The no honest election 2024

Whoever is moderating this thread should remove this reply, if not the entire account. If anyone thinks there’s a correlation between Socialism, let alone, Marxism and the previous or current Democratic ticket, they’re not qualified to participate in a debate on the subject.
The only Socialism going on in this country is the fortune 500 is being subsidized by the proletariat. Corporate Socialism. Technically, it’s called corporate oligarchy enable to fascism. Which I guess, it’s slightly better than totalitarian despotism most of the people on this thread, or suffering from the illusion of choice. Originally Posted by Daneskold1

Your post is 1000% wrong. The over regulation of business has basically destroyed small business which has destroyed competition and inflates politicians bank accounts. Pretty much all it pushed through by Democrats.
Michael8219's Avatar
”Tim Walz served honorable in the National Guard until he retired and Lied about actually seeing combat duty.

Can you show us at least three seperate (sp) instances he lied about seeing combat?

1. At a 2018 event, Walz claimed his goal was to ban Americans from purchasing "weapons of war that I carried in war," bringing criticism from veterans nationwide because he never fought in combat. Walz served in the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery. In 2003, he was deployed to Vicenza, Italy, to support Operation Enduring Freedom, the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. He was never in Afghanistan and never saw combat there.

On Friday, August 9th, a Harris campaign spokesperson said Walz "misspoke;" neither Harris nor Walz have issued a statement or provided any clarification.

2. Walz also claimed that in 2005, before his unit deployed to Iraq, he retired from the Guard to run for Congress and his rank was command sergeant major. Military records show that Walz finished his service at master sergeant, retiring before he could complete academy requirements to achieve the higher rank.

Responding to criticism of his claims in 2006, Walz said he didn't mislead anyone, retired one year before his battalion was deployed to Iraq, and was proud of his military service.

Navy veteran U.S. Rep. Ronny Jackson, a Republican from North Texas, called Walz a "fraud" and "a lying coward who … was NEVER in harm's way. He never deployed to Iraq. He never deployed to Afghanistan." He said Walz's "'war stories' disgust me and disgust most other veterans thatactually deployed in defense of this country!”

In a series of social media posts, U.S. Rep. Wesley Hunt, R-Houston, an Army combat veteran and West Point graduate, said, "You DON'T have to lie about your service and if you're running for VP you SHOULDN'T be lying about your service. Tim Walz chose NOT to go combat. I deployed to combat. I lost friends and classmates in combat. The veteran community is outraged and for good reason.

"If you did not serve in a combat zone and you claim that you did under any capacity, that's a lie. A slap in the face to all of us who actually did…and those that didn't make it back."

3. Referring to Walz's remarks about AR-15s, Hunt said, "If Tim Walz is claiming that a civilian made AR-15 is a weapon a war then it just proves he's NEVER been to war. I'm so tired of the wordsmiths in the Democrat party gaslighting half the country on guns when they know absolutely NOTHING about them."
Michael8219's Avatar
And for those unsophisticated and uneducated into how multi billion plants can be overregulated or possibly taken over by a democratic government, just look at the cogen (natural gas fired) plants in El Segundo, CA.

Government told them in 2019 to close by 12/31/2020. Then as they made preparations to lay off, close, and dismantle the plants, the state of CA said no keep it running until 2023.

Then in 2023, please extend to 2026. Guess what happens at a business that has been directed to close? You don’t upgrade or invest in plant automation, valves, efficiency, employees, etc. But some folks don’t get it. Or do they? Take it over for nothing maybe?

Think you’re going to get bank loans, working capital, investment dollars when you’re being legislated out of existence? Of course not but some of y’all don’t have a clue what it takes to run a power plant, refinery, or chemical plant. Want to close down a refinery? Then say goodbye to over 6000 products including makeup, plastics, paint, synthetic fertilizers, flooring, Perfume: Cosmetics; Insecticide: Pesticides, Petroleum jelly: Petroleum products; Soap: Consumer products; Vitamins: Essential amino acids; Adhesives & Sealants; Asphalt. Batteries. Chemicals; Fuel: Gasoline, jet fuel, heating oil, and aviation turbine fuel (ATF); Health care: Pills, capsules, disposable syringes, hearing aids, pacemakers, artificial hips, prosthetic limbs, crutches, eyeglasses, and wheelchairs. Asphalt and tar, lubricants, motor oils, and greases.
biomed1's Avatar
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Precious_b's Avatar
Mikey, you only named one incident.

I'm sorry he is not like the person you pledge fealty to. That would mean he would like about it incessantly.

Since you can only bring up one incident, *I* would say it was a slip up. But I understand you if your boy did this, you would turn a blind eye to it.

Hypocrites, keep up the <insert desired adjective here> work.
There are a lot of issues that should make any sane person go we are in deep shit.

This describes medical issues of Biden in a Las Vegas visit that was covered up by everyone.

The Democrats knew Biden wasn't mentally capable of serving as President probably 2 years ago but by sure last quarter of 2023. The Democrats response? Block anyone from running against Biden in a serious challenge. So in effect we have lost any attempt at people at the ballot box deciding anything this election for the Democrats.

