Russia is interfering AGAIN in 2020 election to help Donald Trump get a second term, intelligence officials secretly told Congress

Jaxson66's Avatar
Hi j666- still playing the NYT "Racist" card.

Pathetic!! Originally Posted by oeb11
I call a racist a fucking racist, you don’t like it, carry your ass back to your cartoon thread. I suspect cartoons are much easier for you to comprehend.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Trump offered to pardon Julian Assange if he covered up Russian hack of Democratic emails

Quid pro pardon?

An attorney for Julian Assange said Wednesday that President Trump offered to pardon the WikiLeaks founder if he stated publicly that Russia wasn’t the source for his Democratic email dumps — but the claim was quickly denied by the White House and a former Republican congressman allegedly involved in the proposition.

The attorney, Jennifer Robinson, said in a statement that Assange plans to say at a court hearing next week that ex-California Rep. Dana Rohrabacher conveyed the Trump offer to him during a meeting at the Ecuadoran Embassy in London in August 2017.

“On instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr. Assange ... said Russia had nothing to do with the [Democratic National Committee] leaks,” Robinson said in a statement.

Those racist pig fuckers in the Freedom caucus will do anything for their twenty first century Fuhrer. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
thanks for the cartoons oeb11

they obviously hit nerves
It will take a lot of smart blue voters to beat the Putin/twit head ticket. Putin will do his best to keep America stupid. Putin already has the ignorant racist rednecks supporting him to keep America stupid
Clay Media's Avatar
It will take a lot of smart blue voters to beat the Putin/twit head ticket. Putin will do his best to keep America stupid. Putin already has the ignorant racist rednecks supporting him to keep America stupid Originally Posted by Tsmokies
What exactly is Putin's master plan? To nuke America? To take Alaska back?

Looks like CNN is keeping you stupid.
^^^help twit head get elected again^^^ wtf ...I'm just glad I'm not an ignorant....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-21-2020, 10:58 AM
What exactly is Putin's master plan? To nuke America? To take Alaska back?

. Originally Posted by Clay Media
To win back Eastern Europe without firing a shot....
To win back Eastern Europe without firing a shot.... Originally Posted by WTF
that was the plan when obama would only give the eastern europeans blankets

you know, remember?, when under obama, mr. putin took crimea? that was the plan back then

you recall Obama right?, "please tell mr. putin that after my election I have more flexibility" translation, so just wait and i'll do what mr. putin wants

mr. putin since has had to change plans, but I guess you might not have heard
gfejunkie's Avatar
It's really no small wonder that Putin would rather deal with Trump. All the demoncRATS are fucking insane!
So, it’s not my business who he fucks. Only the religious hypocrites really care. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
I thought you liberals applauded homosexual men who weren't people trust a man who takes it up the ass more than a man who likes women.
Her Peas's Avatar
Putin is awesome!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Uh, first, Assange said Russia had nothing to do with WikiLeaks years ago and yeah, Russia "preferred" Trump over Hillary just like half of Americans preferred Trump over Hillary. Hillary wanted to "reset" relations with Russia and so did Trump but the bottom line as testified by Dr. Hill, the main goal of so called Russian interference which wasn't changing any votes but possibly ( not proven ) changing the minds of some idiots who can't tell real news from fake news.

I found this to be an interesting article in the Miami Herald this morning quoting things from the Mueller report that I had never seen published before. It's a long article so I'll highlite what I'm talking about.

Still, much of the Russian aim is similar to its 2016 interference, officials said: search for issues that stir controversy in the United States and use various methods to stoke division.

One of Moscow’s main goals is to undermine confidence in American election systems, intelligence officials have told lawmakers, seeking to sow doubts over close elections and recounts. American officials have said they want to maintain confidence in the country’s voting systems, so confronting those Russian efforts is difficult.

Both Republicans and Democrats asked the intelligence agencies to hand over the underlying material that prompted their conclusion that Russia again is favoring Mr. Trump’s election.

Although the intelligence conclusion that Russia is trying to interfere in the 2020 Democratic primaries is new, in the 2019 report of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, there is a reference to Russian desires to help Mr. Sanders in his presidential primary campaign against Hillary Clinton in 2016. The report quoted internal documents from the Internet Research Agency, a troll factory sponsored by Russian intelligence, in an order to its operatives: “Use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest except for Sanders and Trump — we support them.”

And knowing what we know about Comrade Bernie, who do you suppose Russia would favor between Sanders and Trump?
HedonistForever's Avatar
So, it’s not my business who he fucks. Only the religious hypocrites really care. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

But you sure wanted to make it your business who Trump fucks, right? And since you did care, does that make you a religious hypocrite or just an anti-Trump hater, in other words, just your everyday hypocrite.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Its not a secret if everyone knows about it.
Btw, is it actual interference?
Nope, this is basic international politics, that's been going on for a few thou years.
I'm highly amused that folks get tweaked over this as the US does same to several other countries.
  • oeb11
  • 02-21-2020, 11:54 AM
Trump ha sanctioned many of Putin's hierarchy - and Putin is not happy about Trump's interference in Putin's money machine . Putin is estimated as one of the richest men in the wrld - having taken over many assets from the fall of the USSR.

Foolish fascist DPST's cannot see they are being manipulated - Putin's hand is to get Comrade Bernie (who spent his honeymoon in the USSR drinking vodka and plotting communism) - elected.

as a fellow communist and autocrat - Bernie would mesh nicely with Comrade Putin and Xi - Bernie is cut from the same ideologic cloth.

foolish DPST's

you want to feel a russian /chinese jackBoot on your neck - elect Bernie - He will make the Constitution die.