we never planned on paying for.

I guess he has conveniently forgotten about Obama’s $787 billion stimulus package, which failed miserably.

Nutting’s attempt to help Obama by defending his spending record has backfired and left the liberal media and the President with egg over all their faces.
bambino's Avatar
I didn't mention Bush, you did ... I offered a scenario.

Obie lost me (not that he ever had me) when he ignored the mid east and the economy after his first election, and opted to push his healthcare agenda.

then there's this .. Originally Posted by CJ7
Now you talk like Obama. "You didn't mention Bush"? Who were you referring to? And then there's 17 trillion in debt, and growing every second. At least you conceded some of Obamas fuck ups. Hence the title of the thread, Can OB run a lemonade stand? See, I knew you had potential.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-19-2013, 03:10 PM
Now you talk like Obama. "You didn't mention Bush"? Who were you referring to? And then there's 17 trillion in debt, and growing every second. At least you conceded some of Obamas fuck ups. Hence the title of the thread, Can OB run a lemonade stand? Originally Posted by bambino

I wasn't referring to anyone, just a scenario, the mother of scenarios ...17 trillion in debt is a debt total that has grown with every president ... nice try