If anyone would objectively look at the Jan 6 timeline it would be obvious that security f upped. I don't even think 10,000 people were at the capital steps, and there have been many demonstrations larger than that kept the people out of the capital. The protesters also didn't carry any guns of any type. Yet they instantly got in the Capital building?

Look at the Trump assignation, clearly a total Secret Service Mishandling of the situation.

Anyone that would vote for a Democrat for any House, or Senate, or President this fall is voting for the same type of garbage that elected Castro in Cuba, and Putin and the Hezbollah or Isis would love and their view of Americans as totally stupid would be proven.

A vote for Harris would be Destroying the U.S. as it has been known for the last 100 years. A vote for Trump would be the ability for the U.S. to stand a chance of regaining the rule of law and following the U.S. Constitution. Originally Posted by farmstud60
I'm calling you out. I am insisting that you are a Russian fake ass cyber account silicone chip. I will gladly post my identity with my Missouri ID if you do the same Mr. Omaha. No one as ignorant as the person spouting that absolute bovine fecal matter does so with the correct elements of style that you do. Newsmax and #NewsForDumbFox are right up there with the Daily Caller and Gateway Pundit. Blatant beyond bias completely unreliable and not credible sources. Intentionally so.. That entire train load of horse apples nothing more than Putin fellation tool talking points. Not related to the truth whatsoever. Even coincidentally.

That entire diatribe is word salad dressing nothing of relevance in reality.
Where do you live? Who are you? If you live within an hour of Omaha I live within two hours of you. Let's meet. I'll bring beer and Grill some certified organic Angus steak that I produce. A sincere offer.
"Look at the Trump assignation, clearly a total Secret Service Mishandling of the situation."

Wut? That was a blatant false flag production. An extremely poorly done one, at that. Certainly not at assassination attempt. My God there are 30 things pointing towards my claim.
Of the Following . . . Originally Posted by biomed1
But you're absolutely free to post complete agitprop bullshit. What a fucking joke.
And for those unsophisticated and uneducated into how multi billion plants can be overregulated or possibly taken over by a democratic government, just look at the cogen (natural gas fired) plants in El Segundo, CA.

Government told them in 2019 to close by 12/31/2020. Then as they made preparations to lay off, close, and dismantle the plants, the state of CA said no keep it running until 2023.

Then in 2023, please extend to 2026. Guess what happens at a business that has been directed to close? You don’t upgrade or invest in plant automation, valves, efficiency, employees, etc. But some folks don’t get it. Or do they? Take it over for nothing maybe?

Think you’re going to get bank loans, working capital, investment dollars when you’re being legislated out of existence? Of course not but some of y’all don’t have a clue what it takes to run a power plant, refinery, or chemical plant. Want to close down a refinery? Then say goodbye to over 6000 products including makeup, plastics, paint, synthetic fertilizers, flooring, Perfume: Cosmetics; Insecticide: Pesticides, Petroleum jelly: Petroleum products; Soap: Consumer products; Vitamins: Essential amino acids; Adhesives & Sealants; Asphalt. Batteries. Chemicals; Fuel: Gasoline, jet fuel, heating oil, and aviation turbine fuel (ATF); Health care: Pills, capsules, disposable syringes, hearing aids, pacemakers, artificial hips, prosthetic limbs, crutches, eyeglasses, and wheelchairs. Asphalt and tar, lubricants, motor oils, and greases. Originally Posted by Michael8219

Every single thing you mention can be easily constructed from a different source. They don't have to come from fossil fuel. Just stop. Your industry shill status is transparent.
Your post is 1000% wrong. The over regulation of business has basically destroyed small business which has destroyed competition and inflates politicians bank accounts. Pretty much all it pushed through by Democrats. Originally Posted by farmstud60
There is no regulation. There are legislative mandates that extremely fix the markets and put heavy thumbs on the scale but there certainly isn't any regulation. If you're going to make Sez claimed you must give a specific incident of such, citing a credible source.
Otherwise, it's just random dude on the Internet saying stuff. Really ignorant stuff.

When is destroy small business in this country is the aforementioned market manipulation and antitrust violations creating a situation where mom-and-pop simply cannot compete. Has nothing to do with regulations. You're an embarrassment. Please be quiet.
Michael8219's Avatar
Well let’s hope and pray for an honest election!
Well let’s hope and pray for an honest election! Originally Posted by Michael8219
Instead of doing those rather meaningless activities, I'll just go ahead and vote.

Please remember that if your side loses, that's what God wanted for you. Surely Jesus wouldn't just stand around and let the other side cheat, right? Accept his will.

Michael8219's Avatar
So you're saying if I vote for Kamal and she loses to Trump, that's His will?
So you're saying if I vote for Kamal and she loses to Trump, that's His will? Originally Posted by Michael8219
I'd think for Christians that would be obvious. Vote for Kamala and let's find out.
Michael8219's Avatar
I'd think for Christians that would be obvious. Vote for Kamala and let's find out. Originally Posted by AwesomeAce