Has Houston changed for a provider ?

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Is that even possible? I met her at the poker game and was blown away Originally Posted by spunky
Yes!!! It is definitely possible....
WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-13-2011, 07:00 PM
Wakeup has me on super secret probation. Originally Posted by dearhunter

You'll be done in no time then
Wakeup's Avatar
2+2 does equal 5...from a certain point of view...Dearhunter will be fine with me as his probation officer...
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  • 02-14-2011, 07:25 AM
2+2 does equal 5...from a certain point of view...Dearhunter will be fine with me as his probation officer... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Yes and folks in the nuthouse think the doctors are crazy and newlyweds thinks the fuc'n will never get old

Fine he will be.....but 2+2 will never equal 5. It may appear to for some but that is just a perception problem.

Just like some folks preception of dearhunter think he should be banned forever, the reality is he should never ever be
blowpop's Avatar
Blowpop, no good deed goes unpunished......she totally missed the part where you were trying to help her. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Hopefully she read the entire message; what she choses to do with the information is up to her.
Where are you advertising? Are you a blogger? Do you have a website? Do you keep your photos up to date? I try to retake my photos at least every 3 months. Especially if something changes ( like a new hair style).

With so mch going on in this city constantly, I was wondering if it was time for a new hotspot in Texas. Austin seems to be utr and the guys are way more polite and giving, is it time to give Houston a handicap sticker ?

I was hoping my experience here was going to be something to talk about, but mom said 'If you can't say nothing nice, don't say anything ", so Houston my lips are sealed.

Not 1 call, really Houston ? Originally Posted by JulietteTheIrishShot
I saw your ad and was interested however there was no way I could get to Houston on a work weekend. I thought I check during the next week and see about a road trip. You really didn't give us enouph notice or time once you got here to make plans.
My you've got a temper, yes you are forgiven maybe you'll try again later.
Give us another chance with advance notice, good lookin spunky girls are sexy.
I read the first page..but lost interest and decided to post..

As I am sure has been said..houston is a great city..NO this isn't a threAD since i have no intentions of being there anytime soon..

however houston was the city that really "made me" back in 2004..the interest and reviews etc made houston a regular stop on my tour..almost weekly i was in houston

bad news for the girl..austin ain't gonna get much better..no matter the city..they wanna see girls that either compete with the competition and provide a reason to wanna see them or offer something different thus providing the guy with a reason to see them..no matter the niche one decides to take..you gotta give guys in a city as large as houston a reason.. for the jokesters out there..ya..apparently mine was a fat girl who does kinky shit like take it up the ass at first request or other dirty deeds..ya i get it lol so joke away

but none the less.. you certainly didn't give guys a reason to see you now by bitching about it..if what guys are saying is true and your charging 300 for a cbj..that ain't gonna float.. i don't know to many guys paying that kinda moneyto to many girls..much less ones that suck a dick covered with rubber

just saying.. houston dallas austin san antonio are fine texas towns.. they will make your career as an escort either very profitable or very miserable..

but to arrive on a saturday or whatever day.. its tough..many hobbyiest DON'T hobby on weekends..simply can't.. late notice etc etc.. i would suggest pre booking and making sure you have interest before just popping in

if a girl tours and and isn't successful..thats the market..your market.. telling you you didn't get something right in your business plan.. its not the hobbyiest I.E your customers that need to change..its the person hoping to gain the business of those customers.. simple as that Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
Where are you advertising? Are you a blogger? Do you have a website? Do you keep your photos up to date? I try to retake my photos at least every 3 months(Every 3weeks). Especially if something changes ( like a new hair style). Originally Posted by mikkifine

notanewbie's Avatar

Originally Posted by JulietteTheIrishShot
Once again, why even try and help this one? How you could read anything negative into mikki's post is way beyond me.
Once again, why even try and help this one? How you could read anything negative into mikki's post is way beyond me. Originally Posted by notanewbie

Can this be closed ?

No disrespect to mikki or anybody else, thats what the flag is about, don't read too much into it.
Htowner's Avatar
Nothing negative. She is waving the white flag.

You guys are just relentless sometimes. Let it go.
notanewbie's Avatar
bite me.
Mojojo's Avatar
Closed on OP's request.