Raise the Minimum Wage

I B Hankering's Avatar
Actually, it probably would thanks to Congress blatantly interfering with the free market for decades. With the assistance of lobbyists of course.

Milk prices are only PARTIALLY due to market considerations.

http://www.cato.org/publications/com...an-milk-prices Originally Posted by chefnerd
Are you complaining or rejoicing about the price, chiefnerd? It's a product with a demand, and it's still selling at $4 per gallon. Part of the increased "price" is merely a reflection of inflation. Another, more significant reason for the increase in price lies with the increased costs of fuel and feed grain. Ever since the lib-retard "green agenda" took hold in the grain market, more and more grain is diverted away from stock feed and the for human consumption market. This has increased the demand for grain, and, accordingly, this increased demand has in turn led to an increase in the price of grain. In turn, the increase in the price of grain has increased the cost of meat and dairy products. Plus, increased fuel costs are a factor at every stage: production, harvest and marketing.

BTW, government involvement in regulating milk production wasn't a "congressional" innovation: it was a lib-retard program introduced as part of FDR's "New Deal" agenda. See picture and film below:


rodog44's Avatar
Increasing the federal minimum wage to $9.80 by July 1, 2014, would raise the wages of about 28 million workers, who would receive nearly $40 billion in additional wages over the phase-in period

remind everyone how injecting $40 billion into the economy is a bad thing ... people who need a $1.00 an hour raise will spend that $1.00 on items that keeps them alive, ie, food, clothing, shelter, gas etc Originally Posted by CJ7
The wage increase will be eaten up by price increases. Then they will want another wage increase and another price increase will ocur. A vicious circle. If you think the cost of a big mac would be the same, then you're a damn fool.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-26-2013, 03:11 PM
The wage increase will be eaten up by price increases. Then they will want another wage increase and another price increase will ocur. A vicious circle. If you think the cost of a big mac would be the same, then you're a damn fool. Originally Posted by rodog44
If i told your boss that you don't deserve a raise because i'd then be forced to pay more for his product.....you'd laugh at me.

So i'm laughing at you.
I B Hankering's Avatar
If i told your boss that you don't deserve a raise because i'd then be forced to pay more for his product.....you'd laugh at me.

So i'm laughing at you. Originally Posted by Doove
It's your POV that deserves derision, Doofus, because you obviously fail to see the difference between capitalistic rewards for effort and competency and corrupt, political charlatans pandering to their constituency.
RedLeg505's Avatar
It's called "striking a balance". Now shut up already. Originally Posted by Doove

Ahh, I was wondering how long it would take for the standard LIB response to happen when you pin a lib down on facts. SHUT UP is always their answer.

And just WHERE would that "balance" be struck Doove? At $20/hr? At $30/hr? At $100/hr?

Why this piddly little bump from $7.25 to $10.10 after already bumping it 3 times since 2007? Why not "strike that balance" immediately and just move the minimum wage to the level you folks think is "right" for those poor working folks?

Or is this another case where you don't want to get to specifics so you can keep promising the gullible low information voters a chance to "raise their pay" every election?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-26-2013, 06:59 PM
From your position, it seems quite clear that you don't subscribe to the theory that cutting tax rates increases revenue. So at least we agree on that!

Ahh, I was wondering how long it would take for the standard LIB response to happen when you pin a lib down on facts. SHUT UP is always their answer. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Not quite. I suggest you re-read my post since you didn't catch the answer on your first go-round. Try paying attention next time.

And just WHERE would that "balance" be struck Doove?
Oh, so you did catch on to my answer. I guess you just wanted to whine.

At $20/hr? At $30/hr? At $100/hr?
And since i answered your question, well, you decide to go ahead and change the question. Interesting, that.

Why this piddly little bump from $7.25 to $10.10 after already bumping it 3 times since 2007? Why not "strike that balance" immediately and just move the minimum wage to the level you folks think is "right" for those poor working folks?

Or is this another case where you don't want to get to specifics so you can keep promising the gullible low information voters a chance to "raise their pay" every election?
As to your new question, i have an answer for that too. But before you'll hear it, you need to answer a question of mine.

Since conservatives want to argue that providing a raise to minimum wage workers would only increase prices and harm the economy, doesn't it stand to reason then, that the raises received by the millions and millions of employees who receive one every year only goes towards raising prices and harming the economy....to which, wouldn't it then follow that in the interests of a thriving economy, we should all be denied ever receiving another raise? Ever?

Answer mine, and i'll answer yours.
rodog44's Avatar
If i told your boss that you don't deserve a raise because i'd then be forced to pay more for his product.....you'd laugh at me.

So i'm laughing at you. Originally Posted by Doove
First of all I am the boss, so I understand the cost of labor very well. It is obvious that you dont. I could go into detail and explain why a minimum wage does not work, but what good would it do. You and all the other libs on here will never let yourselves be confused by facts or common sense. Go ahead and laugh. If ignorence is bliss laugh your ass off.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The wage increase will be eaten up by price increases. Then they will want another wage increase and another price increase will ocur. A vicious circle. If you think the cost of a big mac would be the same, then you're a damn fool. Originally Posted by rodog44

First of all I am the boss, so I understand the cost of labor very well. It is obvious that you dont. I could go into detail and explain why a minimum wage does not work, but what good would it do. You and all the other libs on here will never let yourselves be confused by facts or common sense. Go ahead and laugh. If ignorence is bliss laugh your ass off. Originally Posted by rodog44
RedLeg505's Avatar
From your position, it seems quite clear that you don't subscribe to the theory that cutting tax rates increases revenue. So at least we agree on that!

