NEW Movie Trivia Question

Loki Pk's Avatar
Is it Bandidas ? I tried to watch that movie and just couldn't make it through the first hour. Now if those two were naked MORE ?!?!?! I probably could have endured. But it seemed like a real 'rotten Tomato."

How about a tough one from a very popular movie?

"Don't tell me that you're insults my intelligence and it makes me very angry."

boomer49's Avatar
Sure, it's Bandidas, and how dare you insult that fine piece of Cinema?! (I am embarrassed to admit I have the DVD and have watched it several times. And would buy it on Blu-ray if it were available. I always wear a bib when I watch it.)

Dunno yours. Presumed Innocent was the first that sprang to mind, then the Paul Newman/Sally Field flick whose name escapes me. I'll wait until AB answers it to see the correct answer

Edit -- I have heard the line, it sounds very familiar to me, just can't quite place it. I think it just might be Presumed Innocent.

Edit #2 -- The Verdict is the Paul Newman flick I had in mind, and it definitely isn't that.
Loki Pk's Avatar
Not the Verdict, although THAT is a great movie. I haven't seen it in a long time, but great performance by Newman and that bitch that sold him out. Good stuff.

Presumed Innocent-Wrong again. But is that the one with Harrison Ford and Bonnie Bedellia? Raul Julia is great in that movie as the defense attorney, And the crazy twist at the end? Phenominal !!

Neither is correct. Although, you are right to think you've heard it before. AND your gonna kick yourself when you find out

boomer49's Avatar
You're right on all counts about Presumed Innocent. Personally, I feel it's the best performance Ford ever turned in. And Raul Julia was great, as he always was. And that was quite a twist at the end.

How about a new sub-thread, favorite mind-fucking ending. Mine would be The Sixth Sense.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-13-2013, 04:07 AM
How about a new sub-thread, favorite mind-fucking ending. Mine would be The Sixth Sense. Originally Posted by boomer49
The Others.
Loki Pk's Avatar
How about a tough one from a very popular movie?

"Don't tell me that you're insults my intelligence and it makes me very angry."

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
The Godfather!!!
Michael is talking to "Carlo' about who approached him to sell out 'Sonny'.

Who is gonna come up with a new one?

EnglishGent's Avatar
This one is easy but its still one of my favourites

"What? Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!"
Animal House -- one of my favorite phrases from that movie is "double secret probation!"

New one:

“I think I'll have a large order of prognosis negative.”

Yeah, I like them old movies.
Loki Pk's Avatar
Been a few days. Seems like nobody knows the answer? What is prognosis negative?

speeedracer's Avatar
New one:
“I think I'll have a large order of prognosis negative.” Originally Posted by Greg58
what is Dark 'Victory'.

okay, how about this:

"don’t touch that please, your primitive intellect wouldn’t understand..."

Loki Pk's Avatar
Army of Darkness!!

Hail to the King baby!!
That one and the original 'Evil Dead' - "we're gonna get you... we're gonna get you... I'll swallow your soul! "
Love those cheesy movies!

boomer49's Avatar
"Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?"
Loki Pk's Avatar
'Joey, ever been in a Turkish prison?"


boomer49's Avatar
Nicely done. And don't call me Shirley
boomer49's Avatar
"You aren't too smart, are you? I like that in a man."

Hint -- It's one of my all-time faves. I'm sure that will help a lot

A better (probably too good) hint -- It's not a remake of Double Indemnity, but there are glaring similarities between the two. So much so that the movie in question comes awfully close to downright plagiarism IMO.