PROVIDERS & HOBBYIST Whats the #1 thing you get complimented on?! Let's keep it real!

Sweet N Little's Avatar
1. Brain
2. My Breast(They call them magical Titties 34 DDD Natural)
3. My Ass
4. My Smile Originally Posted by Andrea Davis
Looking Good Miss Davis You should get comps on those legs as well!!
shorty's Avatar
What legs SNL?? I didn't past the Boobs on Andrea!!
true_whatever's Avatar
That I look "hot" and my DATY skills. While these compliments stroke my ego, I am realistic enough to take them with a grain of salt and realize I'm probably much closer to average.

Although I did have a request to write a mini-DATY guide recently. (by a lady no less!) But that sort of info is available already. It's not like I have any secret tricks...well maybe a couple...
Sweet N Little's Avatar
That I look "hot" and my DATY skills. While these compliments stroke my ego, I am realistic enough to take them with a grain of salt and realize I'm probably much closer to average.

Although I did have a request to write a mini-DATY guide recently. (by a lady no less!) But that sort of info is available already. It's not like I have any secret tricks...well maybe a couple... Originally Posted by true_whatever
mmmummm good to know , that's a HUGE comp if a lady says that. Lucky the girl that gets you
[QUOTE]PROVIDERS & HOBBYIST Whats the #1 thing you get complimented on?! Let's keep it real![QUOTE]

Just my general awesomeness
I get a lot of comments about my legs...mostly in awe of how long they are. I have a 36" inseam

The thing I get complimented on the most is my laugh...

The next is my skin and how soft it is...
ElHombre's Avatar
Hair...Salt and Pepper here!! So push it!!!!
Sense of humor
1- wow you really smell good!!
2- my jaws hurt
3- wow...your size is perfect
4- that thing's really big for a white guy
5- gosh you're strong
6- can we hang out sometime?
1. How at ease I make the guy feel right off the bat
2. My smile
3. My eyes
4. How fun to talk to I am
5. My skin
6. My stomach.

Just a side note: if any of you menfolk have freckles-- you need to list those. I'm a freckle-whore!
^^^^^ do ass freckles count? lol
Abe Normal's Avatar
On my DATY skills. More than once I've been told I eat pussy like a woman !
My personality and my toned body! But, I'm a sucker for an older gentlemen, they are better lovers! Nice and s-l-o-w and knows how to make you say Ohhhhhh!
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
Its always the same and in this exact order
1.My eyes the color and shape of them. I hear it in and out of the hobby(thats why I look you straight in the eye during....
2.MY ASS how soft and round it is,one of my good provider friends told me it's heart shaped,lol I love that.
3.My lips and I have to agree I love my mouth too!
4.My voice that its a sultry,sensual tone. It sounds normal to me but thats what im told.
BTW Dallas your ass is killer!!!
Still Looking's Avatar
My unique sense of humor!
DallasRain's Avatar
Hair...Salt and Pepper here!! So push it!!!!
Sense of humor Originally Posted by ElHombre
mmmmm and you are so freaking sexy too!!!!!! I luv ya!!