Not quite. I suggest you re-read my post since you didn't catch the answer on your first go-round. Try paying attention next time.

Oh, so you did catch on to my answer. I guess you just wanted to whine.

And since i answered your question, well, you decide to go ahead and change the question. Interesting, that.

As to your new question, i have an answer for that too. But before you'll hear it, you need to answer a question of mine.

Since conservatives want to argue that providing a raise to minimum wage workers would only increase prices and harm the economy, doesn't it stand to reason then, that the raises received by the millions and millions of employees who receive one every year only goes towards raising prices and harming the economy....to which, wouldn't it then follow that in the interests of a thriving economy, we should all be denied ever receiving another raise? Ever?

Answer mine, and i'll answer yours. Originally Posted by Doove
>>"Since conservatives want to argue that providing a raise to minimum wage workers would only increase prices and harm the economy, doesn't it stand to reason then, that the raises received by the millions and millions of employees who receive one every year only goes towards raising prices and harming the economy"

Apples and Oranges. Its the VALUE you bring to the employer that determines your pay. If you don't get better or more productive or more valuable. you don't get a raise, period. Hell.. be bad enough and you don't get a JOB and now you are back on the street looking for that minimum wage job. You DO understand, one hopes, that "minimum wage" is supposed to be the ENTRY POINT. Where people go to get their first job and learn the basics like reporting to work on time, clocking in and out appropriately and learning that they actually *gasp*.. have to do what the boss tells them if they want to keep working. Nice to try and conflate that with ALL OTHER WORKERS and their raises huh? SO I gotta ask.. was A ROD worth his raise? Why didn't A ROD just wait for the next increase in minimum wage to negotiate a pay raise for himself hmmm?

So.. now that I've "answered yours".. I still want to know.. what is the CORRECT "struck balance" for a minimum wage job Doove and why all the dinking around with incremental raises. Why not just slam it up to that "balance" point from the get go hmmmm? I know, I know, I'm asking the tough questions, but in this case its also rhetorical because I know the answer. I just want to see if you are economically literate enough to also know and admit the answer.

Here's a HINT for you in case you need it. Remember... MINIUMUM WAGE is the "ENTRY POINT" to the job market. The goal is to leave that status as quickly as possible via training and effort.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
23550 is the poverty level for a family of four. A man working forty hours per week should be able to at least be at poverty level.
23550/52=452 per week
452/40=11.30 per hour.
Let's make it 12 lousy bucks per hour so he can get a hooker once every other month!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If he goes to indentured (forbidden subject) dens like you, Goyishe Janitor, he can fuck lots of girls who haven't seen sunlight since they were sold into slavery.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If he goes to indentured (forbidden subject) dens like you, Goyishe Janitor, he can fuck lots of girls who haven't seen sunlight since they were sold into slavery. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
How about Randy4Dicks takes your (forbidden subject) and puts it on the end of his dick and shoves it up your ass?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
More gay sex talk from the King of the Homophobes. How many shrinks do you have?

my guess is that you got dumped by your boyfriend in college and turned to fucking indentured servants in order to get back at "the man".
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-27-2013, 04:30 PM
Apples and Oranges. Its the VALUE you bring to the employer that determines your pay. If you don't get better or more productive or more valuable. you don't get a raise, period. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
You really believe that nonsense? I've been working for the better part of 26 years, for 2 different employers. Never once did i not get a yearly raise. Not once. I've got $1000 that says you and pretty near almost everyone in here can say the same thing. Businesses give yearly raises not because the employee's value increases, or because they become more productive, but because, unless they have a bad year, that's what businesses do, period.

You DO understand, one hopes, that "minimum wage" is supposed to be the ENTRY POINT. Where people go to get their first job and learn the basics like reporting to work on time, clocking in and out appropriately and learning that they actually *gasp*.. have to do what the boss tells them if they want to keep working.
More idiocy. Minimum wage jobs aren't meant to "teach" anyone anything. They're meant to pay as little as they can get away with paying. No more, no less. They're a so-called "entry point" not by design, but by necessity. Meaning people have no choice but to move on if they want to actually, you know, be able to buy things.

Nice to try and conflate that with ALL OTHER WORKERS and their raises huh?
And i'd say nice try with your attempt to refute it.....but it wasn't.

SO I gotta ask.. was A ROD worth his raise? Why didn't A ROD just wait for the next increase in minimum wage to negotiate a pay raise for himself hmmm?
Wow, i didn't think your questions could get any dumber.

So.. now that I've "answered yours"
Is that what you consider your response?

.. I still want to know.. what is the CORRECT "struck balance" for a minimum wage job Doove and why all the dinking around with incremental raises.
Index it to inflation. Simple.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Index it to inflation. Simple. Originally Posted by Doove
Wow.. you really believe that stupidity?

Then here's a simple answer.. make minimum wage $100/hr and then index it to inflation, everyone is happy and you can go tell the 16 year olds working at McDonalds they can now get married and raise a family and never worry about finishing school or improving themselves.