Do Your Part & Vaccinate Your Children

FatCity's Avatar
given all the vitriol and hate they have received. Originally Posted by SecretE
anyone paying attention??
- guy was given treatment that clearly fucking worked
- doctors are pariah'd for offering something contrary to the GENE THERAPY
  • Tiny
  • 11-14-2021, 07:05 PM
I agree. Joined the TX CARES study shortly after breaking quarantine, as I was almost a pure immunization + infection subject they could study. S-Proteins were still through the roof (not sure how much they actually helped with the infection, if they were that high a level, yet I still had a 10 day battle with the virus), and natural antibodies were above 80 percentile levels. Actually have my 3 month follow-up tomorrow to re-test. I'm curious what those levels will be now.

After I got the shot in April, a few days before it was pulled off the market temporarily, I had bad neuropathic pain down my legs for 2 weeks straight, to the point where I couldn't sleep well. Not sure if it was an overactive immune system, or some other side-effect. I took a baby aspirin, to prevent any blood clotting, as that was a reported side-effect for the general population back then, and the pain eventually subsided. When I contracted COVID in August, I had worsening symptoms (cough, fever around 102F, pulse ox dropping into low 90's, loss of taste and smell) for about 7 days. My antigen test immediate turned positive within 10 seconds (high viral load). Ended up finding out later, after a lot of jumping through hoops with state agencies and the testing lab to get data unmasked on the follow-up PCR test I took, I had contracted a Delta variant (AY.12). Was almost about to go to urgent care, but I got a script for Ivermectin, and within taking the first mega dose, my temp dropped, pulse ox increased back up to 95%, and cough lessened within 2 hours, and I got back a large part of my taste and smell in 4 hours. Within 3 days (and a second mega dose of Ivermectin), I was able to safely break quarantine. I'd say the after-effects of the vaccine concerned me more, but I wouldn't wish either on anyone. Originally Posted by SecretE
Very interesting, thanks. Your side effects with J&J are worse than any of my friends had with Moderna or Pfizer, possibly save one who was one of the 1 in a million who may have died from the vaccine. Glad you got through everything OK. I've thought about getting hold of some human Ivermectin, to use as a a prophylaxis after a night out in the titty bar. It's great that Regeneron is becoming more available, and Pfizer is coming out with the COVID pill, so those are being added to the arsenal of treatments.

It was also interesting that your antigen test turned positive so quickly. I was told by a nurse who gives COVID tests that that's an indication you are indeed infected. I think overall the antigen tests are only about 70% to 75% accurate.
anyone paying attention??
- guy was given treatment that clearly fucking worked
- doctors are pariah'd for offering something contrary to the GENE THERAPY
Originally Posted by FatCity
...and if you dare say it worked, the vaxx cult will tell you it was coincidental or that you are lying. If I was ever called to testify under oath, under penalty of perjury, about my experience, I say the exact same thing I just told you all. Crazy people wanted to take away bullets to use against this damn virus, for the sake of a "scientific argument".
Very interesting, thanks. Your side effects with J&J are worse than any of my friends had with Moderna or Pfizer, possibly save one who was one of the 1 in a million who may have died from the vaccine. Glad you got through everything OK. I've thought about getting hold of some human Ivermectin, to use as a a prophylaxis after a night out in the titty bar. It's great that Regeneron is becoming more available, and Pfizer is coming out with the COVID pill, so those are being added to the arsenal of treatments. Originally Posted by Tiny
I've thought for months that the only way back to somewhat normal is a truly safe, effective, and relatively cheap treatment someone could get with an easy script, or better yet, over the counter. The current generation of COVID vaccines just aren't enough...and I'd use something other than Ivermectin as treatment, if it was readily available and proven safe and effective.

It was also interesting that your antigen test turned positive so quickly. I was told by a nurse who gives COVID tests that that's an indication you are indeed infected. I think overall the antigen tests are only about 70% to 75% accurate. Originally Posted by Tiny
Yeah, that is what I was told as well. Still did the PCR test to confirm, but acted like I was positive, as soon as I saw the double lines on the antigen test.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Your side effects with J&J are worse than any of my friends had with Moderna or Pfizer, possibly save one who was one of the 1 in a million who may have died from the vaccine.
What do you think the chances of that were?
bambino's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 11-15-2021, 07:26 AM
SE - Thank you fo rsharing your clinical experience
Glad you recovered rapidly.

The LSM, democraticommunist party, and their stooge talking Heads - are not practicing physicians
and should stop interfering and making a political 'Obey me or else" agenda of medical care in America.

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Dallas morning news ,,,Deputy s family suing hospital because they refuse to give him Ivermectin Hmm So the great Big pharma and Big medicine would let this guy die for there narrative Think about that

bambino's Avatar
Why would any parent vaccinate their child?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Sorry Hedonist, I should have issued a sarcasm alert. I damn well know the vaccines are a good idea for you and me. That's clear cut. It's not as clear for children. Perhaps it would make more sense for them to gain immunity through infection, if COVID 19 remains common. Or perhaps not. I would however definitely take the advice of the CDC over FatCity et al's recommendations. If a child is to spend time around vulnerable great-grandparents, and other high risk individuals, the case for vaccination (unforced) is strong. Originally Posted by Tiny

And that should be taken into consideration but here in lies the problem as far as I'm concerned. What about a child that has no contact with older family memebers?

It's this "once size fits all" shit that I have a problem with. The government just deciding that it is easier for them to just demand everybody do this without considerations of what might be best for the individual, is a problem for me.
bambino's Avatar
The Pfizer briefing document for vaccination in kids age 5 to 11 admits that their clinical trial was too underpowered to detect myocarditis.

"The number of participants in the current clinical development program is too small to detect any potential risks of myocarditis associated with vaccination."

The clinical trial had 2,268 participants (1518 vaccine recipients and 750 placebo recipients), but many physicians are warning that the rate of myocarditis in children is around 1 out of 5,000.

bambino's Avatar
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-15-2021, 12:03 PM
Dallas morning news ,,,Deputy s family suing hospital because they refuse to give him Ivermectin Hmm So the great Big pharma and Big medicine would let this guy die for there narrative Think about that

Originally Posted by rexdutchman
How about they do not want to get sued.
bambino's Avatar
How about they do not want to get sued. Originally Posted by WTF
Who would sue them? Joey Bribes?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-15-2021, 12:13 PM
Who would sue them? Joey Bribes? Originally Posted by bambino
The fucking family of the dumbass wanting it Einstein.