November 5, 2019 Elections

  • oeb11
  • 11-10-2019, 07:58 AM
I would disagree about warren and Sanders - their plans are unworkable socialist fantasies.

Bernie spent his honeymoon in soviet russia drinking with the Communist totalitarians - and has made millions in a capistalistic fashion selling communism to foolish Americans.

Warren has Marxist financial advisors - formerly advised French president hollande in socialist/Marxist economic principles - even the French would not tolerate what a wreck they made of the French economy.

I have a different opinion of the DPST Marxist front-runners - they are far more dedicated to the Communist manifesto than to the Constitution and bill of Rights.


Neither leading party is proposing anything reasonable as a constructive improvement on the ACA and its hideous costs and bureaucratic micro-management. Which adds another layer of cost to medical care in America. The ACA does protect those with pre-existing conditions - which is a necessity for includsion in any comprehensive health plan for America.

Again, IMHO

Thanks SR
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I would disagree about warren and Sanders - their plans are unworkable socialist fantasies.

Bernie spent his honeymoon in soviet russia drinking with the Communist totalitarians - and has made millions in a capistalistic fashion selling communism to foolish Americans.

Warren has Marxist financial advisors - formerly advised French president hollande in socialist/Marxist economic principles - even the French would not tolerate what a wreck they made of the French economy.

I have a different opinion of the DPST Marxist front-runners - they are far more dedicated to the Communist manifesto than to the Constitution and bill of Rights.


Neither leading party is proposing anything reasonable as a constructive improvement on the ACA and its hideous costs and bureaucratic micro-management. Which adds another layer of cost to medical care in America. The ACA does protect those with pre-existing conditions - which is a necessity for includsion in any comprehensive health plan for America.

Again, IMHO

Thanks SR Originally Posted by oeb11
Yes, the Medicare for All plans from Warren and Sanders are in all likelihood unworkable. That does not make them Marxists. Nor Communists.

As I've said many times before, political views are a continuum. Not all people left of center are Marxists, socialists, communists, or whatever other negative terms one chooses to use. Just as no all people right of center are fascists, Nazis, xenophobes, racists or whatever other negative terms one chooses to use.

Just for fun I took the following test to see where I came out on the political spectrum.

My results:

"Democratic-leaning and financially comfortable, Opportunity Democrats have liberal attitudes on most issues including the environment, immigration and homosexuality. They stand out from other Democratic groups in their strong belief that hard work is enough for most people to get ahead and for being somewhat less likely to see structural barriers facing blacks and women. They are supportive of U.S. engagement abroad and involvement in global markets."
I was going to take the test but I can't seem to open the link. Can anybody else?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I had no trouble clicking on the link and opening it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I was going to take the test but I can't seem to open the link. Can anybody else? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

link works. may have to reload the page couple of times. had to do that.
  • oeb11
  • 11-11-2019, 07:28 AM
SR- I have no reason to believe that what Sanders and Warren preach is not just the tip of a Socialist totalitarian iceberg they are trying to foist on america. I do not believe nor trust the DPST's any farther than i can throw any of them - which is not far.

The DPST party and DNC is looking to the Progressive -totalitarian future of AOC and her ilk.

They will discard the Constitution for marxist Communist manifesto.

Don't trust them.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
SR- I have no reason to believe that what Sanders and Warren preach is not just the tip of a Socialist totalitarian iceberg they are trying to foist on america. I do not believe nor trust the DPST's any farther than i can throw any of them - which is not far.

The DPST party and DNC is looking to the Progressive -totalitarian future of AOC and her ilk.

They will discard the Constitution for marxist Communist manifesto.

Don't trust them. Originally Posted by oeb11
You could be right. And you could be wrong. I don't believe in what-ifs unless there is solid evidence to point one in that direction. So far there is not any. I would like a more moderate Democrat to represent the party in 2020.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Yes, the Medicare for All plans from Warren and Sanders are in all likelihood unworkable. That does not make them Marxists. Nor Communists.

As I've said many times before, political views are a continuum. Not all people left of center are Marxists, socialists, communists, or whatever other negative terms one chooses to use. Just as no all people right of center are fascists, Nazis, xenophobes, racists or whatever other negative terms one chooses to use.

Just for fun I took the following test to see where I came out on the political spectrum.

My results:

"Democratic-leaning and financially comfortable, Opportunity Democrats have liberal attitudes on most issues including the environment, immigration and homosexuality. They stand out from other Democratic groups in their strong belief that hard work is enough for most people to get ahead and for being somewhat less likely to see structural barriers facing blacks and women. They are supportive of U.S. engagement abroad and involvement in global markets." Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

not a good political test, its biased. its answers are short on substance and choice.

leaves out other independent parties. if you're independent, if forces you to choose which party you lean to.

it has me as country first republican.
  • oeb11
  • 11-11-2019, 09:35 AM
As i have written previously - I think the DNC-DPST would like a Progressive -totalitrian nominee - Warren or sanders, but both are old and not electable. Even the DNC must see that.

I think they will nominate a Biden/bloomberg - unless a H.... coup on ballots after the first ballot occurs. Couple with a firebrand Socialist for VP - and early exit of the elected POTUS due to health - and the DPST's have a plan for a firebrand socialist -totalitarian as POTUS - and unelected.

Time will tell - but it is clear the DNC wants nothing to do with old white males as candidates. Unless super-socialist - as Bernie.
I wouldn't exactly call Medicare for All "Marxist plans". Sanders and Warren, although further to the left than I would prefer, are hardly Marxists.

Other than that, good post. Republicans will take aim at Medicare for All from now until the election. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You wouldn't call it the dreaded "socialist" plan either and as to your"Republicans will take aim at the SOCIALIST Medicare for all plan (any sane person would) don't need to tell us your "political leanings" SPEED you're quite the political slickster
That TDS is eating your ASS.
Chung Tran's Avatar
My results:

"Democratic-leaning and financially comfortable, Opportunity Democrats have liberal attitudes on most issues including the environment, immigration and homosexuality. They stand out from other Democratic groups in their strong belief that hard work is enough for most people to get ahead and for being somewhat less likely to see structural barriers facing blacks and women. They are supportive of U.S. engagement abroad and involvement in global markets." Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
me, too, that was my result. although the Homosexuality part in the text, does not jibe with my answer(s).. I said we should DISCOURAGE it, I don't remember any other associated question.
Shout out to Dilbert. Thanks, I had to reload the page. Well, I took it and it showed I'm a core Conservative.
I had my boyfriend take the test. He came out as a disaffected Democrat. I always suspected that. Thanks Speed. That was a fun test.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
not a good political test, its biased. its answers are short on substance and choice.

leaves out other independent parties. if you're independent, if forces you to choose which party you lean to.

it has me as country first republican. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I don't disagree with you as to its accuracy. I had a tough time answering some questions. It pegged me fairly well though.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You wouldn't call it the dreaded "socialist" plan either and as to your"Republicans will take aim at the SOCIALIST Medicare for all plan (any sane person would) don't need to tell us your "political leanings" SPEED you're quite the political slickster
That TDS is eating your ASS. Originally Posted by bb1961
You should REALLY learn to comprehend what is written.

I have said on multiple occasions in threads on this forum, including this thread, that Medicare for All programs such as those pushed by Warren and Sanders are socialistic. Medicare is not.

BTW. what is your aversion to answering my question?

Do you get it now?