Dying Vet's letter to Bush and Cheney...

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  • Old-T
  • 06-23-2014, 08:22 PM
Spell check... she's a bitch... wtf

(of an account) not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Yep, IIFFy can't say anything of substance so he focuses on the insignificant--just like himself. Well done IIFFy, pointing out spelling errors probably IS the most complex though your brain can handle.
Yep, IIFFy can't say anything of substance so he focuses on the insignificant--just like himself. Well done IIFFy, pointing out spelling errors probably IS the most complex though your brain can handle. Originally Posted by Old-T

Old-Tyrant ... all butt hurt
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  • Old-T
  • 06-23-2014, 08:29 PM
More IIFFy witicism. More keen intellect on display. You go, IIFFy! You go, girl!
More IIFFy witicism. More keen intellect on display. You go, IIFFy! You go, girl! Originally Posted by Old-T

a witty remark.

Old-T... forgot the T ... LOL
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  • Old-T
  • 06-24-2014, 01:40 AM
IIFFy, a laugh a minute. All of them at his expense.
Doubling down on stupid! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Were you looking in a mirror?

You had already cleared the table when you started a Dipshit of the Year poll and nominated yourself to be a leading contender for the throne.

That is a textbook example of a Dipshit "doubling down on stupid!"
Iffy had one coherent thought once, but he forgot it.
Iffy had one coherent thought once. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
If IIFFY actually had a "coherent thought," it was about the Dipshit (Hanoi COG) who affectionately refers to him as "Sweet Ass."
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-24-2014, 07:00 AM
Spell check... she's a bitch... wtf

(of an account) not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

When did you know an·ec·do·tal was misspelled? When you were looking up its meaning?
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  • WTF
  • 06-24-2014, 07:06 AM

You are living in a dream world.

At least sit on the bench .. or comfortable chair at Barnes and Nobles, quietly. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Dream World.?

I'm not the one cheering on nation building.

I'm not the one cheering on others doing their fighting.

I'm not the one cheering on tax cuts while at war.

I was not the one shitting in my pants after 9/11. Had all you baby girls sat down and rationally thought out a reasoned response, our nation would be ten times better off. It is a shame there aren't more men in this country like Bush Sr instead of like you, gnadfly and Bush Jr. We need more folks that can walk the walk and not just the talk.
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  • WTF
  • 06-24-2014, 07:44 AM
LL, you are taking away one of the tools in WTF The Moronic Buffoon's tiny toolkit. Soon he'll only be left with the "slippery slope", "nuance" and "both parties do it" tools. Unfortunately no one can take away WTF's "poor reading comprehension" and "inability to make logical conclusions" tools. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I logically conclude that you do not like me pointing out your shitty diaper while bitching about everyone else's shitty diapers
I logically conclude that you do not like me pointing out your shitty diaper while bitching about everyone else's shitty diapers Originally Posted by WTF
But, shitty diapers are Turdfly's favorite dessert item!
LexusLover's Avatar
Dream World.? Originally Posted by WTF
Yes. Dream World.

I'm not going to waste my time searching through all of your posts for the last 13 years, but I don't recall seeing one "solution" you have advanced (in a post) to PREVENT 911 and RESPOND to 911.... were you hold up at Barnes and Nobles?

"We' do know what your buddy John Kerry said about:


"Larry King Live: 09/11/2001 Interview on CNN:

"KING: Senator Kerry did your -- did your committee on international operations and terrorism ever actually fear something like this?

"SEN. JOHN KERRY (R), MASSACHUSETTS: Absolutely. Absolutely. But let me join John and I know all my colleagues in just expressing -- I think all of us here in Washington are feeling in very personal ways the loss of what's happened here. I know that I had one friend I know of already on that plane from Boston, and I dread the learning of perhaps others. But for thousands of families tonight, there is just a huge loss, and I think in every American there's a sense -- there's a fury, an intense, burning fury about this and a determination to do what is right about it.

"We have always known this could happen. We've warned about it. We've talked about it. I regret to say, as -- I served on the Intelligence Committee up until last year. I can remember after the bombings of the embassies, after TWA 800, we went through this flurry of activity, talking about it, but not really doing hard work of responding."

It's folks like John Kerry and his current "boss" that our founding fathers had in mind when they crafted the phrase ..

"In God We Trust" ....

Because we sure can't trust you or Kerry and his "boss"!

And now you numbnuts want to elect the wife of the guy who sat on his hands and said he couldn't do anything about it for 8 years and 7 years after the first attempt to knock down the World Trade Center. And if you fast forward to 1996 take a look at the "Gore Commission" on "Airline Safety" report to the "President" (that would be the Husband of the current Want-a-Be). 1996 ..... 5 fucking years before some terrorists took over the flight decks of three airlines and killed almost 4,000 good souls in 45 minutes.

And you whine about Bush and Cheney. Go sit down.
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....while bitching about everyone else's shitty diapers Originally Posted by WTF
If you would get yourself "potty-trained" you wouldn't have dirty diapers for anyone to notice so they can bitch about your dirty diapers. Pointing at others in an attempt to divert attention way from the stench you are creating is a page out of BigTitsLiar's play book ... and it doesn't catch fish or traction.

And now you have him thinking about dirty diapers ... and eating shit.

You all want to talk about anything but current reality.
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  • WTF
  • 06-24-2014, 03:30 PM

And now you have him thinking about dirty diapers ... and eating shit.

You all want to talk about anything but current reality. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Current reality is... you've shit your panties.
