A great deal of you will be very happy

auknowho's Avatar

I say stay! Your usually the female who post the most . . . even if they are threAds doesn't bother me any. The last thing we need is this to become a sausage fest. Originally Posted by mojojo213
Mojo there is no haters, atleast not me, it's about principle and nobody asked her to leave! this is her drama for today, she will be back with some Reiki work tomorrow.
  • Booth
  • 02-18-2010, 10:24 PM

I say stay! Your usually the female who post the most . . . even if they are threAds doesn't bother me any. The last thing we need is this to become a sausage fest.

I just think its funny that the same dudes talking shit are the dudes who don't write reviews and just post useless shit. I'd have to side with her on this one before all those with 0 reviews. Now I know some of you are saying "but I used to contribute to this and that site" well welcome to this site now either contribute something useful or stfu. That damn simple. I have mad respect for those who have written reviews regardless if I found them interesting or not, shit I even have respect for those who dont write reviews but never say anything negative. Originally Posted by mojojo213
That's beautiful coming from someone who has written two more reviews than my lamp.
GinaXXX's Avatar
Please note that Sofia's P411 account was revoked a few weeks ago due to extremely alarming behavior on her part, and I STRONGLY recommend that P411 members do not give her their Client Ids.

I have a very bad feeling about all things related to her. So please be careful.... while it's kind of fun to toy with her (like rubber necking at an accident), I think she is a very dangerous individual.

IMO, smart people will stay FAR away from this train wreck. Myself, I'm running away as you read this.

Diabolo's Avatar

I'm not a hater (you just annoy the shit out of me ), but I have to say that you've shown your true colors, hon, and it's best for you to just STFU right away to avoid doing more damage to your business. Many potential clients (and I'm not just talking about the "cheap" ones, as you call them) will surely be put off by the way you've handled yourself lately. Just let it go.

Mojojo's Avatar
That's beautiful coming from someone who has written two more reviews than my lamp. Originally Posted by Booth

and here we see a prime example of those people I was referring to.

Diablo you do bring up a good point, I agree Sophia did overdue it.

As far as this thread im done with it.
Raphael's Avatar
Many potential clients (and I'm not just talking about the "cheap" ones, as you call them) will surely be put off by the way you've handled yourself in this thread Originally Posted by Diabolo
No we wont; and you are not abilitated to speak for us.

I do not understand why this lynching is allowed to proceed.
Mojojo's Avatar
Diabolo's Avatar
No we wont; Originally Posted by Raphael
I'm sorry but did I use the word "all" as part of my comment concerning her potential clients??? Nope. I used the word many.

Reading comprehension FTL.

The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines "many" as follows:

Main Entry: many
Pronunciation: \ˈme-nē\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): more \ˈmȯr\; most \ˈmōst\
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English manig; akin to Old High German manag many, Old Church Slavic mŭnogŭ much
Date: before 12th century
1 : consisting of or amounting to a large but indefinite number <worked for many years>
2 : being one of a large but indefinite number <many a man> <many another student>
as many : the same in number <saw three plays in as many days>

Dictionary.com defines it as:


1. constituting or forming a large number; numerous: many people.
2. noting each one of a large number (usually fol. by a or an): For many a day it rained.

3. a large or considerable number of persons or things: A good many of the beggars were blind.
4. athe many, the greater part of humankind.

5. many persons or things: Many of the beggars were blind. Many were unable to attend.

and you are not abilitated to speak for us. Originally Posted by Raphael
For starters, the word is habilitate.

–verb (used with object)
1. to clothe or dress.
2. to make fit.

–verb (used without object)
3. to become fit.

Secondly, why can't I say so? I was considering using her services (well, the services of one of her girls) a few weeks ago... that is, until I found out how much drama surrounds her actions and also, after receiving good intel from a select few providers (real pro's, not madame-wannabes like her) about her dealings. I may be new here, but I've been a hobbyist for a little more than a decade here in Houston (and I'm in my mid-30's) and for almost 7 years, and just like you, I was a member at the P until it shut down.
auknowho's Avatar
Originally Posted by mojojo213
Mojo still crack me up! read what you wrote?
Wayward's Avatar
Please note that Sofia's P411 account was revoked a few weeks ago due to extremely alarming behavior on her part, and I STRONGLY recommend that P411 members do not give her their Client Ids.

I have a very bad feeling about all things related to her. So please be careful.... while it's kind of fun to toy with her (like rubber necking at an accident), I think she is a very dangerous individual.

IMO, smart people will stay FAR away from this train wreck. Myself, I'm running away as you read this.

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX
A lot of the checker players, might want to read this post again. Gina has been around for a while, is trusted and respected. All kidding aside this is not the kind of thing she would say lightly and for those of you that are not bulletproof like me, ignore this warning at your peril.
auknowho's Avatar
Please note that Sofia's P411 account was revoked a few weeks ago due to extremely alarming behavior on her part, and I STRONGLY recommend that P411 members do not give her their Client Ids.

I have a very bad feeling about all things related to her. So please be careful.... while it's kind of fun to toy with her (like rubber necking at an accident), I think she is a very dangerous individual.

IMO, smart people will stay FAR away from this train wreck. Myself, I'm running away as you read this.

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX
Yes please Read this, She is very straight forward, turstworthy and professional and what she say is in front of you!

A lot of the checker players, might want to read this post again. Gina has been around for a while, is trusted and respected. All kidding aside this is not the kind of thing she would say lightly and for those of you that are not bulletproof like me, ignore this warning at your peril. Originally Posted by Wayward
I don't see the "Queen" or the "King" around now?

Seriously I feel sorry for the girl who work for her! I hope they understand what kind of drama she is putting them through!
It is still not late to fix things but I think some people just don't get it.
I would say stick a fork in Sofia she is Done.
auknowho's Avatar
I would say stick a fork in Sofia she is Done. Originally Posted by texaspapi
No texaspapi!

I think we should think of all the others girl that are somehow connected to her that need to bring food to the table, if we do this than what is the difference between us and other?

Just let it go and ones who can fix should go BCD and resolve without drama.
I called P411 once. They tried to get personal information, my name and work place. Drivers licence even if I recall. They were insistant.

Before any one of you give in to their pressure ponder this:

How many politicians fell and how many athletes and celebrities were exposed and embarassed because they gave personal information to hookers?

How many were blackmailed?

You know which head to think with. Right?

auknowho's Avatar
I called P411 once. They tried to get personal information, my name and work place. Drivers licence even if I recall. They were insistant.

Before any one of you give in to their pressure ponder this:

How many politicians fell and how many athletes and celebrities were exposed and embarassed because they gave personal information to hookers?

How many were blackmailed?

You know which head to think with. Right?

Doh! Originally Posted by The One and Only
Buddy you don't need to give any personal information if you have seen 2 providers who will vouch for you, and you get 6 months free with it, please go and check online or contact GinaXXX.