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Bristal's Avatar
What is confusing about the fact that she does not agree with him?

It seems to me that Bristol and the op are ready to move on..
I believe I'd like to join them. Originally Posted by malwoody
+1 I agree to disagree at this point.
What is confusing about the fact that she does not agree with him?

It seems to me that Bristol and the op are ready to move on..
I believe I'd like to join them. Originally Posted by malwoody
I'm not confused about the fact she doesn't agree with him... I'm confused how she doesn't see this as a NC/NS. None of what has been said changes the fact that she didn't call to cancel and didn't show for the appointment.
Wakeup's Avatar
I think the "time to walk away" comment is ludicrous...she's taking her habit of NC/NS and throwing it in your faces and saying "so what, there's nothing you can do about it because I don't get business from here"...we have a clone of this chick in Houston, named Jemma...
I think the "time to walk away" comment is ludicrous...she's taking her habit of NC/NS and throwing it in your faces and saying "so what, there's nothing you can do about it because I don't get business from here"...we have a clone of this chick in Houston, named Jemma... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Please leave me out of this. First off, I've never been NC/NS EVER thank you very much!!!! Second, Stop comparing me to girls because they are their own person and this girl isn't anything like stop bringing my name into every single thread that is a negative one!!!! This is ridiculous.
bigfatTim's Avatar
Okay, I think I see the confusion here. I do not consider it a nc/NS and he does. Some see the "more to the story" and some read "nc/NS" and bash me. Originally Posted by Bristol
we don't need no stinking bashing, I don't see how you can feel like you are being bashed. I am sure there is a lot more to the underlying story, us hobbyists know that we are not easy to get along with. But what inquiring minds want to know is after the last was there any attempt about communicating the cancel?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Please leave me out of this. First off, I've never been NC/NS EVER thank you very much!!!! Second, Stop comparing me to girls because they are their own person and this girl isn't anything like stop bringing my name into every single thread that is a negative one!!!! This is ridiculous. Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
boardman's Avatar
Wakeup's Avatar
Does she site search her name every day or something? Wasn't she supposed to retire in December?
boardman's Avatar
You reckon she's banging away on the RTM here too and bitching at Fritz?
Does she site search her name every day or something? Wasn't she supposed to retire in December? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I sure as hell do! To make sure jerks like yourself leave me alone. Wasn't the point of my apology thread to stop all the goddamn bashing! I did my part and took responsibility for my actions. You people need to quit holding everything I've done against me! You have no right to keep bad mouthing me! You have NOT seen me so quit trashing me. You know... I put your name on that list, but I'm taking your apology back because you do NOT deserve one! You deserve nothing from me. There's only TWO people on this site that I strongly dislike...and that's YOU and your dumb pal Boardman aka sissy cat lover! AND it's none of your business when I retire. You are no concern of mine to even share that date with you. Grow the hell up and quit bringing me up in every negative thread I'm sick of being treated with no respect from you when I already apologized in the first damn place! Buh bye!!!!!
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 04-23-2012, 02:49 PM
Damn Jemma, you look hot! Wish I had an excuse to visit Houston.
Damn Jemma, you look hot! Wish I had an excuse to visit Houston. Originally Posted by KCJoe
Thank you kind sir!
I'm not sure of the reference as a "clone" buy I think Jemma is definately hotter and seems to repond more
dearhunter's Avatar
Looks can be deceiving......ijs.

So we are agreed.......we take Bristol and Kaylen in exchange for Jemma, Brooke and a TBD.......we have to have a Houston conference to fight over who the TBD is going to be.

Is sending someone from the spider hole an option?
boardman's Avatar
I sure as hell do! To make sure jerks like yourself leave me alone. Wasn't the point of my apology thread to stop all the goddamn bashing! I did my part and took responsibility for my actions. You people need to quit holding everything I've done against me! You have no right to keep bad mouthing me! You have NOT seen me so quit trashing me. You know... I put your name on that list, but I'm taking your apology back because you do NOT deserve one! You deserve nothing from me. There's only TWO people on this site that I strongly dislike...and that's YOU and your dumb pal Boardman aka sissy cat lover! AND it's none of your business when I retire. You are no concern of mine to even share that date with you. Grow the hell up and quit bringing me up in every negative thread I'm sick of being treated with no respect from you when I already apologized in the first damn place! Buh bye!!!!! Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
But you keep doing it over and over again.